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Field Community Consolidated School District 3 Board met November 19

Webp meet

Field Community Consolidated School District 3 Board met Nov. 19.

Here is the minutes provided by the board:

Members Present: 

Chris Hayes

Rodney Mullinax

Jonathan Schnautz

Amanda Wheeler

Ben Staley

Members Absent: 

Mike Coleman

Rob Emery

Chris Hayes called the meeting to order at 7:01 PM. Mullinax made the motion to approve the consent agenda which included the minutes of the previous meeting and bills totaling $162,089.20. Schnautz seconded the motion.

Voting Yes: Wheeler, Hayes, Mullinax, Schnautz, Staley 

Voting No: None

Motion Passed

Public Input: Mrs. DeAnna Clark gave the Board of Education an update on her health and thanked the Board of Education for hiring a classroom aide for her classroom.

Amanda Wheeler made a motion to hire a part time school resource officer from the Jefferson County Sheriff’s Department to work four hours a week at $17 per hour, with an additional annual administrative cost of $500. Schnautz seconded the motion.

Voting Yes: Wheeler, Hayes, Mullinax, Schnautz, Staley 

Voting No: None

Motion Passed

Principal Arnold gave a report on the Annual School Report Card, Jefferson County school’s standardized test scores, and discipline.

No board action was required.

Superintendent Stone gave an update on transportation. All buses are up to date on inspections. The spare bus is being sent to the shop to have the brakes replaced. Bus 12 will have a new parking brake cable installed.

No board action was required.

Mr. Stone discussed the 5 Essentials Survey. The window for parents to take the survey is currently open. Students in 4th-8th grades will take the survey in December. Teachers will also take the survey in January.

No board action was required.

The 2019 Raffle Fundraiser raised $3,970 to help pay for field trips and class events. The same fundraiser in 2018 raised $5,036.

No board action was required.

Meet the Teams night was a success. The event raised $1,600 to go toward the Field School Athletic Fund.

No board action was required.

Work on the area around the lagoon is almost complete. Honeysuckle and Russian Olives have been removed. Stump kill will be applied and the brush will be cleared.

No board action was required.

Security Alarm will install new fire protection devices over the Christmas Break. They will be able to complete most of the work during the break.

No board action will be required.

The first Field School Veterans Day Program was a success. There were many positive comments from veterans and students alike. Field School looks forward to hosting a similar event next year.

No board action was required.

Schnautz made a motion to destroy executive board minute tapes over 18 months old. Staley seconded the motion.

Voting Yes: Wheeler, Hayes, Mullinax, Schnautz, Staley 

Voting No: None

Motion Passed

Handbook revisions were discussed. Handbook revisions were tabled until spring at which time a Handbook Committee can be established for possible revision of the 2019-2020 handbooks.

No board action was taken.

Recent fan ejections from sporting events were discussed. No board action was taken.

Policy regarding academic eligibility from the SIJHSAA, the IHSA, and the Field School Handbook were reviewed.

No board action was taken.

The Balling for a Cure Panthers vs Cancer basketball game was discussed. The game will be December 3rd, 2019. Money raised from T-shirt sales will go to the American Cancer Society.

No board action was required.

Schnautz made a motion to go into executive session to discuss the appointment, employment, compensation, discipline, performance or dismissal of a specific employee or employees at 7:53. Mullinax seconded the motion.

Motion passed without opposition.

Mullinax made a motion to come out of closed session at 8:18. Staley seconded the motion.

Motion passed without opposition.

Schnautz made a motion to allow Field School administration to interview Jenney Fenton for the school nurse position with the possibility of employment on a probationary period of 90 days. Wheeler seconded the motion.

Voting Yes: Wheeler, Hayes, Mullinax, Schnautz, Staley 

Voting No: None

Motion Passed

Correspondence: Gina Ilbery thanked the school board for the consultant pay received in October.

No board action was required.

Schnautz made a motion to adjourn the meeting at 8:24. Staley seconded the motion. The motion passed without opposition.

Date: Tuesday, November 19th, 2019

Time: 7:00 PM

Place: Field School Conference Room


1. Call to Order and Establishment of Quorum

2. Consent Agenda

a. Minutes

b. Bills

c. Treasurer’s Monthly Report

3. Public Input

4. School Resource Officer: Chief Deputy Blaine Uhls will discuss school resource officer possibility

5. Principal Report

a. 2019 School Report Card-Every Student Succeeds Act (ESSA)

b. Review County and District Standardized Test Scores

c. Discipline Report

6. Transportation

a. Bus Inspections & Maintenance

7. Five Essential Survey

8. Old Business

a. 2019 Fund Raiser Results

b. Meet the Teams Night

c. Lagoon Update

d. Fire Alarm Update

e. Veterans Day Program

9. New Business

a. Approval of Destruction of Closed Meeting Tapes Over 18 Months

b. Handbook Revisions

c. Fan Ejections from Basketball Games

d. Panthers vs Cancer Basketball Game

10. Executive Session

Information regarding appointment, employment, compensation, discipline, performance or dismissal of a specific employee or employees

a. School Nurse Applicants

b. Teacher’s Aide

c. Early Childhood Update

11. Other

12. Correspondence

13. Adjourn

Minutes of the Board of Education

Field Community Consolidated School District #3

October 15th, 2019

Members Present: Chris Hayes

Jonathan Schnautz

Amanda Wheeler

Mike Coleman

Rob Emery

Members Absent: Rodney Mullinax

Ben Staley

Visitors Present: Nicole Hayes

Robin Shook

Chris Hayes called the meeting to order at 7:00 PM. Schnautz made a motion to approve the consent agenda which included the minutes of the previous meeting and the bills totaling $184,947.13. Emery seconded the motion.

Voting Yes: Hayes, Schnautz, Wheeler, Coleman, Emery 

Voting No: None

Motion Passed

There was no public input.

Principal’s Report: Principal Arnold gave a report on Fire Drills and the Fire Safety Program. Ms. Arnold also gave a report on discipline. Ms. Arnold will report to the Board of Education on standardized test scores from Field and the other Jefferson County schools when the scores become available.

Coleman made a motion to hire Charles May to remove the Russian Olives and Honey Suckle from the lagoon pending approval from the insurance company. Emery seconded the motion.

Voting Yes: Hayes, Schnautz, Wheeler, Coleman, Emery 

Voting No: None

Motion Passed

Options to upgrade the fire alarm system were discussed. Emery made a motion have Security Alarm of Salem, Il. replace the current fire alarm system at a cost of $33,200. Schnautz seconded the motion.

Voting Yes: Hayes, Schnautz, Wheeler, Coleman, Emery 

Voting No: None

Motion Passed

Bus inspections are up to date. No board action was necessary.

The Annual Financial Report (Audit) was reviewed. Schnautz made a motion to approve the 2019 Annual Financial Report. Emery seconded the motion.

Voting Yes: Hayes, Schnautz, Wheeler, Coleman, Emery 

Voting No: None

Motion Passed

The purchase of playground equipment using the Pre-K ROE grant was discussed. Field School will continue to look for playground equipment at a competitive cost. No board action was necessary.

The Field School Raffle Fundraiser was discussed. $4,106 had been turned in as of the Friday before BOE meeting. No board action was necessary.

Meet the Teams will be held Thursday, Oct 17th at 6:00. The event will consist of K-5th grade students and music students singing patriotic songs, a silent auction, and concession. All are welcome to attend. No board action was required.

Wheeler made a motion to approve a Memo of Understanding with the Field Teachers Association clarifying the use of personal days. Coleman seconded the motion. Motion passed without opposition.

Schnuatz made a motion to enter into closed session at 7:55 PM to discuss the performance of specific employees. Wheeler seconded the motion. Motion passed without opposition.

Schnautz made a motion to exit out of closed session at 8:37 PM. Wheeler seconded the motion. Motion passed without opposition.

Schnautz made a motion to employ Aaron Pemberton as a full time Aide for the 7th grade home room. Coleman seconded the motion.

Voting Yes: Hayes, Schnautz, Wheeler, Coleman, Emery

Voting No: None

Motion Passed

Schnautz made a motion to regretfully approve the resignation of Tammy Smith, school nurse, effective October 3, 2019. Wheeler seconded the motion. Motion passed without opposition.

Wheeler made a motion to employ Darlene Sherman as scholar bowl sponsor. Emery seconded the motion.

Voting Yes: Hayes, Schnautz, Wheeler, Coleman, Emery 

Voting No: None

Motion Passed

Wheeler made a motion to have teacher Rachel Austin move from a half day to full time in the early childhood program, pending Mrs. Austin’s approval. Coleman seconded the motion.

Voting Yes: Hayes, Schnautz, Wheeler, Coleman, Emery Voting No: None

Motion Passed

Placing an ad in the Mt. Vernon Township High School Year Book was discussed. No board action was taken.

Schnautz made a motion to adjourn the meeting at 8:45 PM. Coleman seconded the motion. Motion passed without opposition.

Subject: Board of Education Meeting

Date: Tuesday, October 15th, 2019

Time: 6:45 PM

Place: Field School Conference Room

Agenda 7:00 PM

1. Call to Order

2. Roll Call

3. Establishment of Quorum

4. Consent Agenda

a. Minutes

b. Bills

c. Treasurer’s Monthly Report

5. Public Input

6. Principal’s Report

a. Review of Drills and Fire Safety Program

b. Standardized Test Scores

c. Overall Discipline

7. Building

a. Bleacher Update

b. Lagoon Maintenance

c. Life Health Safety Fire Bid Update

8. Transportation

a. Bus Inspections

9. Old Business

a. Annual Financial Report (Audit) is available for approval

b. Playground Equipment Update

10. New Business

a. Fund Raiser

b. Meet the Teams Night

c. Memo of Understanding Document

11. Personnel (Closed Session)

Information regarding the appointment, employment, compensation, discipline, performance or dismissal of a specific employee or employees

a. Possible Scholar Bowl Sponsor Employment

b. Resignation Letter (School Nurse)

c. Performance of Specific Employee or Employees

12. Correspondence

13. Other

14. Adjourn
