
North Egypt News

Saturday, February 22, 2025

Jefferson County Highway Committee met October 24

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Jefferson County Highway Committee met Oct. 24.

Here is the minutes provided by the committee:

1. Call to Order

Highway Committee Chairman Tim Marlow called the Highway Committee of the Jefferson County Board to order at 6:15 P.M, In County Board Room.

2. Roll Call

Call of roll, the following committee members were present: Tim Marlow, Jeff Williams, Jeffery Nowland, and Adam Ortgiesen.

Absent: Steve Draege Rand 

Others present: Brandon Simmons, Clifford Lindemann, Randy Edwards, Sean Wilkey, Wayne Hicks, James Malone, Brandon Simmons, Sandra Wellmaker and media.

3. Public Input,

4. Items to be presented for Action,

A. Pay Monthly bills.

- Motion by Williams and seconded by Nowland to recommend to the full board to approve monthly claims as presented. 

- Motion carried: Ayes: 4 (Nowland, Marlow, Williams, and Ortgiesen) 

- 0 Nay

D. Approval of Hart's Subdivision. 

Motion by Williams and seconded by Ortgiesen to approve Hart's Sub Division located in Mt, Vernon Township off Two Mile Creek Lane. 

- Motion carried: Ayes: 4 (Marlow, Nowland, Williams, and Ortgiesen). 

- 0 Nay

E. Approval of Rubenacker's Subdivision

Motion by Williams and seconded by Ortgiesen to approve Rubenacker's Sub Division located in Blissville Township off Panzer Road 

- Motion carried: Ayes: 4 (Marlow, Nowland, Williams, and Ortgiesen). 

0 - Nay

5. Items of Information 

A. 4 Year Plan 

B. Report of Motor Fuel Tax Allotment. 

C. Another business necessary and proper.

6. Executive Session 

A. Discuss the appointment (s) Employment, Compensation, Discipline, Real Estate, Collective Bargaining, Negotiating Matters and Update of Pending Litigations if Needed (5 ILCS 120/2 © (1) (2011 

7. Motion to adjourn. 

- Motion by Ortgiesen and seconded by Nowland to adjourn. 

- Motion carried: Ayes 4: (Marlow, Nowland, Williams, and Ortgiesen.). 

- 0 Nay

Meeting adjourned at 6:35 P.M.
