
North Egypt News

Sunday, February 23, 2025

Field Community Consolidated School District 3 Board met January 21

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Field Community Consolidated School District 3 Board met Jan. 21.

Here is the minutes provided by the board:

Members Present: Rodney Mullinax

Jonathan Schnautz

Ben Staley

Christine Hayes

Amanda Wheeler

Members Absent: Mike Coleman

Rob Emery

Visitor Present: Darlene Sherman

Robin Shook

Chris Hayes called the meeting to order at 7:00 PM. Mullinax made the motion to approve the consent agenda which included the minutes of the previous meeting and bills totaling $185,464.12. seconded the motion.

Voting yes: Wheeler 





Voting no: None 

Motion Passed

Public input: “Hi, how is it going?”

Principal Arnold reported on detention numbers. Principal Arnold also reviewed the 5 Essentials Survey. Field School Currently has 100% student response, 70% teacher response, and 30% parent response. No board action was required.

The IAR testing window will be March 16th-20th.

No board action was required.

The new Fire Safety Devices and Panels were installed over winter break. No board action was required.

Schnautz made a motion to authorize the school maintenance project application and to reserve local funds of $43,000 to cover the districts portion of the projects cost. The grant application, if approved, will cover the cost of replacing 16 HVAC units and replacing the gymnasium lights. This is a dollar for dollar matching grant.

Voting yes: Wheeler 





Voting no: None 

Motion Passed

The Regional Office of Education and the Fire Marshall are scheduled to visit January 22nd for the annual Health, Life, Safety Inspection. No board action was required.

Mr. Stone reported on repairs being made to the spare bus. Brakes are being replaced as needed along with an ABS pump module. No board action was required.

The second reading of Press Plus #102 took place. Staley made a motion to approve Press Plus #102 and Mullinax seconded the motion. Motion passed without opposition.

Playground equipment will be ordered and purchased before February 5th. No board action was required.

Schnautz made a motion to establish a Press Plus Policy committee to review, report changes, and make recommendations from the Press Plus Updates to the Board of Education. The committee will consist of: Wayne Stone, Jennifer Arnold, and Rodney Mullinax. Wheeler seconded the motion. The motion passed without opposition.

Schnautz made a motion seek bids for lawn mowing and bush hogging of the school grounds. Staley seconded the motion. The motion passed without opposition.

Board members in attendance received and completed the Economic Statements of Interest. No official board action was required.

Staley made a motion to set the graduation date for May 14th, at 6:30. Mullinax seconded the motion. Motion passed without opposition.

Staley made a motion to allow 8th grade students from Farrington Grade School to ride along with the Field 8th grade students to Holiday World on May 13th. Schnautz seconded the motion. Motion passed without opposition.

An update on the needs of school building and grounds was given. No board action was required.

Mullinax made a motion to enter into executive session to discuss information regarding appointment, employment, compensation, discipline, performance, or dismissal of a specific employee at 7:38 PM. Schnautz seconded the motion. Motion carried without opposition.

Mullinax made a motion to come out of executive session at 7:50 PM. Staley seconded the motion. Motion carried without opposition.

Schnautz made a motion to hire Malorie Hendrix as assistant volleyball coach until Sarah Morgan is able to return as assistant. Wheeler seconded the motion.

Voting yes: Wheeler





Voting no: None 

Motion Passed

Schnauntz made a motion to allow Mr. Stone to assist with the boy’s basketball program as needed. Wheeler seconded the motion. 

Voting yes: Wheeler





Voting no: None 

Motion Passed

Staley made the motion to adjourn the meeting at 7:53. The motion was seconded by Mullinax. The motion passed without opposition.
