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Sunday, February 23, 2025

John A. Logan College Community College District No. 530 Board of Trustees met January 28

Webp meeting41

John A. Logan College Community College District No. 530 Board of Trustees met Jan. 28.

Here is the minutes provided by the board:

Minutes of the regular meeting of the Board of Trustees of Community College District No. 530, Counties of Williamson, Jackson, Franklin, Perry, and Randolph, State of Illinois, held at Carterville, Illinois, on Tuesday, January 28, 2020, commencing at 7:00 p.m.

The meeting was called to order by Acting Chair Mandy Little.

The Acting Chair directed the recording secretary to call the roll:

Rebecca Borgsmiller -- present

Ray Hancock -- present

Bill Kilquist -- not present

Mandy Little -- present

Glenn Poshard -- present

Jake Rendleman -- not present

Aaron Smith -- present

Hanna Dobrynski -- present

Also present were: Ron House, president, Brad McCormick, vice-president for business services and college facilities; Melanie Pecord, vice-president for instruction, Rhett Barke, legal counsel, Susan May, recording secretary to the Board of Trustees; and other College personnel.

Trustee Little led the Board in the Pledge of Allegiance.

Acting Chair Mandy Little stated that it was necessary to appoint a secretary pro tempore to fulfill signature requirements for the January 28, 2020, regular meeting. Trustee Glenn Poshard nominated Aaron Smith, who accepted the nomination.

Trustee Glenn Poshard motioned that the Board of Trustees approve Aaron Smith as the secretary pro tempore for the January 28, 2020, regular meeting.

Upon roll call, all members present voted yes. Motion carried. 

(Resolution #16-4023)


Minutes of the November 26, 2019, regular meeting were previously distributed.

Aaron Smith and Ray Hancock moved and seconded that the Board of Trustees approve the minutes of the November 26, 2019, regular meeting.

A voice vote showed all in favor. Motion carried. 

(Resolution #16-4024)


The treasurer’s and financial reports for the periods ending October 31 and November 30, 2019, were previously distributed.

Glenn Poshard and Aaron Smith moved and seconded that the Board of Trustees approve the treasurer’s and financial reports for the periods ending October 31 and November 30, 2019.

A voice vote showed all in favor. Motion carried. 

(Resolution #16-4025)


The expenditure lists for the periods ending November 30 and December 31, 2019, were previously distributed.

Ray Hancock and Glenn Poshard moved and seconded that the Board of Trustees approve the expenditure lists for the periods ending November 30 and December 31, 2019.

Upon roll call, all members present voted yes. Motion carried. 

(Resolution #16-4026)






A. Comments by Acting Board Chair

No comments.

B. Athletics Advisory Committee

No report.

C. Building, Grounds, and Safety Committee

Vice-President Brad McCormick reported that the Building, Grounds, and Safety Committee met on January 10 and discussed the bids for the highway maintenance building and deferred maintenance project applications presented for approval later on the agenda. The committee also discussed the Facility Master Plan draft that will be presented to the Board in February or March.

D. Board Policy Committee

No report.

E. Budget and Finance Committee

Trustee Glenn Poshard reported that the committee met with the administration and auditor to review the 2019 audit.

F. Integrated Technology Committee

Trustee Rebecca Borgsmiller reported that the committee met in January; however, no action was taken due to lack of quorum. New computers are being imaged and displayed and will be deployed in a prioritized manner. Classrooms B73 and B75 have been remodeled and are now being used. There was discussion about deferring a software program due to Jenzabar update requirements, and the consideration of another software program that would still benefit students.

G. Illinois Community College Trustees Association (ICCTA)

Trustee Mandy Little reported that ICCTA would hold two joint session meetings with Senators Durbin and Duckworth during the ACCT Legislative Summit in Washington, DC. A joint meeting will take place on February 10 and will be available as a teleconference for trustees.

H. John A. Logan College Foundation

No report.

I. Student Trustee

Student Trustee Hanna Dobrynski reported that club representatives are working on questions for the survey to be distributed to students at Springfest. Voter registration days are scheduled for February 5 and 6. Phi Theta Kappa volunteered at the Herrin House of Hope in January, and the cybersecurity team volunteered as tech support during the annual Hospice of southern Illinois fundraiser.


A. Faculty Association Report

No report.

B. Adjunct Faculty Association Report

No report.

C. Logan Operational Staff Association Report

No report.


Instructional and Student Support Services Update

Vice-president Melanie Pecord reported that the College is in the final phase of the accreditation process for the Associate Degree Nursing program, and is hopeful to announce the final results in April. Approximately 400 high school students will be on campus in February to attend the annual Healthcare Showcase and Applied Technology Day.

KFS Food Service and Coffee Shop Update

Director of Facility Services Chris Naegele updated the Board on the progress of the new food service contracted through Kings Food Services (KFS) over a year ago. KFS is the College’s primary food service vendor and also handles all room set-ups for the Hancock Conference Center. One of the main differences since contracting with KFS is that 16 other caterers from our region are also authorized to serve food at the College. KFS recently expanded its services to the remodeled coffee shop area in the East Wing. Students and staff have been pleased with the new food-service line and coffee shop. Mr. McCormick added that the College does not have to subsidize the foodservice or coffee shop, which is unusual in Illinois community colleges. A video was prepared for the Board to showcase the new food service line and renovated coffee shop space and to give a better understanding of how KFS works with the College.

Comments from President Ron House

President House reported that according to tenth-day enrollment numbers for Spring 2020, enrollment was up by 100 students from Fall 2019, and down 79 students from the previous spring semester. Dr. House noted that a more detailed breakout of enrollment would be forthcoming.

The Foundation Italian Dinner is scheduled for Wednesday, February 19 . The College is also planning a dedication ceremony for the new solar field.


Vice-President McCormick requested that Item E be pulled from the Consent Agenda for further discussion and separate action.

A. Approval of Closed Session Minutes for Availability for Public Inspection

Legal counsel conducted a review of closed session minutes through September 24, 2019, according to Illinois Statute 5 ILCS 120/22.06(d), to determine whether said minutes may be made available for public inspection in compliance with this statute. President House recommended that the Board of Trustees accept the recommendation of legal counsel that none of the closed session minutes reviewed through September 24, 2019, be made available for public inspection at this time.

B. Approval of Instructional Calendar for 2021 - 2022 (Appendix III)

President House recommended that the Board of Trustees approve the instructional calendar for 2021 – 2022, as presented in Appendix III.

C. Approval of Community College Deferred Maintenance Project Applications (Appendix IV)

President House recommended that the Board of Trustees approve the FY2020 deferred maintenance project applications, listed below according to preference, and presented in Appendix IV:

i. Parking Lots A, C, and Adjacent Roadways Resurfacing

ii. First and Second Floor Building “C” Renovations

D. Award of Contract for Logan Fitness Accessibility Renovations (Appendix V)

President House recommended that the Board of Trustees award the bid for Logan Fitness renovations to the lowest, responsible bidder, Samron Midwest Contracting, for a total of $128,740 for the base bid, plus alternate #2.

F. Conference Center Audio/Visual Upgrades

President House recommended that the Board of Trustees authorize the administration to proceed with the purchase and installation of equipment to improve the technology in the conference center, not to exceed a maximum of $75,000. In accordance with Illinois Statute 110 ILCS 805/3-27.1, this purchase is exempt from bidding.

Ray Hancock and Glenn Poshard moved and seconded that the Board of Trustees approve Consent Agenda Items A, B, C, D, and F as recommended.

A voice vote showed all in favor. Motion carried. 

(Resolution #16-4027)


A. Presentation and Approval of 2019 Audit (Appendix VII)

Vice-President McCormick introduced Kimberly Walker, with Kemper CPA Group. Ms. Walker and her staff met with the Board Finance Committee to discuss items in detail regarding the audit. She presented a summary of the overall results to the Board and referenced three main reports issued as a result of the audit. Kemper CPA Group issued an unmodified opinion In the first report on the financial statements. In the second report on internal control over financial reporting, Kemper did not identify any deficiencies in internal control, and tests disclosed no instances of noncompliance. Kemper’s staff performed a single audit of the student financial aid program for the third report on compliance as it relates to the College’s major federal programs. It is noted in this report that there were some instances of noncompliance. This finding involved the requirements by the Department of Education to report enrollment changes of students to the National Student Loan Clearing House every sixty days. The College provided a corrective action plan, and Ms. Walker affirmed that the auditing firm was satisfied with the College’s remediation plan. A significant

piece of the corrective action plan primarily includes some self-auditing along the way. Ms. Walker noted one other minor issue not reported in the audit book, but in a management letter of comment, that was related to an annual report including specific information related to students receiving financial aid. The College did file the reporting timely, but some of the specific information was missing. Ms. Walker stated that it is common for colleges to have findings related to the many requirements issued for student financial aid. Ms. Walker referenced additional material within the audit book in response to questions from the Board, including a report that indicated the College ended the year with positive fund balances across the board.

President House recommended that the Board of Trustees approve the FY2019 annual audit, as presented in Appendix VII.

Aaron Smith and Glen Poshard moved and seconded that the Board of Trustees approve the FY2019 annual audit, as recommended.

Upon roll call, all members present voted yes. Motion carried. 

(Resolution #16-4028)

B. Tuition and Fee Proposal (Appendix VIII)

Vice-President Brad McCormick presented highlights of the tuition and fee proposal that was included in the board packet. The College has gone four years without a tuition increase. This tuition and fee proposal is based on anticipated cash losses in total tuition revenue, which has declined due to credit hour decline. For FY2020, the College is estimating between 900,000 and $1 million loss compared to last year. Mr. McCormick stated there is value to the institution financially to be able to forecast tuition revenue for a four-year period. This proposal places us in the spot that at the end of the four-year period, John A. Logan College will still be in the lower 10 to 15 percent of the state in terms of cost. The administration presented this proposal to the student trustee and Student Senate and incorporated feedback received. Student Trustee Dobrynski reiterated that students were not surprised or opposed to the proposed tuition increase. There was discussion regarding any impact a tuition increase might have on recruitment efforts, and it was noted that this should not affect these efforts due to the quality of programs John A. Logan College has to offer. This proposal provides the financial need to keep program quality up, which is an incentive in keeping students coming to John A. Logan College. There was additional discussion about the possibility of forming an ad hoc committee to discuss enrollment trends and impacts of the economy in the state of Illinois.

President House recommended that the Board of Trustees approve the tuition and fees for fiscal year 2021; and the 4-year tuition and fee proposal, both presented to the Board of Trustees in Appendix VIII.

Ray Hancock and Glenn Poshard moved and seconded that the Board of Trustees approve the tuition and fees for fiscal year 2021; and the four-year tuition and fee proposal as recommended.

Upon roll call, all members present voted yes. Motion carried. 

(Resolution #16-4029)

Item E pulled from the Consent Agenda for further discussion and action.

E. Award of Contract for Biology Lab and Prep Room Renovation, and Air Handler Unit #7 Replacement (Appendix VI)

Vice-President Brad McCormick reported that additional information was necessary to identify the lowest responsible bidder for the projects presented in Item E of the Consent Agenda and Item C of New Business. Mr. McCormick requested reference materials for the lowest two bidders on these projects, Evard Company and Samron Midwest Contracting. Based on the information received from phone calls made by Mr. McCormick and the director of building and grounds, Mr. McCormick stated that his recommendation for the lowest responsible bidder for both projects is Samron Midwest Contracting. Blayne Thompson, a representative from Evard, was in attendance and asked to comment. The Acting Chair asked if the representative was aware of the contractor being recommended before this meeting, and he confirmed that he was not. Mr. Thompson stated that the company was confident in their ability to complete the projects within the stated timeline and were willing to sign a statement that if either project went passed the completion date, it would be free of charge for John A. Logan College. Legal counsel reiterated that the College put both projects out for bid, and the law requires that it be awarded to the lowest responsible bidder. Vice-President McCormick went through the efforts of due diligence to vet this issue before the meeting and recommends Samron Midwest Contracting as the lowest responsible bidder. It is the perogative of the Board to take that recommendation on these projects.

President House recommended that the Board of Trustees award the bid for the Biology Lab and Prep Room renovations, and the replacement of air handler unit #7, to the lowest responsible bidder, Samron Midwest Contracting, in the amount of $484,275.

Glenn Poshard and Ray Hancock moved and seconded that the Board of Trustees award the contract for the biology lab and prep room renovations, and air handler unit #7 as recommended.

Upon roll call, all members present voted yes. Motion carried. 

(Resolution #16-4030)

C. Award of Contract for Highway Maintenance and Construction Building (Appendix IX)

President House recommended that the Board of Trustees approve the capital project application for the bid for a Highway Maintenance and Construction Building and that the contract for construction be awarded to the lowest responsible bidder, Samron Midwest Contracting, for base bid only, in the amount of $176,617.

Glenn Poshard and Aaron Smith moved and seconded that the Board of Trustees approve the award of contract for a Highway Maintenance and Construction Building as recommended.

Upon roll call, all members present voted yes. Motion carried. 

(Resolution #16-4031)

PERSONNEL Operational Staff

President House recommended that Daniela Brooks be employed as a full-time, grade IV, administrative assistant IV (director of institutional research) at John A. Logan College.

Aaron Smith and Glenn Poshard moved and seconded that the Board of Trustees approve the employment of the administrative assistant IV as recommended.

A voice vote showed all in favor. Motion carried.

(Resolution #16-4032)

President House recommended that Bethany Laird be employed as a full-time, grade IV, financial aid specialist IV at John A. Logan College.

Aaron Smith and Glenn Poshard moved and seconded that the Board of Trustees approve the employment of the financial aid specialist IV as recommended.

A voice vote showed all in favor. Motion carried. 

(Resolution #16-4033)

President House recommended that Phoenix Jahn be ratified as a part-time lifeguard at John A. Logan College effective January 6, 2020.

President House recommended that Kassandra Jones be ratified as a part-time lifeguard at John A. Logan College effective January 13, 2020.

Glenn Poshard and Ray Hancock moved and seconded that the Board of Trustees approve the ratification of the part-time lifeguards as recommended.

A voice vote showed all in favor. Motion carried.

(Resolution #16-4034)

Maintenance/Building Staff

President House recommended that Stephen Porter be employed as a full-time custodian at John A. Logan College.

Glenn Poshard and Aaron Smith moved and seconded that the Board of Trustees approve the employment of the full-time custodian as recommended.

A voice vote showed all in favor. Motion carried.

(Resolution #16-4035)

Non-Teaching Professional Staff

President House recommended that Abigail Myers be employed as a full-time, grade VI, coordinator of extension center (DuQuoin) at John A. Logan College.

Aaron Smith and Glenn Poshard moved and seconded that the Board of Trustees approve the employment of the coordinator of extension center (DuQuoin) as recommended.

A voice vote showed all in favor. Motion carried.

(Resolution #16-4036)

President House recommended that Ariella Gomez be employed as a full-time, grade IV, coordinator of testing services at John A. Logan College.

Glenn Poshard and Aaron Smith moved and seconded that the Board of Trustees approve the employment of the coordinator of testing services as recommended.

A voice vote showed all in favor. Motion carried.

(Resolution #16-4037)

President House recommended that LeAnne Gaydos be ratified as a part-time community coordinator for Carbondale at John A. Logan College effective January 1, 2020.

Glenn Poshard and Aaron Smith moved and seconded that the Board of Trustees approve the ratification of the community coordinator for Carbondale as recommended.

A voice vote showed all in favor. Motion carried.

(Resolution #16-4038)

Adjunct Faculty

President House recommended that John Allen be ratified as a part-time instructor of criminal justice at John A. Logan College effective January 13, 2020.

President House recommended that Emily Cripps be ratified as a part-time instructor of criminal justice at John A. Logan College effective January 13, 2020.

President House recommended that Dempsey Elders be ratified as a part-time instructor of auto service technician at John A. Logan College effective January 13, 2020.

President House recommended that Andrew Harper be ratified as a part-time instructor of English at John A. Logan College effective January 13, 2020.

President House recommended that Jacklyn Hedger be ratified as a part-time instructor of nursing at John A. Logan College effective January 17, 2020.

President House recommended that Chrisden Marshall be ratified as a part-time instructor of early childhood education at John A. Logan College effective January 13, 2020.

President House recommended that Shelby Miller be ratified as a part-time instructor of early childhood education at John A. Logan College effective January 13, 2020.

President House recommended that Leslie Murray be ratified as a part-time instructor of philosophy at John A. Logan College effective January 13, 2020.

President House recommended that Nicholas Petz be ratified as a part-time substitute instructor of emergency medical technician at John A. Logan College effective January 13, 2020.

President House recommended that Paula Willig be ratified as a part-time instructor of interpreter preparation at John A. Logan College effective January 13, 2020.

President House recommended that Lindsey Yordy be ratified as a part-time instructor of early childhood education at John A. Logan College effective January 13, 2020.

Glenn Poshard and Ray Hancock moved and seconded that the Board of Trustees approve the adjunct faculty as recommended.

A voice vote showed all in favor. Motion carried.

(Resolution #16-4039)

Community Education Staff

President House recommended that Abby Jurgens be ratified as a SilverSneakers instructor at John A. Logan College effective January 14, 2020.

President House recommended that Kassandra Jones be ratified as an Advanced Swimming instructor at John A. Logan College effective January 13, 2020.

President House recommended that Karissa Stokes be ratified as an iPhone for Beginners instructor at John A. Logan College effective January 21, 2020.

Aaron Smith and Glenn Poshard moved and seconded that the Board of Trustees approve the community education staff as recommended.

A voice vote showed all in favor. Motion carried.

(Resolution #16-4040)

Workforce Development Staff

President House recommended that Christopher Cutsinger be employed as a Highway Construction Careers Training Program instructor at John A. Logan College effective February 24, 2020.

Ray Hancock and Aaron Smith moved and seconded that the Board of Trustees approve the workforce development staff as recommended.

A voice vote showed all in favor. Motion carried.

(Resolution #16-4041)

Non-Teaching Professional Grant Staff

President House recommended that Emily Haymans Cook be ratified as a part-time, grade I, literacy counselor/facilitator at John A. Logan College effective January 16, 2020.

Glenn Poshard and Aaron Smith moved and seconded that the Board of Trustees approve the non- teaching professional grant staff as recommended.

A voice vote showed all in favor. Motion carried.

(Resolution #16-4042)

Part-Time Grant Faculty

President House recommended that Emily Haymans Cook be employed as a part-time Adult

Secondary Education instructor at John A. Logan College effective February 3, 2020.

President House recommended that Andrew Notier be employed as a part-time Adult Secondary Education (social studies) instructor at John A. Logan College effective February 3, 2020.

Ray Hancock and Glenn Poshard moved and seconded that the Board of Trustees approve the part- time grant faculty as recommended.

A voice vote showed all in favor. Motion carried.

(Resolution #16-4043)


President House recommended that the Board of Trustees accept the following retirement requests:

a) Kathy Stokesberry, custodian, effective October 1, 2020.

b) Curtis Simmons, building maintenance, effective May 1, 2021.

c) Pam Hays, professor of nursing, effective June 1, 2021.

d) Julie Horecker, professor of nursing, effective June 1, 2021.

e) Sharyl Melvin, senior executive assistant, effective August 1, 2021.

f) Nancy Jo Crowell, assoc. professor cosmetology, effective September 1, 2021.

g) Marilyn Falaster, director of nursing, effective September 1, 2021.

h) Dr. Barry Hancock, dean for community education, effective September 1, 2021.

Glenn Poshard and Aaron Smith moved and second that the Board of Trustees accept the retirement requests as recommended.

A voice vote showed all in favor. Motion carried.

(Resolution #16-4044)

President House recommended that the Board of Trustees accept the resignation of Lindsey Yordy, coordinator of testing services, effective December 14, 2020.

Glenn Poshard and Aaron Smith moved and second that the Board of Trustees accept the resignation as recommended.

A voice vote showed all in favor. Motion carried.

(Resolution #16-4045)




Glenn Poshard and Aaron Smith moved and second that the regular meeting of the Board of Trustees be adjourned.

A voice vote showed all in favor. Motion carried.

(Resolution #16-4046)

The meeting duly adjourned at 8:35 p.m.


Minutes of the regular meeting of the Board of Trustees of Community College District No. 530,

Counties of Williamson, Jackson, Franklin, Perry, and Randolph, State of Illinois, held at Carterville,

Illinois, on Tuesday, January 28, 2020, commencing at 7:00 p.m.

The meeting was called to order by Acting Chair Mandy Little.

The Acting Chair directed the recording secretary to call the roll:

Rebecca Borgsmiller -- present

Ray Hancock -- present

Bill Kilquist -- not present

Mandy Little -- present

Glenn Poshard -- present

Jake Rendleman -- not present

Aaron Smith -- present

Hanna Dobrynski -- present

Also present were: Ron House, president, Brad McCormick, vice-president for business services and college facilities; Melanie Pecord, vice-president for instruction, Rhett Barke, legal counsel, Susan May, recording secretary to the Board of Trustees; and other College personnel.

Trustee Little led the Board in the Pledge of Allegiance.

Acting Chair Mandy Little stated that it was necessary to appoint a secretary pro tempore to fulfill signature requirements for the January 28, 2020, regular meeting. Trustee Glenn Poshard nominated Aaron Smith, who accepted the nomination.

Trustee Glenn Poshard motioned that the Board of Trustees approve Aaron Smith as the secretary pro tempore for the January 28, 2020, regular meeting.

Upon roll call, all members present voted yes. Motion carried. 

(Resolution #16-4023)


Minutes of the November 26, 2019, regular meeting were previously distributed.

Aaron Smith and Ray Hancock moved and seconded that the Board of Trustees approve the minutes of the November 26, 2019, regular meeting.

A voice vote showed all in favor. Motion carried. 

(Resolution #16-4024)


The treasurer’s and financial reports for the periods ending October 31 and November 30, 2019, were previously distributed.

Glenn Poshard and Aaron Smith moved and seconded that the Board of Trustees approve the treasurer’s and financial reports for the periods ending October 31 and November 30, 2019.

A voice vote showed all in favor. Motion carried. 

(Resolution #16-4025)


The expenditure lists for the periods ending November 30 and December 31, 2019, were previously distributed.

Ray Hancock and Glenn Poshard moved and seconded that the Board of Trustees approve the expenditure lists for the periods ending November 30 and December 31, 2019.

Upon roll call, all members present voted yes. Motion carried. 

(Resolution #16-4026)






A. Comments by Acting Board Chair

No comments.

B. Athletics Advisory Committee

No report.

C. Building, Grounds, and Safety Committee

Vice-President Brad McCormick reported that the Building, Grounds, and Safety Committee met on January 10 and discussed the bids for the highway maintenance building and deferred maintenance project applications presented for approval later on the agenda. The committee also discussed the Facility Master Plan draft that will be presented to the Board in February or March.

D. Board Policy Committee

No report.

E. Budget and Finance Committee

Trustee Glenn Poshard reported that the committee met with the administration and auditor to review the 2019 audit.

F. Integrated Technology Committee

Trustee Rebecca Borgsmiller reported that the committee met in January; however, no action was taken due to lack of quorum. New computers are being imaged and displayed and will be deployed in a prioritized manner. Classrooms B73 and B75 have been remodeled and are now being used. There was discussion about deferring a software program due to Jenzabar update requirements, and the consideration of another software program that would still benefit students.

G. Illinois Community College Trustees Association (ICCTA)

Trustee Mandy Little reported that ICCTA would hold two joint session meetings with Senators Durbin and Duckworth during the ACCT Legislative Summit in Washington, DC. A joint meeting will take place on February 10 and will be available as a teleconference for trustees.

H. John A. Logan College Foundation

No report.

I. Student Trustee

Student Trustee Hanna Dobrynski reported that club representatives are working on questions for the survey to be distributed to students at Springfest. Voter registration days are scheduled for February 5 and 6. Phi Theta Kappa volunteered at the Herrin House of Hope in January, and the cybersecurity team volunteered as tech support during the annual Hospice of southern Illinois fundraiser.


A. Faculty Association Report

No report.

B. Adjunct Faculty Association Report

No report.

C. Logan Operational Staff Association Report

No report.


Instructional and Student Support Services Update

Vice-president Melanie Pecord reported that the College is in the final phase of the accreditation process for the Associate Degree Nursing program, and is hopeful to announce the final results in April. Approximately 400 high school students will be on campus in February to attend the annual Healthcare Showcase and Applied Technology Day.

KFS Food Service and Coffee Shop Update

Director of Facility Services Chris Naegele updated the Board on the progress of the new food service contracted through Kings Food Services (KFS) over a year ago. KFS is the College’s primary food service vendor and also handles all room set-ups for the Hancock Conference Center. One of the main differences since contracting with KFS is that 16 other caterers from our region are also authorized to serve food at the College. KFS recently expanded its services to the remodeled coffee shop area in the East Wing. Students and staff have been pleased with the new food-service line and coffee shop. Mr. McCormick added that the College does not have to subsidize the foodservice or coffee shop, which is unusual in Illinois community colleges. A video was prepared for the Board to showcase the new food service line and renovated coffee shop space and to give a better understanding of how KFS works with the College.

Comments from President Ron House

President House reported that according to tenth-day enrollment numbers for Spring 2020, enrollment was up by 100 students from Fall 2019, and down 79 students from the previous spring semester. Dr. House noted that a more detailed breakout of enrollment would be forthcoming.

The Foundation Italian Dinner is scheduled for Wednesday, February 19 . The College is also planning a dedication ceremony for the new solar field.


Vice-President McCormick requested that Item E be pulled from the Consent Agenda for further discussion and separate action.

A. Approval of Closed Session Minutes for Availability for Public Inspection

Legal counsel conducted a review of closed session minutes through September 24, 2019, according to Illinois Statute 5 ILCS 120/22.06(d), to determine whether said minutes may be made available for public inspection in compliance with this statute. President House recommended that the Board of Trustees accept the recommendation of legal counsel that none of the closed session minutes reviewed through September 24, 2019, be made available for public inspection at this time.

B. Approval of Instructional Calendar for 2021 - 2022 (Appendix III)

President House recommended that the Board of Trustees approve the instructional calendar for 2021 – 2022, as presented in Appendix III.

C. Approval of Community College Deferred Maintenance Project Applications (Appendix IV)

President House recommended that the Board of Trustees approve the FY2020 deferred maintenance project applications, listed below according to preference, and presented in Appendix IV:

i. Parking Lots A, C, and Adjacent Roadways Resurfacing

ii. First and Second Floor Building “C” Renovations

D. Award of Contract for Logan Fitness Accessibility Renovations (Appendix V)

President House recommended that the Board of Trustees award the bid for Logan Fitness renovations to the lowest, responsible bidder, Samron Midwest Contracting, for a total of $128,740 for the base bid, plus alternate #2.

F. Conference Center Audio/Visual Upgrades

President House recommended that the Board of Trustees authorize the administration to proceed with the purchase and installation of equipment to improve the technology in the conference center, not to exceed a maximum of $75,000. In accordance with Illinois Statute 110 ILCS 805/3-27.1, this purchase is exempt from bidding.

Ray Hancock and Glenn Poshard moved and seconded that the Board of Trustees approve Consent Agenda Items A, B, C, D, and F as recommended.

A voice vote showed all in favor. Motion carried. 

(Resolution #16-4027)


A. Presentation and Approval of 2019 Audit (Appendix VII)

Vice-President McCormick introduced Kimberly Walker, with Kemper CPA Group. Ms. Walker and her staff met with the Board Finance Committee to discuss items in detail regarding the audit. She presented a summary of the overall results to the Board and referenced three main reports issued as a result of the audit. Kemper CPA Group issued an unmodified opinion In the first report on the financial statements. In the second report on internal control over financial reporting, Kemper did not identify any deficiencies in internal control, and tests disclosed no instances of noncompliance. Kemper’s staff performed a single audit of the student financial aid program for the third report on compliance as it relates to the College’s major federal programs. It is noted in this report that there were some instances of noncompliance. This finding involved the requirements by the Department of Education to report enrollment changes of students to the National Student Loan Clearing House every sixty days. The College provided a corrective action plan, and Ms. Walker affirmed that the auditing firm was satisfied with the College’s remediation plan. A significant

piece of the corrective action plan primarily includes some self-auditing along the way. Ms. Walker noted one other minor issue not reported in the audit book, but in a management letter of comment, that was related to an annual report including specific information related to students receiving financial aid. The College did file the reporting timely, but some of the specific information was missing. Ms. Walker stated that it is common for colleges to have findings related to the many requirements issued for student financial aid. Ms. Walker referenced additional material within the audit book in response to questions from the Board, including a report that indicated the College ended the year with positive fund balances across the board.

President House recommended that the Board of Trustees approve the FY2019 annual audit, as presented in Appendix VII.

Aaron Smith and Glen Poshard moved and seconded that the Board of Trustees approve the

FY2019 annual audit, as recommended.

Upon roll call, all members present voted yes. Motion carried. 

(Resolution #16-4028)

B. Tuition and Fee Proposal (Appendix VIII)

Vice-President Brad McCormick presented highlights of the tuition and fee proposal that was included in the board packet. The College has gone four years without a tuition increase. This tuition and fee proposal is based on anticipated cash losses in total tuition revenue, which has declined due to credit hour decline. For FY2020, the College is estimating between 900,000 and $1 million loss compared to last year. Mr. McCormick stated there is value to the institution financially to be able to forecast tuition revenue for a four-year period. This proposal places us in the spot that at the end of the four-year period, John A. Logan College will still be in the lower 10 to 15 percent of the state in terms of cost. The administration presented this proposal to the student trustee and Student Senate and incorporated feedback received. Student Trustee Dobrynski reiterated that students were not surprised or opposed to the proposed tuition increase. There was discussion regarding any impact a tuition increase might have on recruitment efforts, and it was noted that this should not affect these efforts due to the quality of programs John A. Logan College has to offer. This proposal provides the financial need to keep program quality up, which is an incentive in keeping students coming to John A. Logan College. There was additional discussion about the possibility of forming an ad hoc committee to discuss enrollment trends and impacts of the economy in the state of Illinois.

President House recommended that the Board of Trustees approve the tuition and fees for fiscal year 2021; and the 4-year tuition and fee proposal, both presented to the Board of Trustees in Appendix VIII.

Ray Hancock and Glenn Poshard moved and seconded that the Board of Trustees approve the tuition and fees for fiscal year 2021; and the four-year tuition and fee proposal as recommended.

Upon roll call, all members present voted yes. Motion carried. 

(Resolution #16-4029)

Item E pulled from the Consent Agenda for further discussion and action.

E. Award of Contract for Biology Lab and Prep Room Renovation, and Air Handler Unit #7 Replacement (Appendix VI)

Vice-President Brad McCormick reported that additional information was necessary to identify the lowest responsible bidder for the projects presented in Item E of the Consent Agenda and Item C of New Business. Mr. McCormick requested reference materials for the lowest two bidders on these projects, Evard Company and Samron Midwest Contracting. Based on the information received from phone calls made by Mr. McCormick and the director of building and grounds, Mr. McCormick stated that his recommendation for the lowest responsible bidder for both projects is Samron Midwest Contracting. Blayne Thompson, a representative from Evard, was in attendance and asked to comment. The Acting Chair asked if the representative was aware of the contractor being recommended before this meeting, and he confirmed that he was not. Mr. Thompson stated that the company was confident in their ability to complete the projects within the stated timeline and were willing to sign a statement that if either project went passed the completion date, it would be free of charge for John A. Logan College. Legal counsel reiterated that the College put both projects out for bid, and the law requires that it be awarded to the lowest responsible bidder. Vice-President McCormick went through the efforts of due diligence to vet this issue before the meeting and recommends Samron Midwest Contracting as the lowest responsible bidder. It is the perogative of the Board to take that recommendation on these projects.

President House recommended that the Board of Trustees award the bid for the Biology Lab and Prep Room renovations, and the replacement of air handler unit #7, to the lowest responsible bidder, Samron Midwest Contracting, in the amount of $484,275.

Glenn Poshard and Ray Hancock moved and seconded that the Board of Trustees award the contract for the biology lab and prep room renovations, and air handler unit #7 as recommended.

Upon roll call, all members present voted yes. Motion carried. 

(Resolution #16-4030)

C. Award of Contract for Highway Maintenance and Construction Building (Appendix IX)

President House recommended that the Board of Trustees approve the capital project application for the bid for a Highway Maintenance and Construction Building and that the contract for construction be awarded to the lowest responsible bidder, Samron Midwest Contracting, for base bid only, in the amount of $176,617.

Glenn Poshard and Aaron Smith moved and seconded that the Board of Trustees approve the award of contract for a Highway Maintenance and Construction Building as recommended.

Upon roll call, all members present voted yes. Motion carried. 

(Resolution #16-4031)

PERSONNEL Operational Staff

President House recommended that Daniela Brooks be employed as a full-time, grade IV, administrative assistant IV (director of institutional research) at John A. Logan College.

Aaron Smith and Glenn Poshard moved and seconded that the Board of Trustees approve the employment of the administrative assistant IV as recommended.

A voice vote showed all in favor. Motion carried.

(Resolution #16-4032)

President House recommended that Bethany Laird be employed as a full-time, grade IV, financial aid specialist IV at John A. Logan College.

Aaron Smith and Glenn Poshard moved and seconded that the Board of Trustees approve the employment of the financial aid specialist IV as recommended.

A voice vote showed all in favor. Motion carried. 

(Resolution #16-4033)

President House recommended that Phoenix Jahn be ratified as a part-time lifeguard at John A. Logan College effective January 6, 2020.

President House recommended that Kassandra Jones be ratified as a part-time lifeguard at John A. Logan College effective January 13, 2020.

Glenn Poshard and Ray Hancock moved and seconded that the Board of Trustees approve the ratification of the part-time lifeguards as recommended.

A voice vote showed all in favor. Motion carried.

(Resolution #16-4034)

Maintenance/Building Staff

President House recommended that Stephen Porter be employed as a full-time custodian at John A. Logan College.

Glenn Poshard and Aaron Smith moved and seconded that the Board of Trustees approve the employment of the full-time custodian as recommended.

A voice vote showed all in favor. Motion carried.

(Resolution #16-4035)

Non-Teaching Professional Staff

President House recommended that Abigail Myers be employed as a full-time, grade VI, coordinator of extension center (DuQuoin) at John A. Logan College.

Aaron Smith and Glenn Poshard moved and seconded that the Board of Trustees approve the employment of the coordinator of extension center (DuQuoin) as recommended.

A voice vote showed all in favor. Motion carried.

(Resolution #16-4036)

President House recommended that Ariella Gomez be employed as a full-time, grade IV, coordinator of testing services at John A. Logan College.

Glenn Poshard and Aaron Smith moved and seconded that the Board of Trustees approve the employment of the coordinator of testing services as recommended.

A voice vote showed all in favor. Motion carried.

(Resolution #16-4037)

President House recommended that LeAnne Gaydos be ratified as a part-time community coordinator for Carbondale at John A. Logan College effective January 1, 2020.

Glenn Poshard and Aaron Smith moved and seconded that the Board of Trustees approve the ratification of the community coordinator for Carbondale as recommended.

A voice vote showed all in favor. Motion carried.

(Resolution #16-4038)

Adjunct Faculty

President House recommended that John Allen be ratified as a part-time instructor of criminal justice at John A. Logan College effective January 13, 2020.

President House recommended that Emily Cripps be ratified as a part-time instructor of criminal justice at John A. Logan College effective January 13, 2020.

President House recommended that Dempsey Elders be ratified as a part-time instructor of auto service technician at John A. Logan College effective January 13, 2020.

President House recommended that Andrew Harper be ratified as a part-time instructor of English at John A. Logan College effective January 13, 2020.

President House recommended that Jacklyn Hedger be ratified as a part-time instructor of nursing at John A. Logan College effective January 17, 2020.

President House recommended that Chrisden Marshall be ratified as a part-time instructor of early childhood education at John A. Logan College effective January 13, 2020.

President House recommended that Shelby Miller be ratified as a part-time instructor of early childhood education at John A. Logan College effective January 13, 2020.

President House recommended that Leslie Murray be ratified as a part-time instructor of philosophy at John A. Logan College effective January 13, 2020.

President House recommended that Nicholas Petz be ratified as a part-time substitute instructor of emergency medical technician at John A. Logan College effective January 13, 2020.

President House recommended that Paula Willig be ratified as a part-time instructor of interpreter preparation at John A. Logan College effective January 13, 2020.

President House recommended that Lindsey Yordy be ratified as a part-time instructor of early childhood education at John A. Logan College effective January 13, 2020.

Glenn Poshard and Ray Hancock moved and seconded that the Board of Trustees approve the adjunct faculty as recommended.

A voice vote showed all in favor. Motion carried.

(Resolution #16-4039)

Community Education Staff

President House recommended that Abby Jurgens be ratified as a SilverSneakers instructor at John A. Logan College effective January 14, 2020.

President House recommended that Kassandra Jones be ratified as an Advanced Swimming instructor at John A. Logan College effective January 13, 2020.

President House recommended that Karissa Stokes be ratified as an iPhone for Beginners instructor at John A. Logan College effective January 21, 2020.

Aaron Smith and Glenn Poshard moved and seconded that the Board of Trustees approve the community education staff as recommended.

A voice vote showed all in favor. Motion carried.

(Resolution #16-4040)

Workforce Development Staff

President House recommended that Christopher Cutsinger be employed as a Highway Construction Careers Training Program instructor at John A. Logan College effective February 24, 2020.

Ray Hancock and Aaron Smith moved and seconded that the Board of Trustees approve the workforce development staff as recommended.

A voice vote showed all in favor. Motion carried.

(Resolution #16-4041)

Non-Teaching Professional Grant Staff

President House recommended that Emily Haymans Cook be ratified as a part-time, grade I, literacy counselor/facilitator at John A. Logan College effective January 16, 2020.

Glenn Poshard and Aaron Smith moved and seconded that the Board of Trustees approve the non- teaching professional grant staff as recommended.

A voice vote showed all in favor. Motion carried.

(Resolution #16-4042)

Part-Time Grant Faculty

President House recommended that Emily Haymans Cook be employed as a part-time Adult

Secondary Education instructor at John A. Logan College effective February 3, 2020.

President House recommended that Andrew Notier be employed as a part-time Adult Secondary Education (social studies) instructor at John A. Logan College effective February 3, 2020.

Ray Hancock and Glenn Poshard moved and seconded that the Board of Trustees approve the part- time grant faculty as recommended.

A voice vote showed all in favor. Motion carried.

(Resolution #16-4043)


President House recommended that the Board of Trustees accept the following retirement requests:

a) Kathy Stokesberry, custodian, effective October 1, 2020.

b) Curtis Simmons, building maintenance, effective May 1, 2021.

c) Pam Hays, professor of nursing, effective June 1, 2021.

d) Julie Horecker, professor of nursing, effective June 1, 2021.

e) Sharyl Melvin, senior executive assistant, effective August 1, 2021.

f) Nancy Jo Crowell, assoc. professor cosmetology, effective September 1, 2021.

g) Marilyn Falaster, director of nursing, effective September 1, 2021.

h) Dr. Barry Hancock, dean for community education, effective September 1, 2021.

Glenn Poshard and Aaron Smith moved and second that the Board of Trustees accept the retirement requests as recommended.

A voice vote showed all in favor. Motion carried.

(Resolution #16-4044)

President House recommended that the Board of Trustees accept the resignation of Lindsey Yordy, coordinator of testing services, effective December 14, 2020.

Glenn Poshard and Aaron Smith moved and second that the Board of Trustees accept the resignation as recommended.

A voice vote showed all in favor. Motion carried.

(Resolution #16-4045)




Glenn Poshard and Aaron Smith moved and second that the regular meeting of the Board of Trustees be adjourned.

A voice vote showed all in favor. Motion carried.

(Resolution #16-4046)

The meeting duly adjourned at 8:35 p.m.
