
North Egypt News

Saturday, February 22, 2025

Field Community Consolidated School District 3 Board met October 20

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Field Community Consolidated School District 3 Board met Oct. 20.

Here is the minutes provided by the board:

Chris Hayes called the meeting to order at 7:00 PM.

Emery made a motion to approve the consent agenda which included the minutes of the previous meeting and bill totaling $184,495.46. Mullinax seconded the motion.

Yeas: Wheeler, Emery, Hayes, Mullinax, Schnautz, Staley

Nays: None

Motion Passed

There was no Public Input

Principals Report

Principal Arnold reported that the Illinois Assessment of Readiness standardized test will be administered in the spring of 2021.

Principal Arnold also discussed Field Schools Summative Designation for the 2019-2020 school year was Commendable.

Ms. Arnold also presented the discipline report.

No board action was required on any of the items in the Principal’s Report.

The YMCA After-School program will be discontinued due to the lack of student participation.

No board action was required.

The replacement parts for the boiler have been ordered. They are to ship out from the factory on November 6th. No board action was necessary.

Title funds will be used to purchase key fobs entry devices. Schnautz made a motion to use COPS Security Grant funds to purchase three additional key fob entry devices. The grant will fund 75% of the total cost. Wheeler seconded the motion.

Yeas: Mullinax, Staley, Hayes, Wheeler, Emery, Schnautz

Nays: None

Motion Passed

Security Alarm is getting quotes for bus installation cameras. No board action was taken.

The PTO surveys were reviewed. Emery made a motion to reestablish the PTO. The motion was seconded by Schnautz.

Yeas: Staley, Schnautz, Hayes, Mullinax, Emery,

Nays: Wheeler

Motion Passed

The Annual Financial Report was reviewed. Staley made a motion to approve the Annual Financial Report. Mullinax seconded the motion. 

Yeas: Emery, Staley, Schnautz, Hayes, Mullinax

Nays: None

Abstaining: Wheeler

Motion Passed

After the second reading of Press Plus Issue 105 Wheeler made a motion to approve Press Plus 105 with necessary changes. Mullinax seconded the motion. 

Yeas: Hayes, Staley, Emery, Mullinax, Schnautz, Wheeler

Mullinax made a motion to approve revisions to the Tentative Opening Plan. Schnautz seconded the motion.

Yeas: Wheeler, Hayes, Mullinax, Schnautz, Staley, Emery

Nays: None

Motion Passed

The Summer Food Service Program has been extended through June. No board action was taken.

Emery made a motion to invite a representative from Kings Financial to discuss the possibility of a future tax levy bond. Wheeler seconded the motion. 

Yeas: Staley, Emery, Wheeler, Hayes, Mullinax, Schnautz

Nays: None

Motion Passed

Building improvements were discussed. Emery made a motion to have Superintendent Stone look into options for future building updates including needs assessment and funding options. Schnautz seconded the motion. 

Yeas: Hayes, Mullinax, Staley, Schnautz, Emery, Wheeler

Nays: None

Motion Passed

A discussion on the use of the Field Panthers Facebook page was discussed. No board action was taken.

Winter sports were discussed. Field is waiting on further information from the SIJHSAA. No board action was taken.

Mullinax made a motion to enter into closed session at 7:41 PM to discuss personnel issues. Schnautz seconded the motion. Motion passed unanimously.

Mullinax made a motion to enter into regular session at 7:57 PM. Schnautz seconded the motion. Motion passed without opposition.

No correspondence.

Staley made a motion to adjourn the meeting at 8:00 PM. Schnautz seconded the motion.

Motion passed without opposition.
