Rome Community Consolidated School District 2 Board met July 16.
Here is the agenda provided by the board:
1. The Rome Board of Education Meeting of July 16, 2019, was called to order by President Amanda McKee with the roll call at 6:00 p.m.
2. Roll Call: John Burkett: Present Wes Schumm: Absent
Steve Down: Present Kelly Tinsley Present
Michael Kroeschen: Absent Aaron Woodrome: Present
Amanda McKee: Present
Also in attendance were Principal Sarah Mellott, Superintendent Erik Estill, and Recording Secretary Mary Beth Voss.
3. A motion was made by John Burkett and seconded by Steve Down to approve the June 25, 2019, Board Meeting Minutes.
The motion was approved.
4. A motion was made by Steve Down and seconded by John Burkett to approve the June Financial Report as presented.
Vote: John Burkett: Yes Wes Schumm: Absent
Steve Down: Yes Kelly Tinsley: Yes
Michael Kroeschen: Absent Aaron Woodrome: Yes
Amanda McKee: Yes
The motion was approved.
5. A motion was made by Steve Down and seconded by John Burkett to approve the bills in the amount of $142,406.40.
Vote: John Burkett: Yes Wes Schumm: Absent
Steve Down: Yes Kelly Tinsley: Yes
Michael Kroeschen: Absent Aaron Woodrome: Yes
Amanda McKee: Yes
The motion was approved.
6. A motion was made by Aaron Woodrome and seconded by Steve Down to approve the repayment of the Revolving Fund in the amount of $278.55.
Vote: John Burkett: Yes Wes Schumm: Absent
Steve Down: Yes Kelly Tinsley: Yes
Michael Kroeschen: Absent Aaron Woodrome: Yes
Amanda McKee: Yes
The motion was approved.
7. Recognition from Employees and Public
8. Unfinished Business
9. New Business
a. A motion was made by John Burkett and seconded by Aaron Woodrome to approve the Superintendent Goals for the 2019-2020 school year as presented.
The motion was approved.
b. A motion was made by John Burkett and seconded by Steve Down to approve the substitute teacher pay rate of $85.00 per day for the 2019-2020 school year.
Vote: Kelly Tinsley: Yes Steve Down: Yes
Aaron Woodrome: Yes John Burkett: Yes
Amanda McKee: Yes Wes Schumm: Absent
Michael Kroeschen: Absent
The motion was approved.
c. A motion was made by Steve Down and seconded by John Burkett to approve the substitute
noncertified employee pay rate of $10.00 per hour for the 2019-2020 school year.
Vote: Amanda McKee: Yes Steve Down: Yes
Kelly Tinsley: Yes Wes Schumm: Absent
John Burkett: Yes Michael Kroeschen: Absemt
Aaron Woodrome: Yes
The motion was approved.
d. A motion was made by Steve Down and seconded by John Burkett to approve the entry level
pay for noncertified employees at a rate of $12.00 per hour for the 2019-2020 school year.
Vote: Michael Kroeschen: Absent John Burkett: Yes
Amanda McKee: Yes Aaron Woodrome: Yes
Wes Schumm: Absent Steve Down: Yes
Kelly Tinsley: Yes
The motion was approved.
e. A motion was made by Aaron Woodrome and seconded by Steve Down to adjourn to closed session to review the closed session minutes from the last six months (January 2019, through June, 2019) and consider employment, compensation, performance, or potential legal matters.
The motion was approved. Time: 6:16 p.m.
A motion was made by Steve Down and seconded by Aaron Woodrome to return to open session.
The motion was approved. Time: 7:12 p.m.
A motion was made by Steve Down and seconded by John Burkett to make the closed session minutes of February 19, March 11, March 19, April 23, May 21, June 4, and June 25, 2019, available for public inspection.
The motion was approved.
f. A motion was made by Steve Down and seconded by John Burkett to approve the employment of Marcie Jones as a 1-to-1 special education paraprofessional for the 2019-2020 school year.
Vote: Wes Schumm: Absent Michael Kroeschen: Absent
Amanda McKee: Yes John Burkett: Yes
Steve Down: Yes Kelly Tinsley: Yes
Aaron Woodrome: Yes
The motion was approved.
g. A motion was made by John Burkett and seconded by Aaron Woodrome to approve the employment of Jake Wilson as the Cross Country Coach for the 2019-2020 school year.
Vote: Kelly Tinsley: Yes Steve Down: Yes
Aaron Woodrome: Yes John Burkett: Yes
Amanda McKee: Yes Wes Schumm: Absent
Michael Kroeschen: Absent
The motion was approved.
h. The board conducted the first reading of the following policy pdates:
1) 2:110 Qualifications, Term and Duties of the Board Officers, 2) 2:140 Communications to and from the Board,
3) 2:230 Public Participation at School Board Meetings,
4) 4:20 Fund Balances, and
5) 6:340 Student Testing and Assessment Program.
10. Superintendent’s Report
a. Birthday Cards
Superintendent Estill informed members that the employee birthday cards arrived. He shared a list July and August birthdays and cards were signed by board members for distribution by Mr. Estill.
b. Employee of the Month Sign
Superintendent Estill informed members that the sign arrived and Andy Kendrick will install a post and the sign.
c. School Safety and Security School Seminar (Board Conference)
Superintendent informed members they were welcome to attend this seminar and to let Mrs. Voss know if they would like to attend.
d. Update on Summer Maintenance
Superintendent Estill updated members on the numerous projects going on throughout the building including new lighting, carpet, and floor tile as well as general cleaning, painting, and waxing. He commended the custodians for their hard work.
e. Miscellaneous
Superintendent Estill and board members discussed the purchase of a van for use during extracurricular activities. Members would like Mr. Estill to look for a second van. Approval to purchase the vehicle(s) will be considered at the August board meeting.
11. A motion was made by John Burkett and seconded by Aaron Woodrome to adjourn the meeting at 7:40 p.m.
The motion was approved.