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John A. Logan College Board of Trustees Met August 25

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John A. Logan College Board of Trustees met Aug. 25.

Here is the minutes provided by the board:

Minutes of the regular meeting of the Board of Trustees of Community College District No. 530, Counties of Williamson, Jackson, Franklin, Perry, and Randolph, State of Illinois, held at Carterville, Illinois, commencing at 7:00 p.m. Per the COVID-19 Executive Order issued by the Governor of the State of Illinois, the meeting was held via conference call.

The meeting was called to order by Chair Bill Kilquist.

The Chair directed the recording secretary to call the roll:

Rebecca Borgsmiller -- present

Ray Hancock -- present

Bill Kilquist -- present

Mandy Little -- present

Glenn Poshard -- present

Jake Rendleman -- present

Aaron Smith -- present

Joshua Payne -- present

Also present were President Ron House, Rhett Barke, legal counsel, Vice-Presidents Melanie Pecord and Brad McCormick, Susan May, recording secretary to the Board of Trustees, and Scott Elliott, executive director of integrated technology.

The Board of Trustees observed a moment of silence in honor of Trustee Ray Hancock’s wife, Ruth Hancock. Chair Kilquist led the Board in the Pledge of Allegiance.


The minutes of July 28, 2020, regular meeting were previously distributed.

Glenn Poshard and Aaron Smith moved and seconded that the Board of Trustees approve the minutes of July 28, 2020.

Upon roll call, all members present voted yes. Motion carried. 

(Resolution #16-4112)


Due to the electrical failure and temporary office relocation, the treasurer’s and financial report for the period ending June 30, 2020, will be presented to the Board in September.


The expenditure list for the period ending July 31, 2020, was previously distributed. There was discussion regarding expenditures associated with recruitment that may be eligible under the GEERS funding, which is part of the CARES Act.

Glenn Poshard and Jake Rendleman moved and seconded that the Board of Trustees approve the expenditure list for the period ending July 31, 2020.

Upon roll call, all members present voted yes. Motion carried. 

(Resolution #16-4113)


Trustee Hancock expressed his appreciation to the Board of Trustees for the moment of silence observed on behalf of his wife, Ruth Hancock.


A. Comments by Board Chair

Chair Bill Kilquist read a message from Trustee Jake Rendleman thanking the Board of Trustees for approving Dr. House’s recommendation to name the new Agricultural Laboratory the Jacob “Jake” Rendleman Laboratory.

B. Athletics Advisory Committee

No report.

C. Building, Grounds, and Safety Committee

Trustee Jake Rendleman reported that the Illinois Capital Development Board (CDB) notified the College of the release of $3,775,000 in funding to begin the west lobby expansion project. This project will require a local match of $1,258,333. The CDB has posted the invitation for architectural services, and the project will go to the CDB Board for approval in November. Because the project is more than $5 million, CDB rules require that the building be designed to Leadership in Energy and Environmental Design (LEED) standards, which is the most widely used building rating system in the world. This would be the first LEED project to be completed at John A. Logan College. A contributory trust agreement must be submitted to the CDB by October 30, verifying the College has deposited matching funds into an escrow/trust account. This agreement will be presented to the Board for approval in September. The Board Finance Committee will meet on August 31 to consider capital financing alternatives to assist in funding the escrow for this project and provide capital financing for other projects anticipated in the near future. There was discussion regarding the design of this project, and Vice-President McCormick affirmed that the idea for this project resulted from feedback received from employees in the seven facility master planning meetings. Architectural renderings will not begin on the project until the CDB has selected the architect.

D. Board Policy Committee

Trustee Mandy Little reported that the Board Policy Committee is scheduled to meet on September 10.

E. Budget and Finance Committee

Trustee Glenn Poshard reported that the Board Finance Committee is scheduled to on August 31 to review the legal budget. In addition, the Committee will be discussing the need to use debt financing for capital improvements anticipated in the next three years. As reported earlier, the College was notified of the release of funds for the west lobby expansion project, which requires a local match. The College administration is working with local businesses and economic development entities in our region to apply for funding to consolidate vocational programming into these renovated facilities that meet the technology and vocational training demands of the local industry in this area. The funding sought will require a fifty percent match ($3 million) for what could be a $6 million capital project. The combination of these local matching requirements and other capital improvements identified in the draft Facility Master Plan recently provided to the Board are simply not possible given current operating funding levels. Therefore, the Board Finance Committee will be exploring capital financing alternatives with the administration and the Board’s chosen financial advisor on August 31. If a reasonable and prudent solution is found, that solution will be presented to the Board at the September Board meeting for action.

F. Integrated Technology Committee

No report.

G. Illinois Community College Trustees Association (ICCTA)

Trustee Mandy Little reported that the ICCTA Executive Committee held its annual planning meeting in August and will hold the first in-person meeting in Springfield on September 11. Trustee Little noted that ICCTA provides exceptional seminars that are great for professional development for trustees and encouraged anyone to attend who would be available.

H. John A. Logan College Foundation

Trustee Jake Rendleman reported that the Foundation Office was impacted by the electrical fire and continue to serve the students remotely at this time. Plans are underway to set up a temporary office location next week. Executive Director Staci Shafer is working with two new donors interested in establishing scholarships. The Foundation recently established two new nursing scholarships and one new scholarship for a student pursuing a career in criminal justice. US Bank will be the title sponsor for the Foundation Golf Classic scheduled for Friday, October 2, at Crab Orchard Golf Course. You may contact Staci Shafer if you are interested in being a sponsor or having a team.

I. Student Trustee

Student Trustee Joshua Payne reported that Student Senate has not been able to meet. Mr. Payne confidently expressed appreciation on behalf of the student body on the effort by the administration to have this semester on campus as much as possible while keeping the student’s health in mind.


A. Faculty Association Report

Association President Robert McKenzie expressed condolences to the Hancock family.

B. Adjunct Faculty Association Report

No report.

C. Logan Operational Staff Association (LOSA) Report

Association President Tracie Zoller reported that LOSA had filed a grievance regarding overtime pay from Wednesday, August 12. Ms. Zoller expressed concerns regarding the number of LOSA positions that may be lost due to not replacing positions and stated that they would like to be involved in conversations regarding their membership.


Instructional and Student Services Update

Vice-President Pecord noted that the semester was off to a pretty good start considering the electrical fire that occurred on the first day. The Student Services Division lost all of its office space due to the smoke damage and continue to work remotely to serve our students until their offices can relocate. Dr. Pecord expressed her appreciation to all the faculty and staff who continue to work very hard in these unprecedented times.

Electrical Fire Incident Update

Vice-President McCormick reported that the two individuals most impacted by the electrical fire are at home and continue to recover. He commended the local fire department and staff that responded to the incident. The actual occurrence was in a small room, but the smoke and fumes from this incident spread across 177,000 square feet of the facility. The College is presently working with our insurance carrier, which will cover the cost of repair, other than the $25,000 deductible. A full-time insurance representative has been assigned to be present on campus to work as an accountability person. Burke Electric has restored power to the campus, while we await insurance approval to purchase a transformer. Restoration work has been suspended until ServPro resolves some matters with the Egyptian Building Trades and the Laborers Union to comply with the College’s Project Labor Agreement.

Impact on Renovation Projects

Vice-President McCormick reported that the College is working with the Capital Development Board to expedite projects scheduled to begin this fall or early next spring within the areas impacted by the fire. These projects include the elevator relocation, construction of the admissions area mezzanine, and the replacement of HVAC systems that serve the impacted area. The College is working with insurance adjusters to avoid duplicate costs associated with damaged materials. If we can wait to relocate services into original spaces until these future projects are complete, we can make the projects move faster, cost less, and reduce the frustration associated with relocating offices twice. The initial goal is to have the elevator replacement project, admissions renovation, and HVAC project completed by March 13, 2021.

Comments from President Ron House – Proposed Reorganizational Plan

President House reported on the proposed administrative reorganization plan included as Appendix X. This plan would go into effect before Vice-President McCormick and President House retire from John A. Logan College on December 31, 2020. Vice-President McCormick has assumed responsibilities above and beyond those of a typical financial business office/vice-president. This proposed reorganization would separate the proper financial duties from the other responsibilities he has incurred. The best way to provide stability and continuity of services is to create a position Chief Financial Officer and re-instate the vice-president for administration position. These positions will be posted internally if the Board approves the proposal. The proposal outlines responsibilities that have historically been a part of the vice-president for administration position and includes areas that would report under the new position of chief financial officer and the new president. The position of vice- president for business services and college facilities would be eliminated at this time. One deficiency in this plan, as presented, is an individual assigned to the responsibility of overseeing construction projects. A recommendation to address this will be forthcoming in the next two months. President House stated that he would be happy to address any questions from the Board at this time. There were no comments or questions at this time.


A. Institutional Assessment Billing for Southern Illinois Collegiate Common Market (SICCM) (Appendix II)

President House recommended that the Board of Trustees authorize the administration to pay Southern Illinois Collegiate Common Market (SICCM) John A. Logan College’s share of costs for the SICCM programs for FY2021 in the amount of $362,954. Payments will be made in two installments.

B. Approval of Closed Session Minutes for Availability for Public Inspection

According to Illinois Statute 5ILCS 120/22.06(d), legal counsel has reviewed closed session minutes through September 24, 2019. President House recommended that the Board of Trustees accept the recommendation of legal counsel that none of the closed session minutes reviewed through September 24, 2019, be made available for public inspection at this time.

C. Purchase of Four Additional PowerFAIDS User Licenses (Appendix III)

President House recommended that the Board of Trustees approve the purchase of four additional PowerFAIDS user licenses for the Jenzabar One implementation, as presented in Appendix III, for a total cost of $60,106.

D. Microsoft Software Licensing Renewal (Appendix V)

President House recommended that the Board of Trustees approve the purchase of the Microsoft Enrollment for Education Solution licenses with pricing under a three-year contract through CDW- G in the amount of $43,982.73 per year.

E. Revision in Project Scope for Student Services Renovation (Appendix IV)

President House recommended that the Board of Trustees approve the revised Capital Project Application and resolution included as Appendix IV.

Jake Rendleman and Glenn Poshard moved and seconded that the Board of Trustees approve Consent Agenda Items A – E.

Upon roll call, all members present voted yes. Motion carried. 

(Resolution #16-4114)


A. Approval of Emergency Expenditures Related to Electrical Fire at Transformer (Appendix VI)

On Wednesday, August 12, at approximately 11:35 a.m., an arc flash occurred at the 20,000-amp transformer located in the lower “C” building at the loading dock that services the kitchen and bookstore. A substantial footprint of facilities (177,500 sq. ft) was impacted by the smoke and soot, which has caused the relocation of all student services and business operations. The College has sought the services of an industrial hygienist to prescribe the restoration plan and is working with the insurance company and Serv Pro for interior restoration. These occurrences will require contracts initiated and purchases to be made that will exceed the $25,000 provided for in Board Policy 7154, which otherwise would require Board approval.

Vice-President McCormick updated the Board that this item was placed on the agenda in anticipation that we would have an agreement from ServPro and other entities for the Board to approve. Legal Counsel Rhett Barke gave a brief update regarding the Project Labor Agreement (PLA), which requires that any bid over $50,000 utilize labor forces in southern Illinois. Several unions are signatures to the Egyptian Trades Agreement, and ServPro is in the process of reaching an agreement with those unions. The insurance company has advised the College that coverage is there, and spending being approved are expenditures approved by the insurance company. The College will only be responsible for the $25,000 deductible. There was no action recommended to the Board at this time.

B. Contract with the Bi-County Health Department for Health Screeners (Appendix VII)

President House recommended that the Board of Trustees authorize the administration to contract with Bi-County Health Department to provide two to three health screeners on a month to month contractual basis as presented in Appendix VII.

Jake Rendleman and Glenn Poshard moved and seconded that the Board of Trustees approve the contract with Bi-County Health Department as recommended.

Upon roll call, all members present voted yes. Motion carried. (Resolution #16-4115)

C. West Frankfort Extension Center Easement (Appendix VIII)

President House recommended that the Board of Trustees approve the easement to M B Hometown Properties, LLC (McDonald's), due to the common use of parking and driveway access along the West Frankfort Plaza access road presented in Appendix VIII.

Aaron Smith and Mandy Little moved and seconded that the Board of Trustees approve the easement for the West Frankfort Extension Center property, as presented in Appendix VIII.

Upon roll call, all members present voted yes. Motion carried. (Resolution #16-4116)

D. Notice of Change in September Meeting Date

President House recommended that the Board of Trustees approve a change to the regularly scheduled meeting date in September, from September 22 to Tuesday, September 29, 2020. This request is necessary to comply with statutory requirements mandating a 30-day notice of public hearings and public inspection of the tentative budget.

E. Tentative Budget for FY2021 (Appendix IX)

Dean of Financial Operations Stacy Buckingham reported on the tentative budget for FY2021. Revenue projections are down $1.7 million in all funding sources, including an anticipated five percent in uncollected property taxes, a decrease in tuition and fees, and a $439,000 reduction in state funding. Income from sales and service fees and interest income are also reduced. Expenses associated explicitly with the FY2021 budget includes the College’s final repayment to ICCB ($413,742), the final payment for debt certificates ($200,000), final costs associated with the Jenzabar One implementation ($500,000), and equipment purchased for the Biology Lab renovations ($50,000). The College anticipates that $1.1 to $1.2 million in costs related to FY2021 will not have to be addressed in the FY2022 budget.

President House recommended that the Board of Trustees accept the tentative 2020-2021(FY21) budget to be made available for public inspection, that the Resolution and Notice of Public Hearing be approved by the Board, and that the administration be authorized to meet all legal requirements concerning the advertisement of the tentative budget and public hearing.


BE IT RESOLVED that the Board of Trustees of John A. Logan College, Community College District No. 530, in the counties of Franklin, Jackson, Perry, Randolph, and Williamson, and the State of Illinois hereby adopt the period from July 1 through June 30 as the official fiscal year of the College for the purposes of budgeting and fiscal reporting, and

BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that the Board of Trustees of John A. Logan College, Community College District No. 530, hereby authorize and instruct Ron House, President, to prepare in tentative form a budget for the fiscal year beginning July 1, 2020, and ending June 30, 2021.

BE IT ALSO RESOLVED that the Board of Trustees of John A. Logan College, Community College District No. 530 authorize and instruct the Secretary of the Board to publish a notice that the tentative budget is available for public inspection on the College campus and on the College’s website during the time and on the date therein specified in the following newspaper in the district:

Southern Illinoisan 

710 North Illinois 

Carbondale, IL 62901

AND BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED by the Board of Trustees of John A. Logan College, Community College District No. 530 that such notice be in the following form:


Notice is hereby given by the Board of Trustees of John A. Logan College, Community College District No. 530, in the counties of Franklin, Jackson, Perry, Randolph, and Williamson, and the State of Illinois, that the tentative budget for said community college district for the fiscal year beginning July 1, 2020, will be on file and conveniently available for public inspection at the office of the Vice-President for Business Services and College Facilities, Administration Building, on the John A. Logan College campus, Carterville, Illinois, in this community college district, and on the College’s website from and after 8:00 a.m. on the 26th day of August 2020, through 7:00 p.m. on the 29th day of September 2020. Notice is further given that a public hearing on said budget will be held at 6:30 p.m. on the 29th day of September, in the Board of Trustees Conference Room, Administration Building, John A. Logan College, Carterville, IL, in Community College District No. 530.

Dated this 25th day of August 2020 by the Board of Trustees of Community College District No. 530 in the counties of Franklin, Jackson, Perry, Randolph and Williamson, and State of Illinois.

Mandy Little and Ray Hancock moved and seconded that the Board of Trustees accept the tentative 2020-2021 (FY21) budget to be made available for public inspection, that the Resolution and Notice of Public Hearing be approved by the Board, and that the administration be authorized to mee all legal requirements concerning the advertisement of the tentative budget and public hearing.

Upon roll call, all members present voted yes. Motion carried. (Resolution #16-4118)

F. Personnel

Approval of Reorganizational Plan (Appendix X)

President House recommended that the Board of Trustees approve the administrative reorganization plan included as Appendix X.

Trustee Mandy Little commented, referencing Board Policies 4110, 4120, and 5220D. She noted that these policies address the organization structure consisting of two primary divisions of operation that report to the President, including the Office of the Vice-President for Instructional Services and the Office of the Vice-President for Business Services and College Facilities. Trustee Little added that this reorganization plan should have been brought first to the Board Policy Committee. She referenced Board Policy 2710 that states policies may be adopted or revised by a majority vote of the Board, provided such changes are proposed at least one regular Board meeting before the vote is taken. Ms. Little expressed her concerns that this proposal was at risk of violating the current Board Policy, and if a plan of restructuring was necessary, it should involve the new president. Ms. Little made a motion to table this proposal, which was seconded by Trustee Borgsmiller. There was discussion to clarify that Ms. Little’s motion was to table the proposal until the new president could participate in the discussion. Trustee Poshard asked if there could be a discussion regarding this motion, and Ms. Little responded that under Robert’s Rules of Order, it should move to a direct vote after a motion and second, with no further discussion. There were no other comments.

Trustee Mandy Little motioned motion to table the proposed reorganization until the new president has been seated and can participate in the discussion. Trustee Becky Borgsmiller seconded the motion.

Upon roll call, the following votes were taken: Ray Hancock – Yes; Mandy Little – Yes; Glenn Poshard – No; Jake Rendleman – No; Aaron Smith – Yes; Becky Borgsmiller – Yes; Joshua Payne – Yes; Bill Kilquist – No. Motion carried.

(Resolution #16-4119)

Maintenance/Building Staff

President House recommended that Gary Conley be employed as a full-time custodian.

Aaron Smith and Ray Hancock moved and seconded that the Board of Trustees approve the employment of a full-time custodian as recommended.

Upon roll call, all members present voted yes. Motion carried. (Resolution #16-4120)

Non-Teaching Professional Staff

President House reported that the candidate for the full-time, grade V, associate director of payroll services, withdrew their application.

President House recommended that Emily Monti be ratified as a full-time, grade III, coordinator for academic programs at John A. Logan College effective August 10, 2020.

Mandy Little and Aaron Smith moved and seconded that the Board of Trustees ratify the full- time, grade III coordinator for academic programs, as recommended.

Upon roll call, all members present voted yes. Motion carried. (Resolution #16-4121)

Full-Time Faculty

President House recommended that Connie Robinson be ratified as a full-time, temporary, cosmetology instructor at John A. Logan College effective August 12, 2020.

Aaron Smith and Ray Hancock moved and seconded that the Board of Trustees approve the ratification of the full-time, temporary, cosmetology instructor as recommended.

Upon roll call, all members present voted yes. Motion carried. (Resolution #16-4122)


President House recommended that the Board of Trustees accept the following resignations:

(1) Wanjiku Njuguna, financial aid specialist, effective July 31, 2020.

(2) Brad Cullum, basic skills specialist/tutor/advisor, effective August 5, 2020.

(3) Hayleigh Heins, administrative assistant III, effective July 23, 2020.

Jake Rendleman and Mandy Little moved and seconded that the Board of Trustees accept the resignations as recommended.

Upon roll call, all members present voted yes. Motion carried. (Resolution #16-4123)


Legal Counsel Rhett Barke announced that oral argument at the Illinois Supreme Court was set for September 22, 2020, at 9:00 a.m.

There was interest expressed by some members of the Board for an in-person meeting. Legal counsel noted that the facilities, including the auditorium and conference rooms, were areas impacted by the fire. There was discussion regarding other options, including a hybrid meeting or a remote meeting, including video. The mode of the meeting will be determined closer to September 29.


Jake Rendleman and Mandy Little moved and seconded that the regular meeting of the Board of Trustees be adjourned.

Upon roll call, all members present voted yes. Motion carried. 

(Resolution #16-4124)

The meeting was duly adjourned at 8:42 p.m.
