Rome Community Consolidated School District 2 Board met March 19.
Here is the minutes as provided by the board:
1. The Rome Board of Education Meeting of March 19, 2019, was called to order by President Down with the roll call at 7:04 p.m.
2. Roll Call:
Melynda Breeze: Present Amanda McKee: Present
John Burkett: Present Wes Schumm: Absent
Steve Down: Present Kelly Tinsley: Present
Donna Fally: Present
Also in attendance were Principal Sarah Mellott, Teachers Mallory Crouse, Lori Decker, Abby Hawkins, Christine Hollenkamp, Christa Rexing, Holly Shirley, and Katie Wagner, AmeriCorps students Hallie Jones and Briannah Sandy, School Board Candidate Aaron Woodrome, Superintendent Erik Estill, and Recording Secretary Mary Beth Voss.
3. A motion was made by Amanda McKee and seconded by John Burkett to approve the February 19, 2019, and the March 11, 2019 (Special), Board Meeting Minutes.
The motion was approved.
4. A motion was made by Melynda Breeze and seconded by Donna Fally to approve the Financial Report as presented.
Vote: Amanda McKee: Yes Wes Schumm: Absent
Donna Fally: Yes John Burkett: Yes
Melynda Breeze: Yes Steve Down: Yes
Kelly Tinsley: Yes
The motion was approved.
5. A motion was made by Donna Fally and seconded by Melynda Breeze to approve the bills in the amount of $57,945.12.
Vote: Melynda Breeze: Yes Donna Fally: Yes
Wes Schumm: Absent Amanda McKee: Yes
Kelly Tinsley: Yes Steve Down: Yes
John Burkett: Yes
The motion was approved.
6. A motion was made by Amanda McKee and seconded by John Burkett to approve the repayment of the Revolving Fund in the amount of $537.60.
Vote: Wes Schumm: Absent Amanda McKee: Yes
Steve Down: Yes John Burkett: Yes
Donna Fally: Yes Kelly Tinsley: Yes
Melynda Breeze: Yes
The motion was approved.
7. Recognition and Comments from Employees and Public
8. Unfinished Business
9. New Business
a. The board tabled action on carpet installation by Southern Illinois Tile and Carpet Supply Inc., to further discuss at a future meeting.
b. The board tabled action on the permanent transfer of funds from the Working Cash Fund to the Building Fund in the amount of $13,889.79 for capital outlay expenses.
c. A motion was made by Amanda McKee and seconded by John Burkett to approve the purchase of 120 Chromebooks and six storage carts from Quality Network Solutions (QNS) at a cost of $39,890.34, using bond proceeds from the Working Cash Fund.
Vote: Donna Fally: Yes Kelly Tinsley: Yes
John Burkett: Yes Steve Down: Yes
Melynda Breeze: Yes Amanda McKee: Yes
Wes Schumm: Absent
The motion was approved.
d. A motion was made by Kelly Tinsley and seconded by Donna Fally to approve the permanent transfer of funds from the Working Cash Fund to the Education Fund in the amount of forty thousand dollars ($40,000.00) for capital outlay expenses.
Vote: Kelly Tinsley: Yes John Burkett: Yes
Wes Schumm: Absent Melynda Breeze: Yes
Steve Down: Yes Amanda McKee: Yes
Donna Fally: Yes
The motion was approved.
e. A motion was made by Melynda Breeze and seconded by Kelly Tinsley to approve a quote from Schiller’s Audio/Visual, St. Louis, MO, for three projectors at a cost of $1,734.00.
Vote: John Burkett: Yes Wes Schumm: Absent
Donna Fally: Yes Steve Down: Yes
Amanda McKee: Yes Kelly Tinsley: Yes
Melynda Breeze: Yes
The motion was approved.
f. A motion was made by Amanda McKee and seconded by John Burkett to set the Eighth Grade Graduation for Thursday, May 16, 2019, at 7:00 p.m.
The motion was approved.
g. A motion was made by John Burkett and seconded by Melynda Breeze to adjourn to closed session to discuss staffing options for the 2019-2020 school year, consider the renewal of the Principal Contract, discuss any potential legal matters, and review the performance of non- tenure certified “PEL” teachers and consider their employment renewal or dismissal.
The motion was approved. Time: 7:25 p.m.
A motion was made by Amanda McKee and seconded by John Burkett to return to open session.
The motion was approved. Time: 8:05 p.m.
h. A motion was made by Melynda Breeze and seconded by Donna Fally to adopt the resolution regarding the honorable dismissal of non-certified instructional and individual student para- professionals.
Vote: Kelly Tinsley: Yes John Burkett: Yes
Wes Schumm: Absent Melynda Breeze: Yes
Steve Down: Yes Amanda McKee: Yes
Donna Fally: Yes
The motion was approved.
i. A motion was made by Amanda McKee and seconded by Kelly Tinsley to re-employ Krista Jackson, Alyson Morris, Julie Ohley, and Katie Wagner for the 2019-2020 school year.
Vote: Donna Fally: Yes Melynda Breeze: Yes
John Burkett: Yes Amanda McKee: Yes
Kelly Tinsley: Yes Steve Down: Yes
Wes Schumm: Absent
The motion was approved.
j. A motion was made by Kelly Tinsley and seconded by John Burkett to adopt the Resolution, Resolution Reference the Dismissal of Professional Educator Licensed (“PEL”) Employee, Christine Hollenkamp, as presented and that the Superintendent be authorized and directed to deliver or cause to be delivered the notice to the employee specified in the Resolution.
Vote: John Burkett: Yes Wes Schumm: Absent
Kelly Tinsley: Yes Amanda McKee: Yes
Melynda Breeze: Yes Steve Down: Yes
Donna Fally: Yes
The motion was approved.
k. A motion was made by Amanda McKee and seconded by John Burkett to adopt the Resolution, Resolution Reference the Dismissal of Professional Educator Licensed (“PEL”) Employee, Willard (Bill) Bousman, as presented and that the Superintendent be authorized and directed to deliver or cause to be delivered the notice to the employee specified in the Resolution.
Vote: Donna Fally: Yes Melynda Breeze: Yes
John Burkett: Yes Amanda McKee: Yes
Kelly Tinsley: Yes Steve Down: Yes
Wes Schumm: Absent
The motion was approved.
10. Superintendent’s Report
a. Illinois Assessment of Readiness (IRA) Update
Superintendent Estill informed members that the Illinois Assessment of Readiness (formerly PARCC and ISAT) testing will begin on Monday and last through the week. He commended Principal Mellot for all of her hard work in preparation for testing.
b. Notice of Coach Resignation
Superintendent Estill informed members that Christa Rexing resigned as softball coach and Becky Zinzilieta resigned as Cross Country coach. He stated that both positions have been posted in the building.
c. Student and Staff Recognition
Superintendent Estill announced the 6th, 7th, and 8th grade students who will be participating in the King/Queen Scholar Bowl Tournament at Rend Lake College. He informed members that the Centralia Recreation Center commended our 2nd grade teachers, Mrs. Kirsch and Mrs. Shirley, and their students for being the best behaved while attending swim lessons at the center. Mr. Estill stated that Mrs. Courtright would be receiving the “Humanitarian of the Year” Award of Marion County on Friday and congratulated her on this honor. He commended Mrs. Courtright and the G.A.T.E. students for their work on the “Rome Buzz”, a web-based news broadcast page on YouTube which is now up and running.
11. A motion was made by Amanda McKee and seconded by John Burkett to adjourn the meeting at 8:10 p.m.
The motion was approved.