Summersville School District 79 Board met August 21.
Here is the minutes as provided by the board:
1. Call to order
Mr. Tate, President, called the meeting to order at 7:00 PM.
2. Roll Call
Members Present: Jay Tate, President; Derek Sledge, Vice-President; Clint Turner, Secretary; Jeff Steffy; Becky Barbour; Chad Curd; Anthony Fisher
Members Absent: None
Also Present: Mark Zahm, Superintendent
Carolyn Clark, Secretary
Vicki Penrod, Bookkeeper/Treasurer
Visitor’s Present: Murisa Anderson; Amy Johnson; Deanna McCoy;
Kristin Wright; Jennifer Barbian; Sammy McClellan
3. Opening Prayer
Derek Sledge opened the meeting with prayer.
4. Consent Agenda-The following item(s) will be considered for action (consent approval):
A. Minutes of the July 17, 2018, Regular Minutes and closed session minutes; June 19, 2018 Closed Session Minutes and May 15, 2018 Closed Session Minutes.
B. August, 2018 Bills
C. Monthly Financial Report
Motion was made by Mr. Sledge and seconded by Mr. Fisher to approve the consent agenda consisting of the following:
A. Minutes of the July 17, 2018, Regular Minutes and closed session minutes; June 19, 2018 Closed Session Minutes and May 15, 2018 Closed Session Minutes.
B. August, 2018 Bills
C. Monthly Financial Report
Steffy-yes; Tate-yes; Curd-yes; Sledge-yes; Barbour-yes; Turner-yes; Fisher-yes.
5. Recognition of Visitors
Mr. Tate, President, recognized visitors that were present.
6. Old Business
A. South Side Wall Project Update
Mr. Tate, President updated the Board on the South Side Wall Project.
7. Closed Session
A. The appointment, employment, compensation, discipline, performance, or dismissal of specific employees of the public body.
Motion was made by Mr. Curd and seconded by Mr. Turner to go into closed session at 7:08 pm for the appointment, employment, compensation, discipline, performance, or dismissal of specific employees of the public body.
Tate-yes; Steffy-yes; Sledge-yes; Curd-yes; Fisher-yes; Turner-yes; Barbour-yes.
Motion was made by Mr. Fisher seconded by Mr. Sledge to come out of closed session at 8:40 PM. Tate-yes; Turner-yes; Barbour-yes; Steffy-yes; Curd-yes; Sledge-yes; Fisher-yes.
8. New Business
A. 2018-19 Bread Bid (Bimbo Bakeries)
Motion was made by Mr. Steffy and seconded by Mr. Curd to approve the bid received from Bimbo Bakeries for bread products for FY19. Turner-yes; Steffy-yes; Barbour-yes; Tate-yes; Curd-yes; Fisher-yes; Sledge-yes.
B. Consider resignation of certified staff
Motion was made by Mr. Fisher and seconded by Mr. Tate to accept the resignation of Cody Hiller as Physical Ed teacher; Athletic Director and Boys’ Basketball Coach effective immediately. Fisher-yes; Turner-yes; Steffy-yes; Sledge-yes; Tate-yes; Barbour-yes; Curd-yes.
C. Employment
1. Physical Education Teacher
Motion was made by Mr. Steffy and seconded by Mrs. Barbour to approve hiring Matt Griswold as Physical Education Teacher for FY19. Turner-yes; Tate-yes; Sledge-yes; Steffy-yes; Curd-yes; Barbour-yes; Fisher-yes.
2. Director of Athletics
3. Paraprofessionals
4. Boys’ Basketball Coach
Motion was made by Mr. Tate and seconded by Mr. Fisher to hire Rich Glossner as Boys’ Basketball Coach for the FY19 school year. Sledge-abstain; Turner-yes; Curd-yes; Fisheryes; Tate-yes; Steffy-yes; Babrour-yes.
5. Track Coach
D. Consideration of water fountain replacement
Motion was made by Mr. Curd and seconded by Mr. Sledge to approve the purchase of 2 water fountain replacements from Rend Lake Plumbing at a cost of $1,815 and $1,235. Curd-yes; Fisher-yes; Turner-yes; Barbour-yes; Tate-yes; Sledge-yes; Steffyyes.
E. Approve Tentative Budget 2018/19
Motion was made by Mr. Fisher and seconded by Mr. Sledge to approve the 2018/19 Tentative Budget as presented. Fisher-yes; Steffy-yes; Curd-yes; Sledge-yes; Tate-yes; Barbour-yes; Turner-yes.
F. Budget Hearing
Motion was made by Mr. Sledge and seconded by Mrs. Barbour to set the Budget Hearing and move the regular monthly meeting to Tuesday, September 25, 2018 at 7:00 pm in the Board Room. Curd-yes; Fisher-yes; Turner-yes; Barbour-yes; Tate-yes; Steffyyes; Sledge-yes.
9. Superintendent’s Report
A. Superintendent Transition Plan
B. Board Calendar
C. Short and Long term tech plan
D. Enrollment Report
10. Adjournment
Motion was made by Mr. Fisher and seconded by Mr. Sledge at 9:00 pm to adjourn. Steffy-yes; Tate-yes; Barbour-yes; Fisher-yes; Curd-yes. Sledge-yes; Turner-yes.