Ewing Township issued the following announcement on Aug. 12.
This annual event is designed to off er both an update and a better understanding of the myriad of hot issues facing your fi re department and emergency services.
Township board members and fire officials alike should join us on Sept. 25 at the Bavarian Inn Lodge in Frankenmuth for this full-day event, Emerging Issues in Emergency Services.
You’ll get a variety of informative sessions and hear from several experts offering the inside scoop on emerging issues in emergency services.
This year’s event is designed to help you mitigate financial emergencies in your township’s fire department—a difficult balancing act given the ever-increasing demand for emergency medical services, rescue incidents, responding to hazardous materials spills, and providing advanced life support.
Budget pressures continue to steer townships toward efficiencies, including finding new funding sources and even considering reducing services. We’ll examine funding and cost recovery options, as well as the pros and cons of joint agreements and authorities.
You’ll also hear from the state fi re marshal and get an update from the director of the state’s EMS & Trauma Division.
Original source can be found here.
Source: Ewing Township