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Friday, March 28, 2025

Sesser-Valier Community Unit School District #196 Board of Education met March 8

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Sesser-Valier Community Unit School District #196 Board of Education met March 8.

Here is the minutes provided by the board:


A regular meeting of the Board of Education of Sesser-Valier Community Unit School District No. 196 was held in the High School Library at 6:00 PM. The meeting was called to order by President Teresa Stacey.


Secretary Malinee called the roll with the following result:

Members Present: Acosta, Hicks, Ketteman, Loucks, Rounds, Schoenbaechler, Stacey

Members Absent: None

Staff Present: J. Henry, N. Page, K. Jones, V. Malinee, B. Dilliner, C. Garner, T. Masters, D. Laur, S. Hicks, J. Hollis, K. Spotanski, B. Harland, M. Garner, S. Garner 

Visitors Present: B. Laur, Paul Lunsford (District Architect), Ben Boyt (Mechanical Engineer)

See Sign-in Sheet for additional visitors


No correspondence presented.

President Stacey asked for public comments. Kendra Alexander addressed the board asking for answers regarding the failure rate (any improvement since some grades have returned to more in person instruction days); matrix for success (who sets the standards; where does S-V stand; what determines results); and having board meetings broadcasted on a regular basis. President Stacey indicated that Mr. Jones will be attending the meeting a little late and will be presenting his monthly report and will be available to respond to question regarding failure rate and that the annual student testing was not done last year and has not yet been done for this school year.

Heather Sample addressed the board regarding her concerns about approving an employment contract extension (asking board to not extend a contract until after board election); in-person student attendance; co-horting (grouping same students together in different areas); students losing entire year of instruction; asking board to get students back to in-person instruction. Lori Miller addressed the board regarding the board and administration failure to address the needs of the students and concerns about contract extension. Mallory Howell addressed the board asking that all the students return to in-person instruction (62 days since student or staff have tested positive; new CDC guidance; vaccine availability and progress; hearing frustration from parents) and asked board for another survey to be sent to parents. Jennifer Menser addressed the board asking for students to return to in-person instruction and forego the 6' social distancing guidance; asking if enrollment is dropping; and asking the status of obtaining the chrome books and hot spots for the students.

Superintendent Henry introduced Paul Lunsford (Pistrict Architect) and Ben Boyt (Mechanical Engineer) to present information regarding the HV AC project to the board. Mr. Lunsford and Mr. Boyt addressed the board regarding the options available to replace the current HV AC system and the advantages (more thermal comfort; energy efficient; cleaner/safer air quality).

Discussion followed regarding the recommendations including cost estimate and funding sources (retiring 2010 QZAB bonds/time to reissue bonds; cash on hand from 1 % County Sales Tax revenue; set aside in building fund for contingency; possible new Cares Act grant to be used for filtration and allergy reduction); whether current electrical service will be able to handle new equipment; timeline of entire project; and first year estimate includes equipment for entire project (avoid any supply chain disruption throughout the entire project).

Mary Threewitt addressed the board regarding the overflow rooms (which grades, who is available in overflow rooms to answer questions) and asked if spelling is still part of the curriculum. Discussion followed regarding her questions and President Stacey indicated that most of the information will be covered during the board report from Mr. Jones, Elementary/JR Principal, later in the meeting.


SEA: No report.

LABORERS' LOCAL 773 : No report.

CUSTODIAL & MAINTENANCE SUPERVISOR: Brandon Dilliner, Maintenance Supervisor, presented information regarding the proposal from Republic Services for the district trash removal. The proposal is a 3-year agreement that has a lower rate than is currently paid; increases the capacity of dumpsters currently used; and extra fees and the one-time set up charge were removed. Mr. Dilliner recommended accepting the proposal.

K-8 PRINCIPAL: Mr. Jones, Elem/JH Principal, presented information regarding the following to the board: Trust fund, recent activities, upcoming activities, and the Illinois Assessment of Readiness (IAR) testing schedule. Mr. Jones addressed the earlier question regarding the improvement of failure rate since some grades have returned to in-person learning four days a week stating that he will have to research that information. He also addressed how the overflow rooms are being monitored and how teachers are able to come in during the school day to help those overflow students; how each student will have device available. Kathy Schoenbaechler asked about why the district is not moving forward with physical education activities now that sports are being played. Mrs. Page, HS Principal, explained that guidance has not changed regarding how to set-up classroom and equipment in PE classes. Discussion followed regarding the guidance and rules applicable to classroom and sports.

H.S. PRINCIPAL: Mrs. Page, High School Principal, presented information regarding the following to the board: Trust fund, upcoming activities, and special recognitions. Mrs. Page also presented a letter to the board from the Department of the Army St. Louis District Corps of Engineers regarding the Outdoorsmen Club of Sesser-Valier High School winning the Excellence in Partnerships A ward.

Brent Loucks asked if there have been any COVID issues with the sports teams. Mrs. Page indicated that there have not been any issues.

SUPERINTENDENT: Mr. Henry, Superintendent, presented the following information to the board:

1. The consent agenda for this month's meeting includes the following additional item(s):

• Approval of a customer service agreement with Republic Services

• Approval of a district auditor proposal for Fiscal Years 2021 -2023

• Approval of the 2020-2021 Amended Public School Calendar

2. District Architect Paul Lunsford and Mechanical Engineer Ben Boyt will make a presentation to the board regarding a possible HV AC remodeling project. Superintendent Henry wrote and included a two-page summary sheet as part of Mr. Boyt's report to the District about possible options (included in the board packet).

3. This month's agenda includes an action item for the board to approve an agreement with the Teachers' Retirement System of Illinois (TRS) regarding a statutorily-required supplemental savings plan (SSP) that TRS must develop and implement. The TRS-proposed agreement has been reviewed by the District's legal counsel and is recommended for board adoption.

It will likely be several months before the SSP is open for employee contributions (via payroll deduction). TRS has experienced a significant amount of push-back from employers regarding how they presented the issue to school districts, and the establishment/implementation of this program is a huge undertaking for TRS. As soon as this option is available for the District's TRS-covered members, we will make it available.

4. Mr. Jones, Mrs. Page, and Superintendent Henry will present information regarding the current status of in-person learning and what we believe are the next steps in our gradual return to "normal" school for students and staff members, including the latest guidance from the Centers for Disease Control.

5. Superintendent Henry presented the following newsletter(s)/report(s) for board review:

• Illinois School News Service (March 8, 2021)

6. As of March 8, 2021 , the following Fiscal Year 2021 payments are due & payable to the school district:

Total payments to date: $155,276.56 (97.69% of payments due-to-date for FY21)

Grand Total of Outstanding Fiscal Year 2021 State Payments (FY20 Claims; All 4 Quarters): $162,119.01

Superintendent Henry presented current Illinois Department of Public Health COVID-19 data and the latest Centers for Disease Control guidance (risk levels and decision matrix) to the board for review. He indicated that a return to additional in-person learning for 7th-I I th grade students might be possible following 1) a reasonable opportunity for staff members to be vaccinated (midto-late March, 2021); and 2) a correlated decline countywide in two key metrics (cases per 100K & test positivity rate for Franklin County). He presented an administrative recommendation that the Board schedule a special board meeting for Monday, March 22, 2021, to review updated IDPH data and consider 7th-11th grade return to in-person learning 4 days/week on or about Monday, April 12, 2021.

Megan Rounds addressed the board regarding the guidance/recommendations versus rules. She stated that the district has started athletics, has had no problem with COVID cases even though athletes are in continued contact with each other and students from other schools. She asked that the board bring all students back to in-person instruction and forego the 6' social distancing guidance.


A motion was made by Loucks and seconded by Acosta approving the minutes of the previous meeting: February 8, 2021 (Regular Meeting); Treasurer's report; the bills in the amount of $250,577.65 and salaries in the amount of $347,068.03; approval of customer service agreement with Republic Services; approval of district auditor proposal for Fiscal Years 2021-2023; and approval of2020-2021 Amended Public School Calendar, as presented.

Roll call voting was as follows:

Yeas: Acosta, Hicks, Ketteman, Loucks, Rounds, Schoenbaechler, Stacey

Nays: None

There being seven (7) yeas and zero (0) nays, the president declared that the motion carried.


AUTHORIZATION TO OFFER DUAL-CREDIT COURSES: Mrs. Page, HS Principal, presented information on the status of the dual-credit courses that can be offered. She indicated that the PE transcript has been approved by Rend Lake College but the math transcript has not yet been approved. She reported that she has requested a Rend Lake College PE syllabus to compare what would work best for the students at S-V High School.

MODIFICATION OF IN-PERSON STUDENT ATTENDANCE/ACTIVITY OPTIONS FOR DISTRICT STUDENTS DURING 2020-2021: A motion was made by Rounds and seconded by Ketteman to allow all students the option to return to in-person instruction on Monday, Tuesday, Thursday, and Friday from 8:00 AM to 1 :00 PM, foregoing the 6' social distancing rule, effective March 22, 2021; allowing students the choice of full remote.

Roll call voting was as follows:

Yeas: Ketteman, Loucks, Rounds, Schoenbaechler, Stacey, Acosta, Hicks

Nays: None

There being seven (7) yeas and zero (0) nays, the president declared that the motion carried.



AGREEMENT: A motion was made by Ketteman and seconded by Loucks to adopt a resolution referencing the Teachers' Retirement System of Illinois Supplemental Savings Plan Employer Participation Agreement, as presented.

Roll call voting was as follows:

Yeas: Loucks, Rounds, Schoenbaechler, Stacey, Acosta, Hicks, Ketteman

Nays: None

There being seven (7) yeas and zero (0) nays, the president declared that the motion carried.

APPROVAL OF IDEA CARRYOVER FUNDS AGREEMENT: A motion was made by Acosta and seconded by Ketteman to approve an IDEA Carryover Funds Agreement between Franklin & Jefferson Counties Special Education District and the District, as presented.

Roll call voting was as follows:

Yeas: Rounds, Schoenbaechler, Stacey, Acosta, Hicks, Ketteman, Loucks

Nays: None

There being seven (7) yeas and zero (0) nays, the president declared that the motion carried.

AUTHORIZATION FOR DISTRICT SUPERINTENDENT TO ENTER INTO ATHLETIC TRAINER PARTNERSHIP AGREEMENT: A motion was made by Schoenbaechler and seconded by Rounds to authorize the District Superintendent to enter into an athletic trainer/live stream partnership agreement with Crossroads Community Hospital, as presented.

Voting was as follows: All voted yea. There being seven (7) yeas and zero (0) nays, the president declared that the motion carried.

AUTHORIZATION TO PROCEED WITH HV AC REMODELING PROJECT PLANNING: A motion was made by Loucks and seconded by Acosta to authorize the District Superintendent or designee to proceed with an HV AC remodeling project planning, including, but not limited to, preparation of the necessary health/life/safety filings, as presented.

Roll call voting was as follows:

Yeas: Stacey, Acosta, Hicks, Ketteman, Loucks, Rounds, Schoenbaechler

Nays: None

There being seven (7) yeas and zero (0) nays, the president declared that the motion carried.

RESCHEDULE REGULAR MAY, 2021, MEETING: A motion was made by Loucks and seconded by Rounds to reschedule the regular May, 2021, board meeting for Monday, May 3, 2021, at 6:00 PM.

Voting was as follows: All voted yea. There being seven (7) yeas and zero (0) nays, the president declared that the motion carried.

SCHEDULE BOARD REORGANIZATIONAL MEETING: A motion was made by Loucks and seconded by Rounds to schedule a board reorganization meeting for Monday, May 3, 2021, immediately following the regular board meeting that same date.

Voting was as follows: All voted yea. There being seven (7) yeas and zero (0) nays, the president declared that the motion carried.

CLOSED SESSION: At 7:59 PM, a motion was made by Ketteman and seconded by Rounds to enter into closed session for the purpose of discussing the following exceptions to the Open Meetings Act:

a. The appointment, employment, compensation, discipline, performance or dismissal of specific employees of the public body (5 ILCS 120/2(c)(l), as amended by P.A. 93-57)

b. Collective negotiating matters between the public body and its employees or their representatives, or deliberations concerning the salary schedule for one or more classes of employees (5 ILCS 120/2(c)(2)

Roll call voting was as follows:

Yeas: Loucks, Rounds, Schoenbaechler, Stacey, Acosta, Hicks, Ketteman

Nays: None

There being seven (7) yeas and zero (0) nays, the president declared that the motion carried.

RECONVENE FROM CLOSED SESSION: At 8:41 PM, a motion was made by Schoenbaechler and seconded by Rounds to reconvene from closed session.

Roll call voting was as follows:

Yeas: Rounds, Schoenbaechler, Stacey, Acosta, Hicks, Ketteman, Loucks

Nays: None

There being seven (7) yeas and zero (0) nays, the president declared that the motion carried.


EMPLOYMENT OF JUNIOR HIGH SCHOOL SCIENCE TEACHER (NEAL, TRAVIS): A motion was made by Acosta and seconded by Loucks to employ Travis Neal as a junior high school science teacher, subject to his successful completion of a required, fingerprint-based criminal background check and presentation of an active Illinois Professional Educator License applicable for the position.

Roll call voting was as follows:

Yeas: Schoenbaechler, Stacey, Acosta, Hicks, Ketteman, Loucks, Rounds

Nays: None

There being seven (7) yeas and zero (0) nays, the president declared that the motion carried.

EMPLOYMENT OF EXTRACURRICULAR COACH (PITCHFORD, CHEYENNE): A motion was made by Rounds and seconded by Ketteman to employ Cheyenne Pitchford as a high school assistant volleyball coach.

Roll call voting was as follows:

Yeas: Stacey, Acosta, Hicks, Ketteman, Loucks, Rounds, Schoenbaechler

Nays: None

There being seven (7) yeas and zero (0) nays, the president declared that the motion carried.

APPROVAL OF VOLUNTEER EXTRACURRICULAR COACH(ES) AND/OR SPONSOR(S): A motion was made by Schoenbaechler and seconded by Loucks to approve the following volunteer assistant coach(es) and/or sponsor(s).

• HS Football: Eli Gunter & Justin Raby

Voting was as follows: All voted yea. There being seven (7) yeas and zero (0) nays, the president declared that the motion carried.

ACTION UPON DISMISSAL OF EXTRACURRICULAR SPONSORS, COACHES AND/OR OTHER EXTRA-DUTY STIPEND POSITIONS (TINSLEY, REGINA): A motion was made by Acosta and seconded by Rounds that the board adopt the resolution "Resolution Reference Decision To Terminate Extra-Duty/Stipend Assignments and Duties" regarding Regina Tinsley as presented and that the Superintendent be authorized and directed to deliver or cause to be delivered the notice to the employee as specified in the resolution.

Roll call voting was as follows:

Yeas: Ketteman, Loucks, Rounds, Schoenbaechler, Stacey, Acosta, Hicks

Nays: None

There being seven (7) yeas and zero (0) nays, the president declared that the motion carried.

ACTION UPON DISMISSAL OF EXTRACURRICULAR SPONSORS, COACHES AND/OR OTHER EXTRA-DUTY STIPEND POSITIONS (HACKER, LESLIE): A motion was made by Acosta and seconded by Loucks that the board adopt the resolution "Resolution Reference Decision To Terminate Extra-Duty/Stipend Assignments and Duties" regarding Leslie Hacker as presented and that the Superintendent be authorized and directed to deliver or cause to be delivered the notice to the employee as specified in the resolution.

Roll call voting was as follows:

Yeas: Loucks, Rounds, Schoenbaechler, Stacey, Acosta, Hicks, Ketteman

Nays: None

There being seven (7) yeas and zero (0) nays, the president declared that the motion carried.

ACTION UPON DISMISSAL OF EXTRACURRICULAR SPONSORS, COACHES AND/OR OTHER EXTRA-DUTY STIPEND POSITIONS (KRAMER, ALEX): A motion was made by Acosta and seconded by Rounds that the board adopt the resolution "Resolution Reference Decision To Terminate Extra-Duty/Stipend Assignments and Duties" regarding Alex Kramer as presented and that the Superintendent be authorized and directed to deliver or cause to be delivered the notice to the employee as specified in the resolution.

Roll call voting was as follows:

Yeas: Schoenbaechler, Stacey, Acosta, Hicks, Ketteman, Loucks, Rounds

Nays: None

There being seven (7) yeas and zero (0) nays, the president declared that the motion carried.

ACTION UPON DISMISSAL OF EXTRACURRICULAR SPONSORS, COACHES AND/OR OTHER EXTRA-DUTY STIPEND POSITIONS (PITCHFORD, CHEYENNE): A motion was made by Schoenbaechler and seconded by Acosta that the board adopt the resolution "Resolution Reference Decision To Terminate Extra-Duty/Stipend Assignments and Duties" regarding Cheyenne Pitchford as presented and that the Superintendent be authorized and directed to deliver or cause to be delivered the notice to the employee as specified in the resolution.

Roll call voting was as follows:

Yeas: Schoenbaechler, Stacey, Acosta, Hicks, Ketteman, Loucks, Rounds

Nays: None

There being seven (7) yeas and zero (0) nays, the president declared that the motion carried.

ACKNOWLEDGEMENT OF EMPLOYEE RESIGNATION: A motion was made by Ketteman and seconded by Acosta to acknowledge the following employee resignation.

• Cook (Kitchen Personnel): Tammy Helderman (effective June 15, 2021)

Voting was as follows: All voted yea. There being seven (7) yeas and zero (0) nays, the president declared that the motion carried.


A motion was made by Acosta and seconded by Rounds to authorize the District Superintendent to bargain a specific, individual employee matter regarding use-of-leave with Laborers' Local 773.

Voting was as follows: All voted yea. There being seven (7) yeas and zero (0) nays, the president declared that the motion carried.

POSTING OF POSITIONS: A motion was made Acosta and seconded by Schoenbaechler to post the following positions:

• Cook (Kitchen Personnel)

• Special Education Teacher

• District Secretary/Bookkeeper

Voting was as follows: All voted yea. There being seven (7) yeas and zero (0) nays, the president declared that the motion carried.



ADJOURNMENT: A motion was made by Schoenbaechler and seconded by Ketteman to adjourn.

Voting was as follows: All voted yea. There being seven (7) yeas and zero (0) nays, the president declared that the motion carried.

The meeting adjourned at 8:47 PM.



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