Field Community Consolidated School District 3 Board met May 20.
Here is the minutes provided by the board:
Members Present: Chris Hayes, Rob Emery, Ben Staley, Amanda Wheeler, Mark Burwell, Maranda Kilmurray
Members Absent: Ashley Wells
Visitors Present: Rob Austin, Amanda Flanagan
Chris Hayes called the meeting to order at 7:00 PM.
Staley made a motion to approve the consent agenda which included the minutes of previous meetings and bills totaling $211,016.69. Emery seconded the motion.
Yeas: Emery, Staley, Hayes, Kilmurray, Burwell
Nays: None
Abstain: Wheeler
Motion passed.
There was public input.
Principal Arnold gave the discipline report. There was no board action.
Superintendent Stone gave the transportation report. There was no board action.
Kimurray made a motion to move forward with quotes to upgrade the pre-k sidewalk, ramp to main building, and add vinyl siding to the pre-k building. Wheeler seconded the motion.
Yeas: Burwell, Wheeler, Hayes, Staley, Emery, Kimurray
Nays: None
Motion Passed
Staley made a motion to approve the 2020-2021 tentative budget. Burwell seconded the motion.
Yeas: Kilmurray, Burwell, Staley, Hayes, Emery
Nays: None
Abstain: Wheeler
Emery made a motion to schedule a special meeting to approve the 2020-2021 amended budget on June 21st at 6:00 PM, to hold the July Board of Education Meeting on July, 20th at 7:00 PM, and to hold Novembers meeting on November 16th at 7:00 PM. Kilmurray seconded the motion.
Yeas: Emery, Wheeler, Hayes, Burwell, Kilmurray, Staley
Nays: None
Motion passed.
Debt Exemption Bill was discussed. Indications are that the bill will pass. No board action was taken.
The districts electricity provider was discussed. No board action was taken.
Emery made a motion to place Ben Staley on the Press Plus Committee. Burwell seconded the motion. Motion passed without opposition.
Kilmurray made a motion to create a building committee consisting of Mark Burwell, John Ashby, Wayne Stone, and Jennifer Arnold. Emery seconded the motion. Motion passed without opposition.
Emery made a motion to ratify the 2021-204 agreement between the Board of Education and the Field Teachers Association. Staley seconded the motion.
Yeas: Wheeler, Emery, Staley, Hayes, Kilmurray, Burwell
Nays: None
Motion passed.
Wheeler made a motion to seek bids for diesel and propane for the 2021-2022 school year. Staley seconded the motion.
Yeas: Burwell, Kilmurray, Hayes, Staley, Emery, Wheeler
Nays: None
Motion passed.
Kilmurray made a motion to enter into closed session to discuss appointment, employment, compensation, discipline, performance, or dismissal/collective bargaining matters between the district and its employees at 7:54 PM. Wheeler seconded the motion. The motion passed without opposition.
Staley made a motion to enter into regular session at 8:41 PM. Emery seconded the motion. The motion passed without opposition.
Wheeler made a motion to approve the following as coaches/sponsors for the 2021-2022 school year.
Robotics Amanda Gay
Music Contest Coordinator Robin Shook
Scholar Bowl Darlene Sherman
Team Quest Kellie Woodrome
Athletic Director Gerald Miller
Baseball Rob Emery
Baseball Asst. Robbie Emery
Softball Asst, Malorie Hendrix
Softball Darlene Sherman
Basketball Boys Nick Hendrix
Basketball Asst. Boys Daniel Morgan
Basketball Girls Aaron Pemberton
Basketball Asst. Girls Bre George
Cross Country Boys Travis Hayes
Cross Country Girls Rob Hulbert
Track Boys Rob Hulbert
Track Girls Nicole Hayes
Volleyball Nicole Hayes
Volleyball Asst.
Pee Wee Cheer
Pee Wee Boys 3rd Rob Hulbert
Pee Wee Boys 4th
Pee Wee Girls
5th Boys
Kilmurray seconded the motion.
Yeas: Wheeler, Kilmurray, Hayes, Staley, Burwell
Nays: None
Abstain: Emery
Wheeler made a motion to increase the non-certified staff salary by 2.25% for the 2021-2022 school year. Kilmurray seconded the motion.
Yeas: Kimurray, Emery, Burwell, Hayes, Wheeler, Staley
Nays: None
Motion passed.
Emery made a motion to set Principal Arnold’s 2021-2022 base salary at $63,000. Wheeler seconded the motion.
Yeas: Wheeler, Emery, Staley, Hayes, Kilmurray, Burwell
Nays: None
Motion passed.
Staley made a motion to adjourn the meeting at 8:44 PM. Burwell seconded the motion. Motion passed without opposition.