Sesser-Valier Community Unit School District 196 Board of Education met Aug. 12.
Here is the minutes provided by the board:
A regular meeting of the Board of Education of Sesser-Valier Community Unit School District No. 196 was held in the High School Library at 6:00 PM on Monday, August 12, 2019. The meeting was called to order by President Teresa Stacey.
Secretary Malinee called the roll with the following result:
Members Present:
Acosta, Hicks, Ketteman, Loucks, Rounds, Schoenbaechler, Stacey
Members Absent:
Staff Present:
J. Henry, N. Page, K. Jones, V. Malinee, B. Dilliner, C. Garner, T. Masters, Rachel Payne
Visitors Present:
Mayor Jason Ashmore
Kevin Acosta asked for a moment of silence for the loss of the two WWII veterans and the loss of Delmar Jones.
SVEA: Craig Garner, SVEA President, reported there was a picnic gathering at the park for the SVEA members and they had fellowship together. Everyone was excited for another school year.
LABORERS' LOCAL 773: No report.
CUSTODIAL & MAINTENANCE SUPERVISOR: Brandon Dilliner, Maintenance Supervisor, reported on the progress of summer projects (restroom remodel; new sound system). Brandon also informed the board that Brian Myers started working today (Monday, August 12, 2019).
He indicated that he was very pleased with the crew of student workers he had this summer and indicated he had a few that were interested in substituting through the school year.
K-8 PRINCIPAL: Mr. Jones, Elem/JH Principal, presented information regarding the following to the board: Trust Fund, upcoming dates, recent events/activities, and the 2019-2020 registration summary.
H.S. PRINCIPAL: Mrs. Page, High School Principal, presented information regarding the following to the board: Trust fund, upcoming calendar entries, the 2019-2020 student registration, and the annual high school business and individual solicitation program (packets have been sent out).
SUPERINTENDENT: Mr. Henry, Superintendent, presented the following information to the board:
1. The consent agenda for this month's meeting includes the following additional item(s):
• Adoption of a resolution certifying a transportation safety hazard;
• Approval of a dual-credit agreement with Rend Lake College;
• Approval of a Regional Safe Schools Letter of Agreement with ROE #21;
• Approval of revised board policies (final approval);
• Approval & display of tentative district budget for Fiscal Year 2020;
• Scheduling of a budget hearing for Fiscal Year 2020 (September 16, 2019, at 5:55 PM)
2. Following the regular meeting, the following positions remain open for the 2019-2020 school year:
• Early Childhood Special Education Teacher (1/2-time)
• JHS Girls Volleyball Coach
3. The Fiscal Year 2020 tentative budget is presented for display approval at this meeting.
There are still some line items that may be adjusted before the final adoption of the budget in September, but we believe this tentative version is pretty close to the September final version. As usual, we've prepared this budget (hopefully) underestimating revenues and overestimating expenses (the safest approach to budgeting for this time of the year).
Based on an August 5, 2019, ISBE publication, this year's Evidence Based Funding (EBF) supplement/adequacy funding for the District is $117,465.37. It is my hope that the State can continue to make these increased funds available on-time (i.e. not prorated or delayed).
4. Mr. Dilliner& Superintendent Henry will present the results of their further inquiries regarding the safety/security items that were discussed at last month's meeting.
5. As of August 12, 2019, the following Fiscal Year 2019 payments are due & payable to the school district:
Total payments to date: $212,184.03 (75.18% of payments due for FY19)
Grand Total of Outstanding Fiscal Year 2019 State Payments (FY18 Claims): $70,283.64
REVISION OF DISTRICT SECURITY PRACTICES(S): A discussion was held regarding the cost of different options pertaining to the district security practices that the board had asked for at the previous month's meeting. Brandon went through the options available and the costs associated with each addition/revision. These options included a full buzz-in system, door bell/chime/ momentary locking, additional cameras, and full upgrading of door lock system. Superintendent Henry presented information he requested from Mayor Ashmore for the costs associated with the employment of a school resource officer.
The timelines of the different options, the possibility of applying for grants for some of the options, the possibility of sharing the costs with City of Sesser, the sustainability of certain options, the addition of police officers randomly providing daily walk-throughs in the school building, the difficulty of having district locked in the summer, and consideration of combining different options were the topics of further discussion.
The board consensus was to eventually incorporate a full buzz-in system and to encourage the daily walk-through of the building by police officers. Superintendent Henry indicated that he and Mr. Dilliner would start the process of implementing this plan.
A motion was made by Loucks and seconded by Schoenbaechler approving the minutes of the previous meetings: July 2, 2019 (Policy Committee Meeting), July 8, 2019 (Regular Meeting), July 25, 2019 (Special Meeting); Treasurer's report; bills in the amount of $152,844.15 and salaries in the amount of $299,358.79; adoption of the certification of transportation safety hazard resolution; approval of a dual-credit agreement (Rend Lake College); approval of Regional Safe Schools Letter of Agreement; approval of revised board policies (final approval); approval and display of tentative district budget for Fiscal Year 2020; and scheduling of budget hearing for Fiscal Year 2020 (September 16, 2019 -5:55 PM), as presented.
Roll call voting was as follows:
Acosta, Hicks, Ketteman, Loucks, Rounds, Schoenbaechler, Stacey
Nays: None
There being seven (7) yeas and zero (0) nays, the president declared that the motion carried.
AUTHORIZATION FOR SALE OF SURPLUS EQUIPMENT (VAN): A motion was made by Schoenbaechler and seconded by Ketteman to authorize the sale of surplus equipment (school van).
Roll call voting was as follows:
Hicks, Ketteman, Loucks, Rounds, Schoenbaechler, Stacey, Acosta
Nays: None
There being seven (7) yeas and zero (0) nays, the president declared that the motion carried. ever
CLOSED SESSION: At 6:59 PM, a motion was made by Acosta and seconded by Ketteman to enter into closed session for the purpose of discussing the following exceptions to the Open Meetings Act:
a. The appointment, employment, compensation, discipline, performance or dismissal of specific employees of the public body (5 ILCS 120/2(c)(1), as amended by P.A. 93 57)
b. Collective negotiating matters between the public body and its employees or their representatives, or deliberations concerning the salary schedules for one or more classes of employees (5 ILCS 120/2(C)(2)
Roll call voting was as follows:
Ketteman, Loucks, Rounds, Schoenbaechler, Stacey, Acosta, Hicks
Nays: None
There being seven (7) yeas and zero (0) nays, the president declared that the motion carried.
RECONVENE FROM CLOSED SESSION: At 7:18 PM, a motion was made by Schoenbaechler and seconded by Ketteman to reconvene from closed session.
Voting was as follows: All voted yea. There being seven (7) yeas and zero (0) nays, the president declared that the motion carried.
EMPLOYMENT OF EXTRA-DUTY COACH(ES) AND/OR SPONSOR(S): A motion was made by Acosta and seconded by Loucks to employ the following extra-duty coach(es) and/or sponsors:
• Junior Class Sponsor: Megan Zurliene Teen REACH Grant Coordinator: Regina Tinsley Teen REACH Grant Assistant Coordinator: Leslie Hacker
• Roll call voting was as follows:
Yeas: Rounds, Schoenbaechler, Stacey, Acosta, Hicks, Ketteman, Loucks
Nays: None
There being seven (7) yeas and zero (0) nays, the president declared that the motion carried.
A motion was made by Loucks and seconded by Schoenbaechler to approve the following modifications to District Maintenance Supervisor Brandon Dilliner's salary:
Roll call voting was as follows:
Yeas: Schoenbaechler, Stacey, Acosta, Hicks, Ketteman, Loucks, Rounds
Nays: None
There being seven (7) yeas and zero (0) nays, the president declared that the motion carried.
A motion was made by Schoenbaechler and seconded by Loucks to approve an amendment to the Individual Employment & Retirement Agreement for District Secretary/Bookkeeper Vera Malinee, as presented.
Roll call voting was as follows:
Yeas: Stacey, Acosta, Hicks, Ketteman, Loucks, Rounds, Schoenbaechler
Nays: None
There being seven (7) yeas and zero (0) nays, the president declared that the motion carried.
APPROVAL OF ADMINISTRATOR EMPLOYMENT CONTRACT AMENDMENT (JONES, JAMES KEITH): A motion was made by Acosta and seconded by Ketteman to approve an amendment to the Principal Employment Contract for James Keith Jones, as presented.
Roll call voting was as follows:
Yeas: Hicks, Ketteman, Loucks, Rounds, Schoenbaechler, Stacey, Acosta
Nays: None
There being seven (7) yeas and zero (0) nays, the president declared that the motion carried.
A motion was made by Acosta and seconded by Schoenbaechler to approve an amendment to the Principal Employment Contract for Natalie M. Page, as presented.
Roll call voting was as follows:
Yeas: Ketteman, Loucks, Rounds, Schoenbaechler, Stacey, Acosta, Hicks
Nays: None
There being seven (7) yeas and zero (0) nays, the president declared that the motion carried.
A motion was made by Acosta and seconded by Loucks to approve an amendment to the Superintendent Employment Contract for Jason D. Henry, as presented.
Roll call voting was as follows:
Yeas: Loucks, Rounds, Schoenbaechler, Stacey, Acosta, Hicks, Ketteman
Nays: None
There being seven (7) yeas and zero (0) nays, the president declared that the motion carried.
A motion was made by Hicks and seconded by Schoenbaechler to adjourn.
Voting was as follows: All voted yea. There being seven (7) yeas and zero () nays, the president declared the motion carried.
The meeting adjourned at 7:22 PM.
The above-listed account of the regular meeting of the Board of Education of Sesser-Valier Community Unit School District No. 196, held on Monday, August 12, 2019 at 6:00 PM, is, to the best of my knowledge, a true and accurate account of the aforementioned meeting.,%202019,%20BdMtgMin.pdf