Field Community Consolidated School District 3 Board met June 17.
Here is the minutes provided by the board:
Members Present: Rodney Mullinax
Christine Hayes
Amanda Wheeler
Rob Emery
Ben Staley
Members Absent: Jonathan Schnautz
Mike Coleman
Visitors Present: None
Chris Hayes called the meeting to order at 7:03 PM.
Mullinax made the motion to approve the consent agenda which included the minutes of the previous meeting and bills totaling $402,516.22. Staley seconded the motion.
Voting Yes: Wheeler, Emery, Hayes, Mullinax, and Staley
Voting No: None
Motion Passed
There was no public input.
The principal discussed warranty work being complete on the two newer buses. One bus is completed and the other bus is being sent to the Fenton, Mo. shop this week.
A dash camera will be purchased for Rob Hulbert’s bus. No board action was required.
Emery made a motion to approve the Traffic Hazard Approval document. Wheeler seconded the motion.
Motion unanimously passed.
The principal gave a report of summer work. The tile in the restroom of the K-2 and 3-5 wings have been removed and will be replaced with an epoxy floor covering. Most of the class rooms have already been painted, the floors buffed and the furniture is ready to be moved back in.
No board action was required.
The principal gave a report on the building committees visit with Michael Baysinger from Baysinger Architects. Michael reported that the Capitol Development funds will be available as well as the Maintenance Grant. It was recommended that Field School use the Maintenance Grant funds to replace the HVAC roof top units and then look to replace the roof, one section at a time.
The principal gave a report on the cost to move the playground. After discussion it was determined that it would be best to have Heck’s Excavating move one set of swings, remove the one piece of unusable playground equipment, level the
area where the swings will be removed from, and level the area around the merry-go-round.
Emery made the motion to have Heck’s Excavating move one set of swings, remove the one piece of unusable playground equipment, level the area where the swings will be removed from, and level the area around the merry-go-round. Wheeler seconded the motion.
Voting Yes: Wheeler, Emery, Hayes, Mullinax, and Staley
Voting No: None
Motion Passed
Emery made a motion to approve the 2018-2019 Amended Budget. Mullinax seconded the motion.
Voting Yes: Wheeler, Emery, Hayes, Mullinax, and Staley
Voting No: None
Motion Passed
Mullinax made the motion to approve the IMRF Resolution as a participant in the Illinois Municipal Retirement Fund. Staley seconded the motion.
Voting Yes: Wheeler, Emery, Hayes, Mullinax, and Staley
Voting No: None
Motion Passed
Emery made a motion to accept Gateway FS’s bid on propane at $1.09 per gallon on a keep full basis. Mullinax seconded the motion.
Voting Yes: Wheeler, Emery, Hayes, Mullinax, and Staley
Voting No: None
Motion Passed
Wheeler made a motion to accept Huel’s Oil’s bid on diesel fuel at $2.219 per gallon on a keep full basis. Staley seconded the motion.
Voting Yes: Wheeler, Emery, Hayes, Mullinax, and Staley
Voting No: None
Motion Passed
Emery made a motion to accept Prairie Farm Dairy for Milk and Juice Bid Escalator/De-Escalator Pricing for: $0.2350 (1% white), $0.2180 (skim), $0.2470 (1% chocolate), $0.1550 (4 oz. orange juice), and $0.1550 (4 oz. apple juice).
Voting Yes: Wheeler, Emery, Hayes, Mullinax, and Staley
Voting No: None
Motion Passed
Bread bids were rejected. Principal Stone will seek bread bids. Bread bids will be reviewed at the next regular meeting of the board of education.
Wheeler made a motion to appoint Wayne Stone as Homeless Liaison for Field School. Mullinax seconded the motion. The motion passed without opposition.
Superintendent Ilbery gave a summary of the ESSA Title I and Title II Grants. Emery made a motion to approve the ESSA Title I and Title II Grants. Staley seconded the motion.
Voting Yes: Wheeler, Emery, Hayes, Mullinax, and Staley
Voting No: None
Motion Passed
Attendance at the School Board Conference was discussed. Chris Hayes and Rob Emery are planning on attending. Amanda Wheeler and Ben Staley may also attend. No board action was taken.
Wheeler made a motion to enter into closed session at 8:09 PM. Staley seconded the motion. Motion passed without opposition.
Closed session was adjourned at 8:17.
Wheeler made a motion to employ Jamie Brieseacher as pee wee cheer coach. Staley seconded the motion.
Voting Yes: Wheeler, Emery, Hayes, Mullinax, and Staley
Voting No: None
Motion Passed
Emery made a motion to employ Tiffany Simmons as Special Education Supervisor at $8,500 annually. Mullinax seconded the motion.
Voting Yes: Wheeler, Emery, Hayes, Mullinax, and Staley
Voting No: None
Motion Passed
A thank you letter to the BOE was received from Renee Pelaez for the retirement brunch and the gifts. A thank you letter was also received from Sarah Mae Waite thanking Field School for allowing the All School Reunion to take place at Field School.
Staley made a motion to adjourn the meeting at 8:24 PM. Mullinax seconded the motion. The motion passed without opposition.