
North Egypt News

Sunday, February 23, 2025

Field Community Consolidated School District 3 Board Met September 22

Webp hall

Field Community Consolidated School District 3 Board met Sept. 22.

Here is the agenda provided by the board:

Agenda for Public Hearing on 2020-2021 Proposed Budget

1. Call to Order

2. Roll Call

3. Public Hearing on 2020-2021 Proposed Budget

4. Adjournment

Agenda 7:00 PM

1. Call to Order

2. Roll Call

3. Establishment of Quorum

4. Consent Agenda

a. Minutes

b. Bills

c. Treasurer’s Monthly Report

5. Public Input

6. Principal’s Report

a. Tornado Drill, fire drill, bus evacuation drills, and fire safety program scheduled

b. Review of discipline

7. Building

a. Bleacher inspection report

8. Transportation

a. Bus Inspections

9. Old Business

a. Approve the Proposed 2020-2021 budget

b. Approve the Annual Financial Report (Audit), if available

c. Storage Unit Update

d. Parent Teacher Organization

e. Safety Grant Award

10. New Business

a. School facilities use agreements with YMCA and Girl Scouts

b. Review HVAC Bids and Approve contractor for HVAC Installation

c. 1 st Reading of Press Plus #105

d. Approval of Nondiscrimination Coordinator and 2 Complaint Managers

e. USDA Free Lunch Survey

f. Fee Collection (Lunch Bills, Text Book Rental, etc)

11. Personnel (Closed Session)

Information regarding appointment, employment, compensation, discipline, performance or dismissal of specific employees.

a. Employment of middle school math teacher (long term substitute)

b. Employment of middle school science teacher (long term substitute)

c. Employment of teacher’s aide

12. Correspondence

13. Other

14. Adjournment
