Rome Community Consolidated School District 2 Board met January 15.
Here is the minutes as provided by the board:
1. The Rome Board of Education Meeting of January 15, 2019, was called to order by President Down with the roll call at 7:00 p.m.
2. Roll Call:
Melynda Breeze: Present
John Burkett: Present
Steve Down: Present
Donna Fally: Absent
Amanda McKee: Present
Wes Schumm: Present
Kelly Tinsley: Present
Also in attendance were Parents Clint and Kelley Taylor and Christy Simpson, School Board Candidate Aaron Woodrome, Teachers Lori Decker, Abby Hawkins, and Ali Tkaczenko, Superintendent Erik Estill, and Recording Secretary Mary Beth Voss.
3. A motion was made by Amanda McKee and seconded by Melynda Breeze to approve the December 18, 2018, Board Meeting Minutes.
The motion was approved.
4. A motion was made by John Burkett and seconded by Kelly Tinsley to approve the Financial Report as presented.
Vote: Amanda McKee: Yes Wes Schumm: Yes
Donna Fally: Absent John Burkett: Yes
Melynda Breeze: Yes Steve Down: Yes
Kelly Tinsley: Yes
The motion was approved.
5. A motion was made by Kelly Tinsley and seconded by Wes Schumm to approve the bills in the amount of $49,580.83.
Vote: Melynda Breeze: Yes Donna Fally: Absent
Wes Schumm: Yes Amanda McKee: Yes
Kelly Tinsley: Yes Steve Down: Yes
John Burkett: Yes
The motion was approved.
6. A motion was made by Amanda McKee and seconded by John Burkett to approve the repayment of the Revolving Fund in the amount of $1,285.17.
Vote: Wes Schumm: Yes Amanda McKee: Yes
Steve Down: Yes John Burkett: Yes
Donna Fally: Absent Kelly Tinsley: Yes
Melynda Breeze: Yes
The motion was approved.
7. Recognition and Comments from Employees and Public
Clint and Kelley Taylor addressed the board and stated their concern about their son being hit and punched by another student. They expressed their dissatisfaction over student discipline and punishment and requested that the board review policy on suspension. They asked that the board consider making changes to allow for suspension of students for first offenses. Mr. and Mrs. Taylor will have the opportunity to further their discussion with the board during closed session.
Parent Christy Simpson addressed the board over her concern about discipline and the suspension of students. She stated that she is an employee of Mt. Vernon High School where a zero tolerance policy is in place and she feels that Rome should do the same. Mrs. Simpson further stated that she has concerns about the reputation of Rome School, having heard many negative comments lately, including students leaving the district due to parent dissatisfaction, and she told board members that they need to look closely at academics, athletics, and discipline. She feels there are problems in each of these areas.
8. Unfinished Business
9. New Business
a. A motion was made by Melynda Breeze and seconded by John Burkett to adjourn to closed session to review the closed session minutes from the last six months (July, 2018, through December, 2018), discuss the superintendent’s evaluation process, and student discipline.
The motion was approved. Time: 7:16 p.m.
A motion was made by Amanda McKee and seconded by Kelly Tinsley to return to open session.
The motion was approved. Time: 8:38 p.m.
b. A motion was made by Melynda Breeze and seconded by John Burkett to approve the closed session minutes of July 17, 2018, July 16, 2018, August 7, 2018, September 6, 2018, September 19, 2018, October 16, 2018, and December 18, 2018, and make them available for public inspection.
The motion was approved.
c. A motion was made by Amanda McKee and seconded by Kelly Tinsley to approve the destruction of the July 1, 2016, through June 30, 2017, closed meeting audio sessions.
The motion was approved.
d. A motion was made by Wes Schumm and seconded by John Burkett to approve the 2018-2019 Superintendent’s Goals as presented.
The motion was approved.
e. A motion was made by Amanda McKee and seconded by Melynda Breeze to approve the Superintendent’s Evaluation Tool with changes as discussed in closed session.
The motion was approved.
f. A motion was made by Kelly Tinsley and seconded by Amanda McKee to approve an AmeriCorps Partnership Agreement with Rend Lake College to include two (2) students for the 2019-2020 school year at a cost of $6,000.00
Vote: Kelly Tinsley: Yes John Burkett: Yes
Wes Schumm Yes Melynda Breeze: Yes
Steve Down: Yes Amanda McKee: Yes
Donna Fally: Absent
The motion was approved.
g. Superintendent Estill reviewed the preliminary 2019-2020 School Calendar. He stated the calendar is basically aligned with Mt. Vernon High School with Rome beginning one day earlier and attending an addition half day. Consideration is being given to a change in Parent/Teacher Conferences. Estill informed members that, beginning with the 2019-2020 school year, there is no minimum number of hours that students must attend to be counted as a full attendance day although it’s possible that may change. Schools are still required to have 176 student attendance days built in the School Calendar. Board members will be asked to approve a final calendar at the February board meeting.
h. Superintendent Estill reviewed recommended revisions to Board Policy 2:260 (Uniform Grievance Procedures) and Board Policy 7:20 (Harassment of Students Prohibited). Estill will seek board approval for the policy revisions at the February board meeting.
10. Superintendent’s Report
a. Mid-Year Budget to Expense Report
Superintendent Estill shared a Mid-Year Budget to Expense report with members and stated the district is on track with the budget to date.
b. Schweinfurth Grant
Superintendent Estill reminded members of the grant written to secure funds for our music department. The grant money was received and orchestra equipment was purchased. He stated that another grant will be written for next year in hopes to receive funding to purchase drumline and percussion equipment. He commended Alyson Morris, music/band instructor, for her work in pursuing this grant.
b. Student and Staff Recognition
Superintendent Estill commended Celeste Brumbaugh, Food Manager, for receiving a perfect score of 100% on the recent health inspection performed in the kitchen. He congratulated the 2nd quarter honor roll students on doing a great job. Estill commended Mrs. Decker and Mrs. Hawkins for their work on securing a Touchtone Energy Grant which is being used to improve math fluency. He informed the board that I-Ready testing results showed significant growth in both math and reading and he is pleased with the strides students are making in these subjects.
c. Miscellaneous Items
11. A motion was made by Wes Schumm and seconded by Amanda McKee to adjourn the meeting at 8:20 p.m.
The motion was approved.