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Benton Community High School District 103 board met September 22

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Benton Community High School District 103 board met Sept. 22.

Here is the minutes provided by the board:

The Board of Education of the Benton Consolidated High School District #103 met in Regular Session on Thursday, September 22, 2020 at 5:00 P.M. in the Benton Consolidated High School Commons. President, Mark Minor called the meeting to order.

Opening prayer was led by Mark Dyel. Kenny Irvin led the Pledge of Allegiance.

Board members present: Mark Minor, President; Robin LaBuwi, Vice-President; Mitch Bennett, Secretary; Shane Cockrum, Mark Dyel, Marci Glover, and Kenny Irvin.

Others present: Benjamin Johnson, Superintendent; Ronda Suver, Board Recording Secretary; Faculty/Staff, Students, Parents and Community Members.


4.1 Appointment/Compensation/Discipline/Performance of Personnel

Executive Session – Kenny Irvin made the motion to enter into Executive Session to discuss the Appointment, Compensation, Discipline, and Performance of Personnel and Collective Negotiation Matters. Mark Dyel seconded the motion. Upon a roll call vote, all members present voted yes. Motion carried.

The Board; Benjamin Johnson, Superintendent; and Ronda Suver, Board Recording Secretary entered into an Executive Session at 5:05 P.M.

Open Session - The Board reconvened in an Open Session at 6:02 P.M. Mitch Bennett, Secretary called the roll. Answering present: Shane Cockrum – yes, Mark Dyel – yes, Marci Glover - yes, Kenny Irvin – yes, Robin LaBuwi – yes, Mark Minor – yes, and Mitch Bennett – yes.

Others present: Benjamin Johnson, Superintendent; Ronda Suver, Board Recording Secretary; Faculty/Staff, Students, Parents and Community Members.


5.1 Approve Minutes:

(a) Regular Board Meeting Minutes, August 20, 2020

(b) Executive Board Meeting Minutes, August 20, 2020

5.2 Approve Financial Report (August 2020)

5.3 Approve Payment of Bills (August 2020)

5.4 Review/Approve Final Reading Board Policy Updates-Press Plus Issue 105 5.5 Review/Approve Community Service Agreement with City of Benton (ENCL A) 5.6 Review/Approve Annual Administrator/Teacher Salary and Benefits Report (ENCL B) Robin LaBuwi made a motion to approve the Consent Agenda as presented. Shane Cockrum seconded the motion. Upon a roll call vote, members voted as follows: Shane Cockrum – yes, Mark Dyel – yes, Marci Glover - yes, Kenny Irvin – yes, Robin LaBuwi – yes, Mark Minor – yes, and Mitch Bennett – yes. Motion Carried. A copy of Enclosure A as well as board policy updates from Press Plus Issue 105 have been attached to and made a part of these minutes.


Mr. Johnson gave updates on the following building projects:

• Tabor Field

• Restroom/Concession Stand

• RHG Parking Lot

• East Gym

• Roof Repair

Mr. Johnson also reported on the following new grants:

• The grant with Franklin Hospital has been approved for the receipt of 40 student Samsung tablets with wireless keyboards.

• The Digital Equity Grant for $60,000 has been approved to address connectivity/internet and purchase of additional devices for students.

7. COMMENTS FROM VISITORS Several parents addressed the board concerning the reopening school plan and their desire to see students back in school more frequently. Many teachers were also in attendance, and Mrs. Docherty spoke on behalf of the teachers outlining the desires and challenges they are currently facing. The board, as well as Mr. Johnson, engaged in the conversation and answered questions.



9.1 Review/Adopt FY21 Budget Robin LaBuwi made a motion to adopt the FY21 Budget as presented. Kenny Irvin seconded the motion. Upon a roll call vote, all members present voted yes. Motion carried.

9.2 Assignment of Personnel Kenny Irvin made a motion to approve the letter of retirement from Geri Condon as presented. Robin LaBuwi seconded the motion. Upon a roll call vote, all members present voted yes. Motion carried.

Shane Cockrum made a motion to approve Annika Kolbo’s resignation from the Musical Set Construction position. Mitch Bennett seconded the motion. Upon a roll call vote, all members present voted yes. Motion carried.

Robin LaBuwi made a motion to approve Jeff Cima as a volunteer football coach for the 2020-21 school year. Kenny Irvin seconded the motion. Upon a roll call vote, all members present voted yes. Motion carried.

Robin LaBuwi made a motion to approve Robbie Musoiu as a volunteer football coach for the 2020-21 school year. Kenny Irvin seconded the motion. Upon a roll call vote, all members present voted yes. Motion carried.

9.3 Review/Approve Posting of Open Positions Mitch Bennett made a motion to authorize the administration to post the Musical Set/Construction position as available for the 2020-21 school year. Marci Glover seconded the motion. Upon a roll call vote, all members present voted yes. Motion carried.

Robin LaBuwi made a motion to authorize the administration to post the position of Assistant Cook as available for the 2020-21 school year. Kenny Irvin seconded the motion. Upon a roll call vote, all members present voted yes. Motion carried.

9.4 Review /Approve ATG-Ram Industries, LLC Change Orders Robin LaBuwi made a motion to approve the change orders from ATG-Tam Industries, LLC as presented. Shane Cockrum seconded the motion. Upon a roll call vote, members voted as follows: Mark Dyel – yes, Marci Glover - yes, Kenny Irvin – no, Robin LaBuwi – yes, Mark Minor – yes, Mitch Bennett – yes, and Shane Cockrum – yes. Motion carried.

9.5 Review/Discuss Reopening School Plan

10. BOARD OF EDUCATION REMARKS Shane Cockrum expressed his appreciation to the public in attendance for their passion for the students.

11. ADJOURNMENT Mitch Bennett made a motion to adjourn the meeting at 7:03 P.M. Robin LaBuwi seconded the motion. Upon a roll call vote, all members present voted yes. Motion carried.
