Mt. Vernon City Council met March 4.
Here is the minutes provided by the council:
The Mt. Vernon City Council held a Regular City Council Meeting on Monday, March 4, 2019 at the Rolland W. Lewis Community Building, Veterans Park, 800 South 27th Street, Mt. Vernon, Illinois.
Mayor John Lewis called the meeting to order at 7:00 pm.
Reverend Don Bigham of the Jefferson County Ministerial Alliance gave the Invocation.
The Pledge of Allegiance was recited.
Roll call showed present: Council Member Donte Moore, Council Member Jim Rippy, Council Member Mike Young, and Mayor John Lewis. Absent: Council Member Jeff May.
The Journal for the February 19, 2019 Regular City Council Meeting was presented for approval.
Council Member Donte Moore motioned to approve the Journal as presented. Seconded by Council Member Mike Young. Yeas: Moore, Rippy, Young, and Lewis. Absent: May.
No comments were heard.
The Consolidated Vouchers for Accounts Payable were presented to Council for approval. Council Member Jim Rippy asked the reason for the $832.50 payment to Board of Trustees of Southern Illinois University for the February installment. City Manager Mary Ellen Bechtel will look up the reason and advise everyone.
Council Member Mike Young motioned to approve the Consolidated Vouchers for Accounts Payable in the amount of $854,111.78. Seconded by Council Member Jim Rippy. Yeas: Moore, Rippy, Young, and Lewis. Absent: May.
City Manager Mary Ellen Bechtel presented the quotes received for the purchase of 100 new lounge chairs for the Aquatic Zoo. The quotes are for chairs which match the current chairs in color and size. Three quotes were received:
Contract Furnishings International Inc. $22,265.00
Furniture Leisure Commercial Site Finishing $20,614.35
The Park and Facilities Catalog $22,991.35
Bechtel recommended purchasing the 100 new lounge chairs from Furniture Leisure Commercial Site Finishing for $20,614.35.
Council Member Jim Rippy motioned to accept the low quote from Furniture Leisure Commercial Site Finishing for $20,614.35. Seconded by Council Member Mike Young. Yeas: Moore, Rippy, Young, and Lewis. Absent: May.
City Manager Mary Ellen Bechtel requested permission to Seek Quotes for Diving Boards at the Aquatic Zoo. Bechtel explained that the diving boards need to be replaced. New boards will cost about the same as resurfacing and shipping the previous boards. The cost is expected to be around $10,000.00. This is the first replacement of the boards since the opening of the Aquatic Center five years ago.
Council Member Jim Rippy motioned to grant permission to Seek Quotes for the Diving Boards at the Aquatic Zoo. Seconded by Council Member Mike Young. Yeas: Moore, Rippy, Young, and Lewis. Absent: May.
City Manager Mary Ellen Bechtel requested permission to submit a Grant Application to Ameren for LED Street Lights. Bechtel explained that Ameren has created a new program to replace street lights in low-income areas. If the City’s application is approved, the cost of the replacement will be $75.00 per light instead of $250.00 per light. She stated that the City could qualify for the replacement of up to 500 lights. This represents about 25% of the City street lights. The first area for replacement is planned for south of Broadway between 26th Street and Shawnee Street. The purpose of the replacement is to improve the quality of street lighting and the reduction of the annual cost of street lights.
Council Member Jim Rippy asked if there was a standard used by cities regarding street lights. Bechtel replied, no. If this grant is approved, Public Works Director Matt Fauss will meet with the local Ameren employees to ensure that the replacement lights are a better and brighter light. Rippy asked if Police Chief Trent Page will assist with the location of the new lights for high-crime areas. Bechtel stated that it is believed that the brighter lights will have an effect on crime, along with the City’s plan to clean up alleys and enforcing codes to keep neighborhoods cleaned up.
Motion by Council Member Donte Moore to grant permission to submit a Grant Application to Ameren for LED Street Lights. Seconded by Council Member Mike Young. Yeas: Moore, Rippy, Young, and Lewis. Absent: May.
City Attorney David Leggans presented for Council’s consideration a Resolution Approving the Agreement with David Reis Consulting, LLC. The company would monitor legislative and regulatory activity, support or oppose issues as directed, and report on a regular basis to the City on matters that may have a direct or indirect effect on the City. The contract is for the term March 1, 2019 through and including May 31, 2019 (3 months). The cost is $7,500.00 ($2,500 per month). Council Member Jim Rippy stated that he is usually opposed to lobbyists, but he agrees that the City needs someone in Springfield to watch the City’s interest in the potential capital bill. Council Member Mike Young agreed with Council Member Jim Rippy that the City needs representation in Springfield.
Motion by Council Member Donte Moore to approve the Resolution Approving the Agreement with David Reis Consulting, LLC. Seconded by Council Member Mike Young. Yeas: Moore, Rippy, Young, and Lewis. Absent: May.
City Attorney David Leggans presented for Council’s consideration a Resolution Approving the Concession Stand Agreement with the Jefferson County Sports Authority Inc. (JCSA). The Agreement states that JCSA will pay the City 20% of the gross revenue for the use of the concession stand at Lincoln Park next to the four small ball fields and it does not include use of the new concession stand.
Motion by Council Member Mike Young to approve the Resolution Approving the Concession Stand Agreement with the Jefferson County Sports Authority Inc. (JCSA). Seconded by Council Member Donte Moore. Yeas: Moore, Rippy, Young, and Lewis. Absent: May.
City Attorney David Leggans presented for Council’s consideration a Resolution Approving the Purchase Contract for the Acquisition of 2221 Cherry for a Drainage Project. The lot, owned by the Jefferson County Trustee, will cost $675.00 to purchase. The Public Works Department plans to build a storm water detention area on this lot as part of a larger plan to manage storm water in the area. Council Member Jim Rippy asked if the cost was based on an appraisal. City Manager Mary Ellen Bechtel stated that it was the price set by the Jefferson County Trustee. Council Member Donte Moore agreed that this project needs to be completed, but his issue is that the City has mowed Jefferson County lots for several years and he wished that the cost could have been worked out differently. Mayor John Lewis replied that he has plans to address this issue with the County.
Council Member Jim Rippy motioned to approve the Resolution Approving the Purchase Contract for the Acquisition of 2221 Cherry for a Drainage Project. Seconded by Council Member Mike Young. Yeas: Moore, Rippy, and Young. No: Lewis. Absent: May.
City Attorney David Leggans presented for Council’s consideration a Resolution Approving an Agreement with Brian P. Edmison & Associates, LLC regarding the Design of a Retail United States Post Office Facility. City Manager Mary Ellen Bechtel explained that the Agreement will cost $79,000.00 to create the plans and bidding documents for the new Post Office facility. Council Member Jim Rippy commented that City Manager Mary Ellen Bechtel explained the process of working with the United States Post Office. He is not opposed to awarding this without a bid, because the City needs to jump through many hoops to get the project completed timely. Bechtel explained that the Post Office is in control of project. The City has asked the Post Office three times if the new location could be made public, but the Post Office wants to announce the location after notifying their employees. Mayor John Lewis feels that the Federal Regulations may be backwards, because the location should be announced before spending taxpayers’ money.
Council Member Donte Moore motioned to approve the Resolution Approving an Agreement with Brian P. Edmison & Associates, LLC regarding the Design of a Retail United States Post Office Facility. Seconded by Council Member Mike Young. Yeas: Moore, Rippy, Young, and Lewis. Absent: May.
Mayor John Lewis presented the February 2019 City Department Activity Summary.
Mt. Vernon Police Department handled 1,830 calls, which equals to about 65 calls each and every day. 143 people were arrested during the month. There were 154 criminal charges and 20 warrants served. They also conducted 459 traffic stops resulting in 159 citations, of which 2 were for use of cellphones. 9 people were arrested for D.U.I., they had 71 drug charges, responded to 78 traffic crashes, answered 90 alarms and had 146 community contacts. The Detective Division was assigned 53 new cases, cleared 4 by arrest, referred 2 cases to the States Attorney and had 3 crime scene call-outs. The Tactical Unit was deployed 2 times and our K9 team had 22 deployments. Our Communication Center answered 8,239 non-emergency calls and 1,743 emergency calls.
The Fire Department responded to 234 alarms of which 180 were recorded as EMS related, 13 of the responses were recorded as fire related, and 6 of the responses were recorded as hazard related. They responded to 4 structure fires, 4 cooking fire, 3 vehicle fire, 3 trash fires, 10 motor vehicle accidents, 12 false alarms, 1 aircraft standby, received 2 mutual aids and was requested and gave mutual aid on 5 calls. The Fire Inspection Dept. performed 4 business site inspections and 2 consultations. The Fire Prevention Division performed 6 public education events, 2 car seat installations, 1 fire extinguisher training, and 2 CPR classes.
The Public Utilities Department responded to 8 water breaks, repaired or replaced 23 services, processed 190 work orders, processed 110 JULIE locates, removed 21 idle meter accounts, replaced 3 valves, and had 64 red letter disconnects. On the sewer side, they responded to 16 service calls resulting in 8 backed up sewer mains, 1 sewer main repaired, 19 routine sanitary and storm mains cleaned resulting in 5,273 linear feet of main cleaned.
Engineering and Inspection Departments conducted 33 10A inspections, 15 of those properties received occupancy certificates. There have been 2 nuisance postings. There were 3 properties condemned, 7 properties were demolished, and there were 5 building permits totaling $9,853,650.
Council Member Jim Rippy asked for an update on the new water meters. City Manager Mary Ellen Bechtel reported that over 4,000 meters have been installed. Rippy asked if there have been any major problems with the meters and if trend has been established regarding accuracy. Bechtel replied, not at this time. She will give an update at the next City Council Meeting.
Council Member Mike Young spoke on the status of street lights at Veterans Memorial Drive and Davidson. He stated that Tri-County will be installing two street lights in the area.
No comments were heard.
No Executive Session was held.
Council Member Donte Moore motioned to adjourn. Seconded by Council Member Mike Young. Yeas: Moore, Rippy, Young, and Lewis. Absent: May.
The meeting was adjourned at 7:33 p.m.