Rome Community Consolidated School District 2 Board of Education met May 21.
Here is the minutes provided by the board:
1. The Rome Board of Education Meeting of May 21, 2019, was called to order by President McKee with the roll call at 6:01 p.m.
2. Roll Call: John Burkett: Present, Wes Schumm: Present
Steve Down: Absent, Kelly Tinsley: Present
Michael Kroeschen: Present, Aaron Woodrome: Present
Amanda McKee: Present
Also in attendance were Teacher Allyson Heitmeyer, Teacher Candidate Hope Kobbert,
Superintendent Erik Estill, and Recording Secretary Mary Beth Voss.
3. A motion was made by John Burkett and seconded by Michael Kroeschen to approve the April 23, 2019, Board Meeting Minutes.
The motion was approved.
4. A motion was made by Wes Schumm and seconded by Aaron Woodrome to approve the Financial Report as presented.
Vote: John Burkett: Yes, Wes Schumm: Yes
Steve Down: Absent, Kelly Tinsley: Yes
Michael Kroeschen: Yes, Aaron Woodrome: Yes
Amanda McKee: Yes
The motion was approved.
Steve Down entered the meeting at 6:04 p.m.
5. A motion was made by Aaron Woodrome and seconded by John Burkett to approve the bills in the amount of $115,123.33.
Vote: John Burkett: Yes, Wes Schumm: Yes
Steve Down: Yes, Kelly Tinsley: Yes
Michael Kroeschen: Yes, Aaron Woodrome: Yes
Amanda McKee: Yes
The motion was approved.
6. A motion was made by Wes Schumm and seconded by Steve Down to approve the repayment of the Revolving Fund in the amount of $215.05.
Vote: John Burkett: Yes Wes Schumm: Yes
Steve Down: Yes Kelly Tinsley: Yes
Michael Kroeschen: Yes Aaron Woodrome: Yes
Amanda McKee: Yes
The motion was approved.
7. Recognition and Comments from Employees and Public
Superintendent Estill introduced Teacher Candidate Hope Kobbert.
8. Unfinished Business
9. New Business
a. A motion was made by Michael Kroeschen and seconded by Kelly Tinsley to approve the tentative amended budget for fiscal year 2019, make it available for public inspection beginning May 22, 2019, and set a public hearing on the tentative amended budget for 6:00 p.m. on Tuesday, June 25, 2019.
Vote: John Burkett: Yes Aaron Woodrome: Yes
Steve Down: Yes Kelly Tinsley: Yes
Michael Kroeschen: Yes Amanda McKee: Yes
Wes Schumm: Yes
The motion was approved.
b. A motion was made by Steve Down and seconded by John Burkett to authorize the superintendent to prepare the fiscal year 2020 budget.
The motion was approved.
c. A motion was made by Steve Down and seconded by Kelly Tinsley to authorize the superintendent to apply for State and federal grants for fiscal year 2020.
The motion was approved.
d. A motion was made by John Burkett and seconded by Steve Down to appoint board member Aaron Woodrome to serve on the Franklin-Jefferson Counties Special Education (FJSPED) Governing Board.
The motion was approved.
e. A motion was made by John Burkett and seconded by Wes Schumm to adjourn to closed session to consider:
1. The employment of a Special Education Teacher for the 2019-2020 school year,
2. The employment of a Physical Education Teacher for the 2019-2020 school year,
3. Approving an Athletic Director for the 2019-2020 school year,
4. Approving a Pee Wee Coordinator for the 2019-2020 school year,
5. Approving a Girls’ Softball Coach for the 2019-2020 school year,
6. Approving a Scholar Bowl sponsor for the 2019-2020 school year,
7. Approving a Scholar Bowl moderator for the 2019-2020 school year, and
8. Approving a Cross Country Coach for the 2019-2020 school year.
The motion was approved. Time: 6:16 p.m.
A motion was made by Wes Schumm and seconded by Aaron Woodrome to return to open session.
The motion was approved. Time: 6:55 p.m.
1. A motion was made by Kelly Tinsley and seconded by Wes Schumm to approve the resolution to employ Hope Kobbert as a Special Education Teacher for the 2019-2020 school year.
Vote: Steve Down: Yes Kelly Tinsley: Yes
Michael Kroeschen: Yes Aaron Woodrome: Yes
John Burkett: Yes Wes Schumm: Yes
Amanda McKee: Yes
The motion was approved.
2. No action was taken on the employment of a Physical Education Teacher.
3. A motion was made by Steve Down and seconded by Kelly Tinsley to approve Angie Courtright as the Athletic Director for the 2019-2020 school year.
Vote: John Burkett: Yes Wes Schumm: Yes
Steve Down: Yes Amanda McKee: Yes
Michael Kroeschen: Yes Aaron Woodrome: Yes
Kelly Tinsley: Yes
The motion was approved.
4. A motion was made by Michael Koreschen and seconded by Wes Schumm to approve Chad Beckham as the Pee Wee Coordinator for the 2019-2020 school year.
Vote: Aaron Woodrome: Yes Steve Down: Yes
Wes Schumm: Yes Kelly Tinsley: Yes
John Burkett: Yes Amanda McKee: Yes
Michael Kroeschen: Yes
The motion was approved.
5. A motion was made by Michael Kroeschen to approve Holly Shirley as the Girls’ Softball Coach for the 2019-2020 school year.
Vote: Michael Kroeschen: Yes Aaron Woodrome: Yes
Amanda McKee: Yes John Burkett: Yes
Wes Schumm: Yes Steve Down: Yes
Kelly Tinsley: Yes
The motion was approved.
6. A motion was made by Aaron Woodrome and seconded by Steve Down to approve Christa Rexing as the Scholar Bowl sponsor for the 2019-2020 school year.
Vote: Steve Down: Yes John Burkett: Yes
Aaron Woodrome: Yes Michael Kroeschen: Yes
Amanda McKee: Yes Kelly Tinsley: Yes
Wes Schumm: Yes
The motion was approved.
7. A motion was made by Kelly Tinsley and seconded by Wes Schumm to approve Zach Cash as the Scholar Bowl moderator for the 2019-2020 school year.
Vote: John Burkett: Yes Wes Schumm: Yes
Steve Down: Yes Kelly Tinsley: Yes
Michael Kroeschen: Yes Aaron Woodrome: Yes
Amanda McKee: Yes
The motion was approved.
8. No action was taken on the approval of a Cross Country Coach
f. President Amanda McKee stated that she, John Burkett, and Wes Schumm would serve on the Collective Bargaining Committee. The first meeting with the bargaining team of the Rome Education Association is set for Tuesday, May 28, 2019, from 4:30 p.m. to 6:30 p.m. with a second meeting set for Thursday, May 30, 2019, beginning at 4:30 until whatever time is needed to complete negotiations.
g. A motion was made by Steve Down and seconded by Kelly Tinsley to approve the purchase and installation of tile in the north/south hallway and library entrance hallway from Richardet Floor Covering, Perryville, MO, in the amount of $8,980, using bond proceeds from the Working Cash Fund.
Vote: John Burkett: Yes Wes Schumm: Yes
Steve Down: Yes Kelly Tinsley: Yes
Michael Kroeschen: Yes Aaron Woodrome: Yes
Amanda McKee: Yes
The motion was approved.
h. A motion was made by Michael Kroeschen and seconded by John Burkett to approve the Powder Coating of the lockers in grades four and five by Americana Powder Finishing, Salem, IL at a cost of $2,955, using bond proceeds from the Working Cash Fund.
Vote: Steve Down: Yes John Burkett: Yes
Aaron Woodrome: Yes Michael Kroeschen: Yes
Amande McKee: Yes Kelly Tinsley: Yes
Wes Schumm: Yes
The motion was approved.
i. A motion was made by Wes Schumm and seconded by Steve Down to approve the installation of a wall in the computer lab by McMillen Construction, Mt. Vernon, IL, at a cost of $7,630, using bond proceeds from the Working Cash Fund.
Vote: Michael Kroeschen: Yes Amanda McKee: Yes
Steve Down: Yes Kelly Tinsley: Yes
John Burkett: Yes Aaron Woodrome: Yes
Wes Schumm: Yes
The motion was approved.
j. A motion was made by Steve Down and seconded by Kelly Tinsley to approve carpet installation by Southern Illinois Tile and Carpet Supply Inc., Mt. Vernon, IL, for the principal’s office at a cost of $1,729.55, using bond proceeds from the Working Cash Fund.
Vote: John Burkett: Yes Wes Schumm: Yes
Steve Down: Yes Kelly Tinsley: Yes
Michael Kroeschen: Yes Aaron Woodrome: Yes
Amanda McKee: Yes
The motion was approved.
k. A motion was made by Wes Schumm and seconded by Michael Kroeschen to approve Quote Number 20628 from QNS for 13 “Off Lease Dell Optiplex” teacher computers at a total cost of $3,250, using bond proceeds from the Working Cash Fund.
Vote: Wes Schumm: Yes Steve Down: Yes
John Burkett: Yes Michael Kroeschen: Yes
Aaron Woodrome: Yes Amanda McKee: Yes
Kelly Tinsley: Yes
The motion was approved.
l. A motion was made by Aaron Woodrome and seconded by John Burkett to approve the purchase of materials, self-adhesive carpet squares, and tiles, for installation in the new rooms created in the former computer lab, not to exceed a cost of $1,500, using bond proceeds from the Working Cash Fund.
Vote: Kelly Tinsley: Yes Amanda McKee: Yes
Wes Schumm: Yes John Burkett: Yes
Steve Down: Yes Aaron Woodrome: Yes
Michael Kroeschen: Yes
The motion was approved.
m. A motion was made by Kelly Tinsley and seconded by Michael Kroeschen to approve the permanent transfer of funds from the Working Cash Fund to the Building Fund in the amount of $26,045, for capital outlay expenses.
Vote: John Burkett: Yes Wes Schumm: Yes
Steve Down: Yes Kelly Tinsley: Yes
Michael Kroeschen: Yes Aaron Woodrome: Yes
Amanda McKee: Yes
The motion was approved.
n. A motion was made by Michael Kroeschen and seconded by Wes Schumm to approve a one-year agreement with Susan Lyons for auditing services at a cost of $4,850 for the year ending June 30, 2019, plus additional fees to be determined due to new GATA reporting requirements and any change in software that may occur during the audit.
Vote: Kelly Tinsley: Yes Wes Schumm: Yes
Steve Down: Yes John Burkett: Yes
Aaron Woodrome: Yes Michael Kroeschen: Yes
Amanda McKee: Yes
The motion was approved.
o. A motion was made by Steve Down and seconded by Aaron Woodrome to authorize the superintendent to employ Chandler Meyer, Zach Brookman, and Chad Beckham as part-time custodians to work during the months of June and July at a rate of $12.00/hr.
Vote: Wes Schumm: Yes John Burkett: Yes
Amanda McKee: Yes Aaron Woodrome: Yes
Michael Kroeschen: Yes Kelly Tinsley: Yes
Steve Down: Yes
The motion was approved
p. President McKee asked members if they are interested in attending the 2019 Joint Annual Conference in Chicago, Nov. 22-24. Members Down, Schumm, Tinsley, Woodrome, Kroescehen, and McKee expressed an interest in attending. Recording Secretary Mary Beth Voss stated that she would send out a reminder to members interested in attending and requested that she be informed by Friday, May 31, since the registration portal will open on Monday, June 3, 2019.
q. Board members discussed a retreat and scheduled it for June 20, 2019, from 5:00 p.m. to 8:00 p.m. Some topics that will be covered include: goal setting, superintendent evaluation and goals, and a walk through of the building. President McKee asked each member to bring with them a list of the top three goals they would like considered for the 2019-2020 school year.
10. Superintendent’s Report
a. Asbestos/Carpet Update
Superintendent Estill told members that asbestos removal is set to begin the first week in July. Installation of carpet is set to begin the week of July 15. He extended appreciation to the PTO for paying the cost of having the Rome mascot included in the gym and library door entrance carpets.
b. Read Board Book (by Burgett)
Superintendent Estill encouraged members to read “The Art of School Boarding” by Jim Burgett prior to the retreat scheduled on June 10.
c. Upcoming Changes in Accounting/Payroll Software
Superintendent Estill informed members that our current accounting/payroll software vendor, Chalkable, will no longer be supporting their software beginning June 30, 2020. The district is looking in to other software options.
c. Student and Staff Recognition
d. Miscellaneous
Superintendent Estill mentioned the IASB annual dues paid by the district and referred to a leaflet left at the table for members indicating some of the advantages of membership. Estill informed members that Principal Sarah Mellott attended a meeting in Okawville on the Junior Achievement Program. The program is continuing to look for new business partners to participate in the program.
11. A motion was made by John Burkett and seconded by Michael Kroeschen to adjourn the meeting at 7:48 p.m.
The motion was approved.