Williamson County Special Education District Executive Board met Feb. 5.
Here is the minutes provided by the board:
Mrs. Kathy Clark, Unit I
Dr. Keith Oates, Unit II
Mr. Derek Hutchins, Unit III
Dr. Terry Ryker, Unit IV
Mr. Keith Liddell, Unit V
Jami Hodge, WCES Director
Durenda Fuchs, WCEA
Steve Parrott, ISBE Career & Technical Education entered meeting at 9:20 a.m.
Chairman Derek Hutchins called the meeting to order at 9:00 a.m.
Roll call was taken with Mrs. Clark, Dr. Oates, Mr. Hutchins, Dr. Ryker, and Mr. Liddell in attendance.
There was no Visitor Participation.
Mr. Liddell made a motion to approve the minutes of the regular meeting on January 10, 2020, as presented. Dr. Ryker seconded the motion.
Members Clark, Oates, Hutchins, Ryker, and Liddell voted “yea”. Motion carried.
Dr. Ryker made a motion to enter into closed session to consider the appointment, employment, compensation, discipline, performance and/or dismissal of specific employees and pending litigation. Mr. Liddell seconded the motion.
Members Clark, Oates, Hutchins, Ryker, and Liddell voted “yea”. Motion carried.
The Executive Board entered into closed session at 9:01 a.m.
The Executive Board came out of closed session at 9:16 a.m.
Mr. Liddell made the motion to adjourn out of closed session. Mrs. Clark seconded the motion.
Members Clark, Oates, Hutchins, Ryker and Liddell voted “yea”. Motion carried.
Dr. Ryker made the motion to approve the minutes of closed session. Mr. Liddell seconded the motion.
Members Clark, Oates, Hutchins, Ryker and Liddell voted “yea”. Motion carried.
Dr. Ryker made the motion to approve the Consent Agenda as presented. Mrs. Clark seconded the motion.
Members Clark, Oates, Hutchins, Ryker and Liddell voted “yea”. Motion carried.
Dr. Oates made the motion to approve the personnel report as presented. Mr. Liddell seconded the motion.
--Dwayne Moore – hire as a paraprofessional for the 2019-2020 school year pending fingerprint verification and finalization of paperwork
--Amy Hill – hire as a paraprofessional for the 2019-2020 school year pending fingerprint verification, physical, TB and finalization of paperwork
--Elizabeth Oliphant – resignation letter to be effective January 17, 2020
--Maggie Gonzalez – resignation letter dated 1/21/2020 to be effective the final day of the 2019-2020 school year
--Pamela Mayhew – retirement letter dated 1/25/2020 to be effective the last scheduled day of the 2019-2020 school year
Permission to Post Anticipated Positions
School Social Worker
LBS1 – Special Education Teachers
Teacher of Deaf/Hard of Hearing
Sign Language Interpreter
Extended School Year Staff
Speech and Language Pathologist
Members Clark, Oates, Hutchins, Ryker and Liddell voted “yea”. Motion carried.
Mr. Liddell made the motion to approve the School Maintenance Project Grant. Dr. Ryker seconded the motion.
Members Clark, Oates, Hutchins, Ryker and Liddell voted “yea”. Motion carried.
Dr. Ryker made the motion to approve the settlement of pending litigation. Dr. Oates seconded the motion.
Upon roll call Clark, Oates, Hutchins, Ryker, and Liddell voted yea. Motion carried.
Director’s Report –
-- Emergency rules still up in the air with changes
-- Brandon Wright Legal Meeting – including information for Gen Ed 504
--Excess Costs – Districts
--December child find data. Overall number of kids are down. Funding based off numbers of children in seats as of the prior year
--Referrals made in January and after, there will not be funding until the next year
--Self-contained numbers are up
--FY21 – IDEA – cannot share services/monies from the five grants. Must be true costs. Five budgets will have to be ran for this. Big costs such as residential placement has to come from the actual district monies
---Program numbers updated. EC classes are being watched where they will land for K. May need additional STRIVE and Structure classes
--JCHS needs new room by next year
--Carterville Tri-C – Primary structure new classroom
--MHS will rearrange classrooms from 4 to 3 STRIVE and 1 to 2 Structure rooms. Two Crab Orchard High School students would go to JCHS
--PreK loan is at $180,000
--RIF – Should we RIF? Reason we lose good teachers. Working on cost analysis if we did not RIF PreK and absorbed PreK if Grant was not funded
--Child Find in March
--Carterville PFAE - will write another grant for preschool for all expansion
--Laws expanding transition age until 22nd birthday if child in school is being proposed
--Dyslexia screener
Mr. Steve Parrott, ISBE Grant consultant from the department of CTE & Innovation spoke on topics of a director and changes with the Perkins grant. Spoke of the importance of CTE and student performance improvement as well as apprenticeship programs. Perkins funding able to go down to 5, 6 and 7th grade. Mr. Parrott opened the floor up for questions and emphasized free STEM curriculum PreK-12 for any Illinois teacher. There is a media rich STEM program for a nominal fee. Professional Development (free) may be offered for PreK-5/6 on how to use the curriculum and one year voucher for materials that course would offer.
Mr. Liddell made the motion to adjourn the meeting. Dr. Ryker seconded the motion.
Members Clark, Oates, Hutchins, Ryker, and Liddell voted “yea”. Motion carried.
Meeting adjourned at 10:15 a.m.