Summersville School District 79 Board met September 25.
Here is the minutes provided by the board:
1. Call to order
Mr. Tate, President, called the Budget Hearing to order at 7:00 pm.
Roll Call:
Members Present: Jay Tate, President; Derek Sledge, Vice-President; Clint Turner, Secretary; Jeff Steffy; Becky Barbour; Chad Curd
Members Absent: Anthony Fisher
Also Present: Michael Denault, Superintendent
Vicki Penrod, Bookkeeper/Treasurer
Visitor’s Present: Murisa Anderson; Kristin Wright; Monica Maxey
2. Opening Prayer
Derek Sledge opened the meeting with prayer.
3. Discussion and consider approval of 2018-19 District Budget
Motion # 1-
Motion was made by Mr. Sledge and seconded by Mrs. Barbour to approve the 2018-19 District Budget as presented. Curd-yes; Sledge-yes; Steffy-yes; Turner-yes; Barbour-yes; Tate-yes.
4. Adjourn Budget Hearing
Motion # 2-
Motion was made by Mr. Sledge and seconded by Mr. Steffy at 7:13 PM to adjourn Budget Hearing. Steffy-yes; Barbour-yes; Tate-yes; Curd-yes; Turner-yes; Sledge-yes.
5. Call to Order and Roll Call for Regular September Board Meeting
Call To Order:
Mr. Tate, President called the meeting to order at 7:14 pm
Roll Call
Members Present: Jay Tate, President; Derek Sledge, Vice-President; Clint Turner, Secretary; Jeff Steffy; Becky Barbour; Chad Curd
Members Absent: Anthony Fisher
Also Present: Michael Denault, Superintendent
Vicki Penrod, Bookkeeper/Treasurer
Visitor’s Present: Murisa Anderson; Kristin Wright; Monica Maxey
6. Consent Agenda-The following item(s) will be considered for action (consent approval):
A. Minutes of the August 21, 2018, Regular Minutes and closed session minutes.
B. September, 2018 Bills
C. Monthly Financial Report
D. Activity Fund Report
E. Monthly Enrollment Totals
F. Student Discipline Report
Motion # 1-
Motion was made by Mr. Curd and seconded by Mr. Tate to approve the consent agenda consisting of the following items:
A. Minutes of the August 21, 2018, Regular Minutes and closed session minutes.
B. September, 2018 Bills
C. Monthly Financial Report
D. Activity Fund Report
E. Monthly Enrollment Totals
F. Student Discipline Report
Curd-yes; Sledge-yes; Steffy-yes; Turner-yes; Tate-yes; Barbour-yes.
7. Recognition of Visitors
Mr. Tate, President, recognized visitors that were present.
8. Old Business
A. Approve the Employment of Paraprofessionals for the 2018-19 School Year.
1. Melissa Morris
2. Monika Smith
3. Lacey Perrin
4. LeighAnn Kerley (CD Room)
Motion # 2-
Motion was made by Mr. Curd and seconded by Mr. Sledge to hire the following Paraprofessionals for the 2018-19 school year:
1. Melissa Morris
2. Monika Smith
3. Lacey Perrin
4. LeighAnn Kerley (CD Room)
Turner-yes; Tate-yes; Steffy-yes; Barbour-yes; Curd-yes; Sledge-yes.
B. Approve the Employment of Head Boys’ Track Coach for 2018-19.
Motion # 3-
Motion was made by Mr. Steffy and seconded by Mr. Turner to hire Mike Smith as Head Boys’ Track Coach for 2018-19. Sledge-abstain; Barbour-yes; Steffy-yes; Curd-yes; Turner-yes; Tate-yes.
9. Closed Session
A. The appointment, employment, compensation, discipline, performance, or dismissal of specific employees of the public body.
Motion # 4-
Motion was made by Mr. Sledge and seconded by Mr. Tate to go into closed session at 7:20 PM for the appointment, employment, compensation, discipline, performance, or dismissal of specific employees of the public body. Tate-yes; Steffy-yes; Sledge-yes; Curd-yes; Turner-yes; Barbour-yes.
Motion # 5-
Motion was made by Mr. Steffy seconded by Mr. Tate to come out of closed session at 8:10 PM. Tate-yes; Turner-yes; Barbour-yes; Steffy-yes; Curd-yes; Sledge-yes,
10. New Business
A. Review and Approve the FY2018 District Audit
Motion # 6-
Motion was made by Mr. Sledge and seconded by Mr. Tate to approve the FY2018 District Audit as presented. Turner-yes; Steffy-yes; Barbour-yes; Tate-yes; Curd-yes; Sledge-yes.
B. Employment
1. Consider approval of Assistant Boys’ Basketball Coach
Motion # 7-
Motion was made by Mr. Tate and seconded by Mr. Steffy to approve hiring Donnie Johnson as the Assistant Boys’ Basketball Coach for FY19. Turner-yes; Steffy-yes; Sledge-abstain; Tate-yes; Barbour-yes; Curd-yes.
2. Consider approval of volunteer Assistant Basketball Coach and 5th grade coach.
Motion # 8-
Motion was made by Mr. Steffy and seconded by Mr. Turner to approve Nate Mast as a volunteer Assistant Boys’ Basketball Coach and 5th grade coach for FY19. Turner-yes; Sledge-abstain; Tate-yes; Curd-yes; Steffy-yes; Barbour-yes.
C. Consider and approve the 2018-19 Fiscal Year Board Calendar
Motion # 9-
Motion was made by Mr. Sledge and seconded by Mr. Tate to approve the 2018-19 Fiscal Year Board Calendar as presented. Turner-yes; Tate-yes; Sledge-yes; Steffy-yes; Curd-yes; Barbour-yes.
D. Consider the purchase of Hallway mats with School Logo
Motion # 10-
Motion was made by Mr. Tate and seconded by Mrs. Barbour to approve the purchase of 6 Hallway mats with the school logo from NBP at a price of $205.49 each. Curd-yes; Turner-yes; Barbour-yes; Tate-yes; Sledge-yes; Steffy-yes.
E. Consider dates for Board Retreat
The Board set January 26, 2019 as the date for their Board Retreat.
F. Review letter/materials to be included in Board candidate packets and pre-election orientation for New Board candidates.
Mr. Denault, Superintenent, discussed the materials included in the Board Candidate packets.
G. Discussion and consideration of Substitute Teacher and Substitute Paraprofessional pay rate.
Motion # 11-
Motion was made by Mr. Tate and seconded by Mr. Sledge to set the FY19 pay rate for Substitute Teacher to $76.00 including TRS. Curd-yes; Turner-yes; Barbour-yes Tate-yes; Steffy-yes; Sledge-yes.
Motion # 12-
Motion was made by Mr. Sledge and seconded by Mr. Turner to set the FY19 pay rate for substitute Paraprofessional to $9.00 an hour. Barbour-yes; Sledge-yes; Turner-yes; Steffy-yes; Curd-yes; Tate-yes.
H. Discussion regarding moving closed session to the beginning of the meeting.
Discussion was held concerning moving closed session to 6:30 pm on Board Meeting Nights with the regular Board Meeting set for 7:00 pm
I. Superintendent’s Report
1. 2018-19 District Committees
2. Review and discuss estimates from Baysinger Architectural Firm
11. Adjournment
Motion # 13
Motion was made by Mr. Sledge and seconded by Mrs. Barbour at 9:09 pm to adjourn. Steffy-yes; Tate-yes; Barbour-yes; Curd-yes. Sledge-yes; Turner-yes.