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Illinois Community College District No. 521 Board of Trustees Met April 27

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Illinois Community College District No. 521 Board of Trustees Met April 27.

Here is the minutes provided by the board:

CALL TO ORDER Chairman Randy Rubenacker called the regular Board of Trustees meeting to order at 12:05 PM.

ROLL CALL Mr. Brian Dorris, Secretary, called the roll.

Those present were:

Mr. Randall Crocker

Mr. Brian Dorris

Mr. Jeff Jones

Mr. John Kabat

Mr. Larry Manning

Mr. Randy Rubenacker

Those absent were:

Dr. David Asbery

Mr. Nick Wimber (Student Trustee)

Others present were:

Mr. Terry Wilkerson, Mrs. Angie Kistner, Mrs. Lori Ragland, Mrs. Kim Wilkerson, Mr. Henry “Buster” Leeck, Mr. John Gulley, Mr. Chad Copple, Mr. Nathan Wheeler, and Mrs. Cathy DeJarnette

APPROVAL OF MINUTES President Wilkerson recommended approving the minutes of the April 13, 2021 regular Board of Trustees meeting and the April 13, 2021 Executive Session meeting, as presented.

As recommended, Mr. Kabat made a motion to approve the minutes of the April 13, 2021 regular Board of Trustees meeting and the April 13, 2021 Executive Session meeting. The motion was seconded by Mr. Jones. On a roll call vote, all present voted yes.

ADJOURNMENT OF BOARD sine die The motion to adjourn the Board sine die was made by Mr. Manning and seconded by Mr. Crocker.

SEATING OF NEW BOARD: ACCEPTANCE OF RESPONSIBILITIES AND SIGNING OF OFFICIAL OATHS OF OFFICE Mr. Wilkerson announced the re-elected Board of Trustee members, Dr. David Asbery and Mr. Jeff Jones. Elected Board of Trustee, Mr. Jones signed his Official Oaths of Office.

ROLL CALL OF NEW BOARD Mr. Brian Dorris, Secretary, called the roll.

Those present were:

Mr. Randall Crocker

Mr. Brian Dorris

Mr. Jeff Jones

Mr. John Kabat

Mr. Larry Manning

Mr. Randy Rubenacker

Those absent were:

Dr. David Asbery

Mr. Nick Wimber (Student Trustee)

APPOINTMENT OF TEMPORARY CHAIR Mr. Terry Wilkerson, acting as Temporary Chair, announced that we would begin taking nominations for the election of officers.


CHAIRMAN Mr. Wilkerson asked for nominations for the Board Chairman. Mr. Manning nominated Mr. Rubenacker, seconded by Mr. Dorris. On a roll call vote, all present voted yes.

VICE CHAIR Mr. Wilkerson asked for nominations for the Board Vice Chairman. Mr. Rubenacker nominated Mr. Manning, seconded by Mr. Jones. On a roll call vote, all present voted yes.

SECRETARY Mr. Wilkerson asked for nominations for the Board Secretary. Mr. Crocker nominated Mr. Dorris, seconded by Mr. Rubenacker. On a roll call vote, all present voted yes.

BOARD ATTORNEY Mr. Wilkerson asked for an appointment for the Board Attorney. Mr. Crocker made a motion to appoint Mr. Bryan Drew, seconded by Mr. Dorris. On a roll call vote, all voted yes.

TREASURER Mr. Wilkerson asked for an appointment for Board Treasurer. Mr. Kabat made a motion to appoint

Mrs. Angie Kistner, seconded by Mr. Jones. On a roll call vote, all present voted yes.

ICCTA REPRESENTATIVE Mr. Wilkerson asked for an appointment for the ICCTA Representative. Mr. Dorris nominated Mr. Kabat, seconded by Mr. Rubenacker. On a roll call vote, all present voted yes.


1. March 25 – April 30

Culinary Showcase (limited seating)

Rend Lake College Ina Campus

2. Tuesday, April 27, 2021; 5:00 – 7:00pm

Studio RLC “Virtual Open House

Via Zoom

3. Friday, April 30, 2021; 8:00 am

39th Annual Welding Competition

Applied Technology Center (ATC)

4. Thursday, May 6, 2021; 10:00am

RAD Tech Pinning Ceremony

Rend Lake College Theater

5. Thursday, May 6, 2021; 1:00pm

Nursing Pinning Ceremony

Rend Lake College Theater

6. Thursday, May 6, 2021; 3:00pm

Annual Faculty/Staff Awards Event

Rend Lake College Outdoor Track

7. Thursday, May 6, 2021; 4:30 – 6:30pm

Jefferson County CEO Trade Show

RLC MarketPlace in Mt. Vernon

8. Friday, May 07, 2021; 5:00pm

Pre-K Graduation

Children’s Center Parking Lot

9. Saturday, May 08, 2021; 10:30am & 1:00pm

RLC Commencement

Rend Lake College Outdoor Track

10.Tuesday, May 18, 2021; 3pm – 6pm

Job Search Party

DoubleTree Hotel in Mt. Vernon

11.Tuesday, June 15, 2021

Mental Health 101 w/ Lindsey Adams

Virtually – Details TBD

12.Thursday – Friday, July 8 - 9, 2021

Paramedic Program Accreditation Site Visit


13.Saturday, October 9, 2021

Auto Show

Rend Lake College Ina Campus



CONSENT AGENDA Mr. Wilkerson recommended approving the Consent Agenda, which included the following items:

1. Approval of Course / Curriculum;*

Mr. Rubenacker made a motion to approve the Consent Agenda as recommended; seconded by Mr. Crocker . On a roll call vote, those present voted yes. Those items marked with an asterisk (*) are a part of these minutes.


PERMISSION TO AMEND A TRUST AGREEMENT FOR CAPITAL DEVELOPMENT BOARD PROJECT NO. 810-078-025 – REPLACE FIRE DOORS AND AIR HANDLER UNITS – RLC – AS400 REVISION Mr. Wilkerson recommended to grant permission to amend a trust agreement with Peoples National Bank for Capital Development Board Project No. 810-078-025 – Replace Fire Doors and Air Handler Units.

It was noted that there was a typo in the rationale and that the College needs to contribute an additional $49,996 (not $49,960) in local match.

As recommended, Mr. Kabat made a motion to grant permission to amend a trust agreement with Peoples National Bank for Capital Development Board Project No. 810-078-025 – Replace Fire Doors and Air Handler Units. The motion was seconded by Mr. Crocker. On a roll call vote, those present voted yes.

APPROVAL OF REVISIONS TO REND LAKE COLLEGE POLICY & PROCEDURE 3.1016 – TERMS OF WORKING REMOTELY FOR FULL- TIME EMPLOYEES REND LAKE COLLEGE MINUTES OF APRIL 27, 2021 BOARD OF TRUSTEE MEETING (FIRST READING) Mr. Wilkerson recommended to approve revisions to Rend Lake College Policy & Procedure 3.1016 – Terms of Working Remotely for Full-Time Employees, first reading, effective May 11, 2021.

As recommended, Mr. Manning made a motion to approve revisions to Rend Lake College Policy & Procedure 3.1016 – Terms of Working Remotely for Full-Time Employees, first reading, effective May 11, 2021. The motion was seconded by Mr. Dorris. On a roll call vote, those present voted yes.


RATIFY ACCEPTANCE OF RETIREMENT RESIGNATION – BUSINESS OFFICE ACCOUNTANT Mr. Wilkerson recommended to accept with regret the retirement resignation of Mrs. Lana Wilson, Business Office Accountant, effective July 01, 2021. Mrs. Wilson’s last day of employment will be June 30, 2021. She will be eligible for the Post-Retirement Benefit Plan passed at the March 2021 board meeting.

As recommended, Mr. Jones made a motion to accept with regret the retirement resignation of Mrs. Lana Wilson, Business Office Accountant, effective July 01, 2021. Mrs. Wilson’s last day of employment will be June 30, 2021. She will be eligible for the Post-Retirement Benefit Plan passed at the March 2021 board meeting. The motion was seconded by Mr. Crocker. On a roll call vote, those present voted yes.

APPOINTMENT OF LEARNING ENHANCEMENT AND CTE SUCCESS CENTERS COORDINATOR Mr. Wilkerson recommended to grant permission to appoint Dr. Kirk Rhodes as Learning Enhancement and CTE Success Centers Coordinator on a full-time, 50-week, non-tenure track contract at an annual salary of $45,000, effective July 1, 2021.

As recommended, Mr. Kabat made a motion to grant permission to appoint Dr. Kirk Rhodes as Learning Enhancement and CTE Success Centers Coordinator on a full-time, 50-week, non-tenure track contract at an annual salary of $45,000, effective July 1, 2021. The motion was seconded by Mr. Manning. On a roll call vote, those present voted yes.


PRESIDENT’S COMMENTS President Wilkerson made the board aware of his intent to bring to them in May a request to enter in to a 4 year agreement with Dark Trace to implement more security to our network. The cost would be approximately $97,000 per year for 4 years. It would help protect from ransomware attacks and other security issues. Funding would be out of TORT.

ADJOURNMENT There being no other business, at 12:23 PM all trustees present voiced aye in favor of adjourning.

The motion to adjourn was made by Mr. Kabat and seconded by Mr. Crocker.
