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Monday, March 31, 2025

John A. Logan College Board of Trustees met May 26

John A. Logan College Board of Trustees met May 26.

Here is the minutes provided by the board:

Minutes of the regular meeting of the Board of Trustees of Community College District No. 530, Counties of Williamson, Jackson, Franklin, Perry, and Randolph, State of Illinois, held at Carterville, Illinois, commencing at 7:00 p.m. Due to the Covid-19 pandemic guidelines issued by the Governor of the State of Illinois, the meeting was held via conference call.

The meeting was called to order by Chair Bill Kilquist.

The Chair directed the recording secretary to call the roll:

Rebecca Borgsmiller -- present

Ray Hancock -- not present at roll call

Bill Kilquist -- present

Mandy Little -- present

Glenn Poshard -- present

Jake Rendleman -- present

Aaron Smith -- present

Joshua Payne (student trustee elect) -- not present

Also present were Ron House, President, Brad McCormick, vice-president for business services and college facilities; Rhett Barke, legal counsel, Susan May, recording secretary to the Board of Trustees; and Scott Elliott, executive director of integrated technology.

Chair Kilquist led the Board in the Pledge of Allegiance.


Minutes of the April 21, 2020, regular meeting were previously distributed.

Jake Rendleman and Mandy Little moved and seconded that the Board of Trustees approve the minutes of the April 21, 2020, regular meeting.

Upon roll call, all members present voted yes. Motion carried.

(Resolution #16-4083)


The treasurer’s and financial report for the period ending March 31, 2020, was previously distributed.

Glenn Poshard and Aaron Smith moved and seconded that the Board of Trustees approve the treasurer’s and financial report for the period ending March 31, 2020.

Upon roll call, all members present voted yes. Motion carried.

(Resolution #16-4084)


The expenditure list for the period ending April 30, 2020, was previously distributed.

Glenn Poshard and Mandy Little moved and seconded that the Board of Trustees approve the expenditure list for the period ending April 30, 2020.

Upon roll call, all members present voted yes. Motion carried.

(Resolution #16-4085)

Due to a technical difficulty, Trustee Hancock’s presence was not audible on the conference call until 7:06 p.m. Chair Kilquist asked if Trustee Hancock had any questions or comments on the votes taken so far, and he did not..


No comments were presented at this time.


A. Comments by Board Chair

B. Athletics Advisory Committee

Chair Kilquist reported that the committee had not met.

C. Building, Grounds, and Safety Committee

Trustee Rendleman reported that the committee had not met. There was discussion among the Board regarding the Facility Master Plan draft that was submitted to the Board for review in April. Chair Kilquist noted that this item would be added to the June agenda for further discussion.


At this time, Chair Kilquist suspended the Board of Trustee reports to give callers that had just joined the meeting the opportunity for public comment. The Board of Trustees received comments from Mary Little and Brandy Anglen, regarding the physical science instructor position recently filled.

D. Board Policy Committee

Trustee Mandy Little reported that the revisions to Board Policy presented tonight were reviewed by the Board Policy Committee via a conference call on May 20, 2020. Changes to this incentive policy would impact fifteen individuals scheduled to retire in 2021.

E. Budget and Finance Committee

Vice-President McCormick reported on the financial impact of the COVID-19 pandemic. The College closed the month of March with $24.5 million in total cash and investments. The cash and investments dollar amount has increased six months out of the last 30-month period, which resulted in building some reserves during that time period. At this point in the year, the College’s operating fund has a 28% fund balance as compared to the annual operating expenditures. This percentage is higher than the stated goal for fund balance, which is 25% and equates to a little more than three months of operations money in the bank, or about $9 million. The working cash fund has a balance equal to 23% of our annual operating expenditures, also higher than the stated goal for that fund, which is 15%.

Mr. McCormick also reported that the College was eligible to receive approximately $1.4 million from the Coronavirus Aid, Relief, and Economic Security (CARES) Act. Half of this amount went directly to the students in the form of emergency cash grants. There were 452 out of 816 students eligible to receive a cash grant ranging from $150 to $500. Eligibility parameters established by the Department of Education included Pell-eligible students enrolled, but not enrolled in 100% online courses. Students identified for the spring semester received a direct email to their JALC Volmail account, and 55% of the students responded. The College will explore ways to increase the response rate and consider alternative notification processes. The other half of the $1.4 million may be used by the College to reimburse or offset expenses associated with COVID-19. The College will be working on a plan to allocate those funds within the appropriate parameters.

F. Integrated Technology Committee

Trustee Rebecca Borgsmiller reported that the College installed Mimecast software to provide enhanced security measures for email. A program called Duo will also be rolled out to employees in cycles, which will offer two-factor authentication. The Jenzebar project is moving forward, and there is every reason to believe that it will be live by February or March of 2021. Technological renovations are complete in the conference center, including new screens, projectors, and speakers. A student survey was submitted through the Desire 2Learn platform and included questions related to the transition to online instruction. Students were asked if they would enroll in an online-only format, and out of 191 responses, 45% said yes, 31% said no, and 23% were unsure.

G. Illinois Community College Trustees Association (ICCTA)

Trustee Mandy Little reported that the Association of Community College Trustees (ACCT) Leadership Congress is currently scheduled for September 30 – October 3, 2020, in Chicago and provides an opportunity to meet trustees from all over the nation. Ms. Little also reported on correspondence sent out by ICCTA regarding the Illinois General Assembly 2020 session review. The three-day special session was extended one day to allow lawmakers to do their work. They had 22 bills, all of which are expected to be signed by the Governor, including a budget, borrowing authority, and several measures related to COVID-19. The budget authorized $40 billion in general revenue for FY2021 and is a flat funding bill. The flat funding for higher education is for state universities and community colleges, as well as MAP grants and AIM HIGH grants. Most of the spending remains tentative, depending on the progression of COVID-19 pandemic and any congressional action that could send financial aid to the states. This budget does not presume the graduated income tax amendment will pass. The State is also projecting a $2.7 billion shortfall for FY2020, and a $6.2 billion hole for FY2021, even with the approval of a graduated income tax. One key to making the budget work is a plan to borrow up to $5 billion from the Federal Reserve’s Municipal Liquidity Facility program.

H. John A. Logan College Foundation

Trustee Jake Rendleman reported that the Foundation awarded $10,000 in Foundation COVID-19 emergency grants, which included a grant amount of $500 for 20 students. Scholarships selected by district high schools have been awarded, and the Foundation is conducting phone calls with students to explain their award and conduct a short orientation.

The Foundation Golf Classic is currently set for Friday, August 7; however, the Foundation Executive Committee is scheduled to meet tomorrow to discuss options of postponing the tournament to Friday, October 2, due to COVID-19 concerns.

I. Student Trustee – No report. GROUP/ASSOCIATION REPORTS

A. Faculty Association Report – No report.

B. Adjunct Faculty Association Report – No report.

C. Logan Operational Staff Association Report – No report.


Instructional and Student Services Update

Vice-President Melanie Pecord reported that ICCB had convened a task force to discuss instructional strategies for the fall semester amid the COVID-19 challenges. Specific guidelines and information from ICCB is expected in June. Currently, summer and fall enrollment is down compared to this time last year, which could be attributed to the many unknown factors regarding the delivery of instruction this fall. There was a question regarding faculty input in discussions. Dr. Pecord affirmed that the administration had met weekly with department chairs to discuss information and ideas that the chairs bring from conversations with their faculty groups. Dr. Pecord added there is a lot of opportunity for input from individuals, and many of the decisions made thus far have derived from these conversations.

Business Services Division Update

Vice-President Brad McCormick reported that the facility staff have been all hands on deck for the past two weeks preparing the campus for occupation, and expressed appreciation to the Teamster staff for their work. A construction project currently underway involves the west entrance entryway flooring and the expansion of the restroom facility. Restroom and kitchen remodeling is also underway in the administration building and is expected to continue through the remainder of the summer.

Comments from President Ron House

President House reported that the College waived the student activity fee for the summer semester. It is anticipated that the Governor will move Illinois to Phase III Recovery this week, which will allow for ten people in a room. Under Phase III, College employees and student workers will return to campus. It is one step towards normalcy, but a long way from normal. If the State moves to Phase IV, gatherings will be limited to 50 people, which may impact some events held during the fall. President House also referred to his report updating the Board on the status of the College during this pandemic. The Board expressed their desire to continue to receive updates to keep them apprised of the continually changing dynamics at the College during this unprecedented time.


A. Fiber Optic Cable Refresh (Appendix IV)

President House recommended that the Board of Trustees approve the purchase of services and materials in the amount of $32,000 from Burke Electric, Inc. to refresh the College’s fiber optics with standards-based fiber optics to meet the growing demand for

B. Technology Fee Funded Project

President House recommended that the Board of Trustees authorize the administration to remodel four (4) classrooms identified as C238, E130, G211, and G215, with FY2020 technology fee revenue not to exceed $200,000. Jake Rendleman and Ray Hancock moved and seconded that the Board of Trustees approve

Consent Agenda Items A and B as recommended.

Upon roll call, all members present voted yes. Motion carried.

(Resolution #16-4086)


A. Proposed Certificate for Surveying Technician (Appendix V)

President House recommended that the Board of Trustees approve the proposed Certificate for Surveying Technician included as Appendix V, effective Fall 2021.

Ray Hancock and Mandy Little moved and seconded that the Board of Trustees approve the proposed certificate as recommended.

Upon roll call, all members present voted yes. Motion carried.

(Resolution #16-4087)

B. Proposed Associate in Applied Science in Surgical Technology (Appendix VI)

President House recommended that the Board of Trustees approve the Associate in Applied Science in Surgical Technology degree as included in Appendix VI, effective Fall 2021. Jake Rendleman and Glenn Poshard moved and seconded that the Board of Trustees approve the Associate in Applied Science degree as recommended.

Upon roll call, all members present voted yes. Motion carried.

(Resolution #16-4088)

C. First Reading of Proposed Revisions to Board Policy (Appendix VII)

The Board Policy Committee met on May 20, 2020, to review revisions to Board Policy 5141, Retirement Benefits. This revision is submitted for first reading to the Board of Trustees and will be available to employees for input. The proposed change would allow the 15 individuals retiring under Window C to be eligible for the Window B incentive calculation if they request an earlier retirement date of no later than January 1, 2021. The revision will be sent to the Board for final action in June.

D. Personnel

Adjunct Faculty

President House recommended that Todd Moe be employed as a part-time instructor of economics at John A. Logan College effective June 8, 2020.

Jake Rendleman and Mandy Little moved and seconded that the Board of Trustees approve the adjunct faculty as recommended.

Upon roll call, all members present voted yes. Motion carried.

(Resolution #16-4089)


Trustee Glenn Poshard announced that the Poshard Foundation for Abused Children received a $400,000 grant from the COVID-19 Relief Fund, which will distribute funds to the poorest of families and children throughout southern Illinois. He expressed appreciation to the College for their continued support. Trustee Rendleman also expressed gratitude to President House, Vice-Presidents Melanie Pecord and Brad McCormick, and John A. Logan College faculty and staff for their efforts during this COVID-19 pandemic.


Jake Rendleman and Glenn Poshard moved and seconded that the meeting of the Board of Trustees be adjourned.

Upon roll call, all members present voted yes. Motion carried.

(Resolution #16-4090)

The meeting was duly adjourned at 8:50 p.m.




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