Zeigler-Royalton Community Unit School District 188 Board of Education met July 8.
Here is the minutes as provided by the board:
The meeting was called to order by President, Randy Domineck, who asked for roll call.
ROLL CALL: Dover-absent; Vaughn-present; Domineck-present; Chamness-present;
Bush-present; Olkoski-present; Kirkpatrick-present.
A motion was made by Mr. Chamness, seconded by Mr. Olkoski, to approve estimate from Franklin County Hwy Dept to oil and chip district parking lot.
ROLL CALL VOTE: Domineck-yes; Chamness-yes; Bush-yes; Olkoski-yes; Kirkpatrick-yes;
Vaughn-yes. Motion Carried.
A motion was made by Mr. Olkoski, seconded by Mr. Bush, to approve Consolidated District Plan.
ROLL CALL VOTE: Bush-yes; Olkoski-yes; Kirkpatrick-yes; Vaughn-yes; Domineck-yes;
Chamness-yes. Motion Carried.
A motion was made by Mr. Domineck, seconded by Mr. Olkoski, to go into executive session to discuss compensation, employment, hiring, termination, of prospective or current employees (personnel), review executive session minutes, professional negotiations, and matters of student discipline, security, and litigation.
ROLL CALL VOTE: Kirkpatrick-yes; Vaughn-yes; Domineck-yes; Chamness-yes; Bush-yes;
Olkoski-yes. Motion Carried.
The Board entered the executive session at approximately 4:39 p.m.
The Board returned from the executive session at approximately 5:12 p.m.
Mr. Domineck, President, asked that the meeting re-convene and asked for roll call.
ROLL CALL: Dover-absent; Vaughn-present; Domineck-present; Chamness-present;
Bush-present; Olkoski-present; Kirkpatrick-present.
A motion was made by Mr. Chamness, seconded by Mr. Olkoski, to accept resignation of Zach Schumacher as High School Principal.
ROLL CALL VOTE: Domineck-yes; Chamness-yes; Bush-yes; Olkoski-yes; Kirkpatrick-yes;
Vaughn-yes. Motion Carried.
A motion was made by Mr. Olkoski, seconded by Mr. Vaughn, to accept resignation of Stephanie Wilson as High School Girls' Basketball Coach.
ROLL CALL VOTE: Bush-yes; Olkoski-yes; Kirkpatrick-yes; Vaughn-yes; Domineck-yes;
Chamness-yes. Motion Carried.
A motion was made by Mr. Olkoski, seconded by Mr. Chamness, to post Student Services Coordinator position.
ROLL CALL VOTE: Kirkpatrick-yes; Vaughn-yes; Domineck-yes; Chamness-yes; Bush-yes;
Olkoski-yes. Motion Carried.
At approximately 5:17 p.m., with nothing further to be brought before the board, a motion was made by Mr. Dominecki, seconded by Ms. Kirkpatrick, to adjourn.
ROLL CALL VOTE: Vaughn-yes; Domineck-yes; Chamness-yes; Bush-yes: Olkoski-yes;
Kirkpatrick-yes. Motion Carried.
(Signed) Stane Duke
Tsamie Kirkpatrick, Secretary
Randy Domineck, President
During the special board meeting held on Monday, July 8, 2019 at the Zeigler Royalton High School study hall at 4:30 p.m., an executive session was held from 4:39 p.m. until 5:12 p.m.
Those present:
Mr. Bush Mr. Chamness Mr. Domineck Ms. Kirkpatrick Mr. Olkoski Mr. Vaughn
During the executive session, the topic of compensation, employment, hiring and/or termination of prospective or current employees (personnel), review executive session minutes, professional negotiations and matters of student discipline, security, and litigation was discussed.
(Signed) Pamitin patrich
Jamie Kirkpatrick, Secretary
Randy Domineck, President