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Sunday, February 23, 2025

City of Orient City Council met November 12

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City of Orient City Council met Nov. 12.

Here is the minutes provided by the council:

The Public Hearing of the Orient City Council was called to order by Mayor Loretta Umbenhower November 12, 2018 at 6:00 PM at Orient City Hall. The following council members answered roll call: Gary Metzger, Jim Sitzman, Shawn Subbert, and Matt Swanson Justin Boswell was absent. Also present, Della Kramer, City Clerk and City Attorney, David Grapentine.

Motion made by Sitzman, 2nd by Subbert to approve the Resolution 2018-11, increasing the fire department budget, due to purchasing communication equipment for the fire department. Roll call all ayes. Resolution 2018-11 passed. Motion made by Swanson, 2nd by Subbert to close the Public Hearing. All ayes.


The regular meeting of the Orient City Council was called to order by Mayor Umbenhower. Roll call taken with council members Gary Metzger, Jim Sitzman, Shawn Subbert and Matt Swanson present. Justin Boswell was absent. Motion made by Sitzman 2nd by Metzger to approve the paying of bills and to amend the minutes of the October 8, 2018 meeting to read: As per the 28E Agreement between the City of Orient Volunteer Fire Department, The City of Orient provides communication equipment due to no tax dollars received by the Orient Volunteer Fire Department from the City of Orient residents. Therefore; the City of Orient is to provide the Fire Department the communications that they need, this included the updated repeaters. The grant money is still in the City of Orient’s account. The budget is being amended to make up for the spending money on the repeaters that was not budgeted for. The Jaws of Life money is going to be paid out to the Fire Trustees.

Motion made by Sitzman, 2nd by Metzger to approve the Master Agreement for a combined school and public library. All voting aye, motion carried.

Motion made by Sitzman 2nd by Subbert to approve the Annual Financial Report for publication in the Adair County Free Press. All voting aye motion carried.

Motion made by Swanson 2nd by Subbert to write check to Orient Public Resource Technology Center Library for $250.00. The check was from Wellmark Foundation made out to the City of Orient. The Wellmark Foundation matches personal contributions and converts volunteer hours into dollars. Employees are then able to direct their converted volunteer time dollars to nonprofit organizations of their choice. Jena (Hansen) Dykstra picked the Orient Library to receive her dollars. All voting aye motion carried.

Motion made by Sitzman 2nd by Metzger to accept Resolution #2018-12 A Resolution to start processing on line and over the phone payments. A transaction fee will be added to cover the City of Orient expense. Roll Call: Metzger, Sitzman, Subbert, and Swanson. Boswell absent. All voting aye. Resolution 2018-12 passed. Motion made by Sitzman, 2nd by Subbert to adjourn the meeting.
