Field Community Consolidated School District 3 Board met Aug. 21.
Here is the minutes provided by the Board:
Members Present: Chester Connaway
Chris Hayes
Rodney Mullinax
Jonathan Schnautz
Jeff Staley
Rob Emery
Members Absent: Mike Coleman
Visitors Present: Shana Williams
Amanda Wheeler
Chris Hayes called the meeting to order at 7:00 PM. Role was taken and a quorum was established.
Mullinax made a motion to approve the consent agenda which includes the minutes, bills, financial report, treasurers monthly report and investments of the previous meeting and bills totaling $75,896.41.
Staley seconded the motion.
Voting for the motion: Connaway, Emery, Hayes, Mullinax, Schnautz, and Staley
Voting against the motion: None
The Superintendent/Principal discussed and reported on the following
1. Building and summer work
2. Meeting with the Architect (possible roof replacement, gym renovation, air conditioning the kitchen, etc.)
No board action was taken.
Emery made a motion to purchase two NEVCO scoreboards at a cost of $7,565.00.
Schnautz seconded the motion.
Voting for the motion: Connaway, Emery, Hayes, Mullinax, Schnautz, and Staley
Voting against the motion: None
Emery made the motion to accept the tentative budget for the 2018-2019 school year and to set a budget hearing for September 18th @ 6:45.
The motion was seconded by Staley.
Voting for the motion: Connaway, Emery, Hayes, Mullinax, Schnautz, and Staley
Voting against the motion: None
Transportation: Bus inspections were discussed. Bus 6 failed inspection but has been repaired and will be re-inspected. Two new buses are expected to arrive in mid-September.
No board action was taken.
Sports: Rules regarding those who are allowed to try-out for cross country were discussed. Students will not be allowed to try-out until they are in 4th grade.
There will be an exception if there are not enough students to field a team.
No board action was taken.
Enrollments for the 2018-2019 school years were reviewed.
No board action was taken.
Meet the teachers will take place on August 27th from 6:30-7:30.
No board action was taken.
Title I and Title II plans were reviewed.
No board action was taken.
Correspondence: Lauren Willis
Public Comment: None
Connaway made the motion to adjourn the meeting at 7:58 PM.
Schnautz seconded the motion.
The motion passed without opposition.
The meeting adjourned at 8:42 PM.