
North Egypt News

Saturday, February 22, 2025

Jefferson County Parks Committee will meet September 4.

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Jefferson County Parks Committee met Sept. 4.

Here is the agenda provided by the Committee:

1. Call to order

2. Roll call (establish a quorum)

3. Certification of compliance with the Open Meetings Law

4. Approval of the agenda

5. Approval of Park Committee Minutes for August 6, 2018

6. Communications

7. Public Comment (Members of the public who wish to address the Committee on specific agenda items must register their request at this time)

8. Discussion and Possible Action on Repairing the Glacial River Trail South of Fort Atkinson

9. Discussion and Possible action on Historic Sites Preservation Councils Recommendation to Place an Above Ground Vault on the Potters Field Cemetery for Indigent Remains

10. Discussion and Possible Action on Interurban Trail Project

11. Discussion on Barktober Fest 2018

12. Discussion on Dog Dayz of Summer

13. Discussion on 2018 Brew with a View Events

14. Discussion on Glacial Heritage Area Meeting

15. Discussion on Glacial Heritage Area (GHA) –Friends of GHA

16. Discussion on 2018/2019 Parks Department Budget

17. Discussion and Possible Action on Jefferson County Flood Mitigation Management Plan

18. Adjourn
