Akin Community Consolidated School District 91 Board will meet on September 24.
Here is the agenda as provided by the board:
1. Call to Order
2. Roll Call
3. Audience Participation (Limited to 10 minutes total, unless extended by the Board)
4. Executive Session: For the purpose of considering information regarding the appointment, evaluation, performance, employment and/or dismissal of personnel, and student disciplinary actions.
5. Consent Agenda
a. Minutes
b. Bills
c. Treasurer’s Report/Activity Fund
6. Old Business
a. Approval of maternity leave for Abbie Walker
b. Approval of FY’19 District Budget (action required)
7. New Business
a. Adopt seniority lists for 2018-2019
b. Accept Cory Kelley’s Resignation as Scholar Bowl Sponsor
c. Consider accepting Heather Barclay’s request as Scholar Bowl Sponsor
d. Consider accepting Heather Barclay’s request as Scholar Bowl Sponsor
e. Consider adjusting/increasing secretary duties and salary
f. Consider entering into a Co-op Agreement with Thompsonville
8. Superintendent/Principal Reports
9. Other Board Items
10. Upcoming Events
11. Adjournment - Next meeting: October 22, 2018 at 6:00 p.m.