Rome Community Consolidated School District 2 Board met July 17.
Here is the minutes provided by the Board:
1. The Rome Board of Education Meeting of July 17, 2018, was called to order by Vice President Amanda McKee with the roll call at 7:00 p.m.
2. Roll Call:
Melynda Breeze: Present Amanda McKee: Present
John Burkett: Present Wes Schumm: Present
Steve Down: Present Kelly Tinsley: Present
Donna Fally: Present
Note: Members Melynda Breeze, Steve Down, and Wes Schumm were present via telephone speaker to participate in the meeting and vote on agenda items.
Also in attendance were Teachers Allyson Heitmeyer, Ali Tkaczenko, and Katie Wagner, special education 1-to 1 aide candidate Tonya VanMeter, Superintendent Erik Estill, and Recording
Secretary Mary Beth Voss.
3. A motion was made by Kelly Tinsley and seconded by Donna Fally to approve the June 19, 2018, and July 16, 2018 (special), Board Meeting Minutes.
The motion was approved.
4. A motion was made by John Burkett and seconded by Kelly Tinsley to approve the June, 2018, Financial Report as presented.
Vote: Amanda McKee: Yes Wes Schumm: Yes
Donna Fally: Yes John Burkett: Yes
Melynda Breeze: Yes Steve Down: Yes
Kelly Tinsley: Yes
The motion was approved.
5. A motion was made by Donna Fally and seconded by John Burkett to approve the bills in the amount of $158,653.35.
Vote: Melynda Breeze: Yes Donna Fally: Yes
Wes Schumm: Yes Amanda McKee: Yes
Kelly Tinsley: Yes Steve Down: Yes
John Burkett: Yes
The motion was approved.
6. A motion was made by Kelly Tinsley and seconded by Donna Fally to approve the repayment of the Revolving Fund in the amount of $423.32.
Vote: Wes Schumm: Yes Amanda McKee: Yes
Steve Down Yes John Burkett: Yes
Donna Fally: Yes Kelly Tinsley: Yes
Melynda Breeze: Yes
The motion was approved.
7. Recognition from Employees and Public
8. Unfinished Business
9. New Business
a. A motion was made by John Burkett and second by Donna Fally to adjourn to closed session to review the closed session minutes from the last six months (January, 2018, through June 2018) and consider employment, compensation, performance, or potential legal matters.
The motion was approved. Time: 7:04 p.m.
A motion was made by John Burkett and seconded by Kelly Tinsley to return to open session.
The motion was approved. Time: 7:21 p.m.
A motion was made by Donna Fally and seconded by John Burkett to make the closed session minutes of January 16, February 20, March 1, March 20, April 17, and May 15, 2018, available for public inspection.
The motion was approved.
A motion was made by Donna Fally and seconded by Kelly Tinsley to approve the employment of Tonya Van Meter as a 1-to-1 aide for a special education student.
Vote: Kelly Tinsley: Yes John Burkett: Yes
Wes Schumm: Yes Melynda Breeze: Yes
Steve Down: Yes Amanda McKee: Yes
Donna Fally: Yes
The motion was approved.
A motion was made by Kelly Tinsley and seconded by John Burkett to approve the employment of Bill Bousman as the boys’ basketball coach beginning the 2018-2019 school year.
Vote: Amanda McKee: Yes Kelly Tinsley: Yes
Wes Schumm: Yes John Burkett: Yes
Melynda Breeze: Yes Steve Down: Yes
Donna Fally: Yes
The motion was approved.
A motion was made by John Burkett and seconded by Donna Fally to adopt the resolution to employ Sarah Mellott as the principal for the 2018-2019 school year.
Vote: John Burkett: Yes Donna Fally: Yes
Kelly Tinsley: Yes Amanda McKee: Yes
Melynda Breeze: Yes Steve Down: Yes
Wes Schumm: Yes
The motion was approved.
A motion was made by John Burkett and seconded by Kelly Tinsley to authorize the superintendent to post for a 1st grade teacher position.
Vote: Kelly Tinsley: Yes Melynda Breeze: Yes
Steve Down: Yes John Burkett: Yes
Donna Fally: Yes Amanda McKee: Yes
Wes Schumm: Yes
The motion was approved.
Members Melynda Breeze, Steve Down, and Wes Schumm departed the meeting during which they participated via telephone speaker. Time: 7:24 p.m.
b. A motion was made by Kelly Tinsley and seconded by John Burkett to approve a sidewalk easement as described in the “Sidewalk Easement” document provided by David R. Leggans of Howard, Leggans, Piercy, and Howard, LLP, Mt. Vernon, IL.
Vote: Melynda Breeze: Absent Amanda McKee: Yes
John Burkett: Yes Wes Schumm: Absent
Steve Down: Absent Kelly Tinsley: Yes
Donna Fally: Yes
The motion was approved.
c. A motion was made by Donna Fally and seconded by John Burkett to approve the QNS quote for the replacement of 11 desktop computers at a cost of $6,993.14, using Bond proceeds from the Working Cash Fund.
Vote: John Burkett: Yes Steve Down: Absent
Kelly Tinsley: Yes Donna Fally: Yes
Melynda Breeze: Absent Amanda McKee: Yes
Wes Schumm: Absent
The motion was approved.
d. A motion was made by John Burkett and seconded by Donna Fally to approve the quote for the installation of a gravel parking lot from Darin’s Dirt Works, Dix, IL in the amount of $11,640, plus parking standards at $35 each, using Bond proceeds from the Working Cash Fund.
Vote: Kelly Tinsley: Yes Melynda Breeze: Absent
Wes Schumm: Absent Amanda McKee: Yes
John Burkett: Yes Steve Down: Absent
Donna Fally: Yes
The motion was approved.
e. A motion was made by Donna Fally and seconded by Kelly Tinsley to approve the purchase of 50 chairs and 50 desks from Egyptian Workspace Partners, Centralia, IL in the amount of $9,838.
Vote: Wes Schumm: Absent Amanda McKee: Yes
Steve Down: Absent Donna Fally: Yes
John Burkett: Yes Melynda Breeze: Absent
Kelly Tinsley: Yes
The motion was approved.
f. A motion was made by Donna Fally and seconded by John Burkett to approve the permanent transfer of fund from the Working Cash Fund to the Education Fund in the amount of $7,000 and from the Working Cash Fund to the Building Fund in the amount of $23,700, for capital outlay expenses.
Vote: Amanda McKee: Yes Wes Schumm: Absent
Melynda Breeze: Absent Steve Down: Absent
Kelly Tinsley: Yes Donna Fally: Yes
John Burkett: Yes
The motion was approved.
10. Superintendent’s Report
a. Special Thanks to Oliver and Associates
Superintendent Estill extended a special thanks to Oliver and Associates, Mt. Vernon, for their generous donation of $1,000 to our baseball program and $1,000 to our softball program.
The money was deposited in the baseball and softball Activity Funds.
b. Update on Summer Maintenance
Superintendent Estill updated members on the cleaning being done throughout the building and stated the building looks awesome. The floors have been cleaned and waxed, gym bleachers have been cleaned, and the gym floor is finished. He commended the custodian for their hard work in preparing the building for the upcoming school year.
c. Nurse’s Office Complete
Superintendent Estill stated that the counter tops for the nurse’s office finally came in and have been installed on the cabinets. The office is now complete and looks great.
d. Miscellaneous Items
Superintendent Estill told members that the custodians worked hard to clean out the entire garage. There is now room to park vehicles and to possibly make a closed area for the storage of office/bookkeeping records.
11. A motion was made by John Burkett and seconded by Kelly Tinsley to adjourn the meeting at 7:38 p.m.
The motion was approved.