Field Community Consolidated School District 3 Board met May 20.
Here is the minutes provided by the board:
Members Present: Ben Staley
Rodney Mullinax
Jonathan Schnautz
Amanda Wheeler
Chris Hayes
Members Absent: Mike Coleman
Rob Emery
Visitors Present: Jennifer Arnold
Chris Hayes called the meeting to order at 7:00 PM.
Ben Staley took the board members oath of office.
Mullinax made the motion to approve the consent agenda which includes the minutes of the previous meeting and bill totaling $249,373.45. Schnautz seconded the motion.
Voting Yes: Staley, Mullinax, Schnautz, Wheeler, and Hayes
Voting No: None
There was no Public Input.
Transportation: John Howards driver side glass was broken out while the bus was in the bus barn. Charles May ordered the glass from Blue Bird Bus Company (Approximately $150) and installed it himself. Also, a report was given about installing bus cameras on Rob Hulbert’s bus. Mr. Hulbert has the Tolle Road route and has been passed with his stop arm out multiple times in the last two years. The cost for the stop arm cameras including installation was over $2,300. Mr. Stone will look into finding a more cost effective option. No board action was required.
Mr. Stone reported on the NRA School Shield Grant. Mr. Stone will be submitting the grant for funding for a Key Card Access System for the front door, west E.C. doors, and the southeast entry door. No board action was required.
Mr. Stone reported on the possibility of the state passing a maintenance grant over the summer months. If the matching maintenance grant does become available Field School will look into replacing as many HVAC units as possible. No board action was required.
Mr. Stone also spoke with Michael Baysinger from Baysinger Architects. Michael recommended Field School establish a building committee. This committee would look into the needs of the school and report them to the Board of Education.
Mullinax made a motion to form a building committee consisting of: Wayne Stone, Jenny Arnold, Rob Emery, Jonathan Schnautz, Nicole Hayes, Amanda Wheeler and one or two community members to be announced at a later date. Staley seconded the motion.
Voting Yes: Staley, Mullinax, Schnautz, Wheeler, and Hayes
Voting No: None
Building: Mr. Stone gave a report on the condition of the playground. It was decided Mr. Stone should look into the cost of moving the playground to an area south of the Jr. High wing. Additionally, the prospect of moving the long jump pit and adding a pad for discus and shot put was discussed. Mr. Stone will check into the cost of moving the playground, adding a pad for shot and disc, moving the long jump pit, and report back to the BOE. No board action was required.
Schnautz made a motion to approve the Tentative Proposed Amended 2018-2019 Budget. Mullinax seconded the motion.
Voting Yes: Staley, Mullinax, Schnautz, Wheeler, and Hayes
Voting No: None
Schnautz made a motion to hold a Tentative Amended 2018-2019 Budget Hearing June 17th @ 6:45 PM. Mullinax seconded the motion.
Voting Yes: Staley, Mullinax, Schnautz, Wheeler, and Hayes
Voting No: None
Schnautz made a motion to authorize the seeking of bids for propane, diesel, milk, and bread. Wheeler seconded the motion.
Voting Yes: Staley, Mullinax, Schnautz, Wheeler, and Hayes
Voting No: None
The IDEA Determination was reviewed. Field School had no findings and scored a 4.0 out of 4.0. No board action was required.
Schnautz made a motion to authorize Field School purchase, at the lowest bid price, 28 Think Centre and 35 Think Pads. The computers and equipment are to be leased from Covenent Financial. The lease terms shall be 48 months with monthly payments. Mullinax seconded the motion.
Voting Yes: Staley, Mullinax, Schnautz, Wheeler, and Hayes
Voting No: None
Schnautz made a motion to allow administration to pursue purchases of needed curriculum at in the most cost effective way. Staley seconded the motion.
Voting Yes: Staley, Mullinax, Schnautz, Wheeler, and Hayes
Voting No: None
Wheeler made the motion to enter into a 1-year Audit Engagement Proposal with Susan Lyons. Schnautz seconded the motion.
Voting Yes: Staley, Mullinax, Schnautz, Wheeler, and Hayes
Voting No: None
Mullinax made a motion that the Field School BOE go into executive session at 8:24 PM. Schnautz seconded the motion. The motion passed without opposition.
Schnautz made a motion to enter back into regular session at 9:32. Mullinax seconded the motion and it passed without opposition.
Schnautz made a motion to ratify the contract between the Field School Board of Education and the Field Teachers Association. Staley seconded the motion.
Voting Yes: Staley, Mullinax, Schnautz, Wheeler, and Hayes
Voting No: None
Schnautz made a motion to hire the following as coaches and sponsors for the 2019-2020 school year:
Robotics Amanda Gay
FOCAL Bryant Ross
Scholar Bowl Kimberly Jenkins
Team Quest Kellie Woodrome
Athletic Director Gerald Miller
Baseball Rob Emery
Softball Malorie Hendrix
Boys Basketball Nick Hendrix
Girls Basketball Aaron Pemberton
Cheerleading Taylor Bruce
Boys Cross Country Travis Hayes
Girls Cross Country Rob Hulbert
3rd Boys Pee Wee Scott Williams
4th Boys Pee Wee Brandon Karch
Girls Pee Wee Danielle Houston
5th Boys Wayne Stone
Boys Track Rob Hulbert
Girls Track Nicole Hayes
Volleyball Nicole Hayes
Baseball Asst. Robbie Emery
Boy Basketball Asst. Daniel Morgan
Cross Country Asst. Nicole Hayes
Softball Asst: Bri George
Volleyball Asst. Sarah Morgan
Music Coordinator Robin Shook
Mullinax seconded the motion to hire the extracurricular and sponsors from the above list.
Voting Yes: Staley, Mullinax, Schnautz, Wheeler, and Hayes
Voting No: None
Schnuatz made a motion to hire Robbie Emery, Aaron Pemberton, and Quinton Mullinax as summer janitorial help. Staley seconded the motion.
Voting Yes: Staley, Schnautz, Wheeler, and Hayes
Voting No: None
Abstaining: Mullinax
Wheeler made a motion to grant Jenny Arnold and Amanda Gay tenure. Mullinax seconded the motion.
Voting Yes: Staley, Mullinax, Schnautz, Wheeler, and Hayes
Voting No: None
Schnautz made a motion to table the Resignation of Tiffany Simmons and to have Field School Administration offer Mrs. Simmons a supervisory position over the special education department. With the extra duties the district would add an additional $7,000 to the annual salary of Mrs. Simmons. Wheeler seconded the motion.
Voting Yes: Staley, Mullinax, Schnautz, Wheeler, and Hayes
Voting No: None
Staley made a motion to set Ms. Jennifer Arnold’s principal salary for the 2019-2020 school year at $55,000. Mullinax seconded the motion.
Voting Yes: Staley, Mullinax, Schnautz, Wheeler, and Hayes
Voting No: None
Schnautz made a motion to grant Jennifer Arnold a $3,000 stipend for her administrative efforts for the 2019 school year. Mullinax seconded the motion.
Voting Yes: Staley, Mullinax, Schnautz, Wheeler, and Hayes
Voting No: None
Staley made a motion to set Mr. Wayne Stone’s superintendent salary at $88,000 for the 2019- 2020 school year. Schnautz seconded the motion.
Voting Yes: Staley, Mullinax, Schnautz, Wheeler, and Hayes
Voting No: None
Staley made a motion to increase the Field School support staff salary by 3% for the 2019-2020 and 2% for the 2020-2021 school years. Schnautz seconded the motion.
Voting Yes: Staley, Schnautz, Wheeler, and Hayes
Voting No: None
Abstaining: Mullinax
Schnautz made a motion that the AFPlan Annuity for staff be amended to allow those who are 59.5 years of age the ability to access their Annuity funds. Mullinax seconded the motion.
Voting Yes: Staley, Mullinax, Schnautz, Wheeler, and Hayes
Voting No: None
Wheeler made a motion to adjourn at 9:40 PM. Mullinax seconded the motion. Motion passed without objection.
Meeting adjourned at 9:40 PM.