Akin Community Consolidated School District 91 Board met Dec. 17.
Here is the agenda provided by the board:
1. Call to Order
2. Roll Call
3. Audience Participation (Limited to 10 minutes total, unless extended by the Board)
4. Executive Session: For the purpose of considering information regarding the appointment, evaluation, performance, employment and/or dismissal of personnel, and student disciplinary actions.
5. Consent Agenda
a. Minutes
b. Bills
c. Treasurer’s Report/Activity Fund
6. Old Business
a. None
7. New Business
a. 2018 Tax Levy Hearing.
b. Adopt Property Tax Levy in Franklin/Hamilton County for 2018
c. Approve 10 Year Health/Life Safety Survey
d. Accept Mr. Robinson’s resignation as title aide and janitor
e. Accept Mrs. Williford’s resignation as assistant volleyball coach
f. Assistant volleyball coach
g. RtI/Title I aide
h. Part/time janitor
8. Superintendent/Principal Reports
9. Other Board Items
10. Upcoming Events
January 28, 2019 at 6:00 p.m.