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Sunday, February 23, 2025

John A. Logan College Community College District No. 530 Board of Trustees met May 25

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John A. Logan College Community College District No. 530 Board of Trustees met May 25.

Here is the minutes provided by the board:

Minutes of the regular meeting of the Board of Trustees of Community College District No. 530, Counties of Williamson, Jackson, Franklin, Perry, and Randolph, State of Illinois, held in the Hancock Conference Center at Carterville, Illinois, commencing at 6:00 pm. The meeting was open to the public in accordance with COVID-19 guidelines and available via Zoom video.

The meeting was called to order by Vice-Chairman Aaron Smith.

The Vice-Chairman directed the recording secretary to call the roll.

Rebecca Borgsmiller -- present

Brent Clark -- present

Bill Kilquist -- not present at roll call

Mandy Little -- present

Glenn Poshard -- present

Jake Rendleman -- present

Aaron R. Smith -- present

Victor Frankel -- not present at roll call

Also present were President Kirk Overstreet, Legal Counsel Rhett Barke, Provost Melanie Pecord, Interim Vice Presidents Stacy Buckingham and Clay Brewer, Recording Secretary Susan May, and members of the President’s Cabinet.

Vice-Chairman Smith led the Board in the Pledge of Allegiance.


There were no public comments or questions.

Chairman Kilquist and Student Trustee Victor Frankel joined the meeting remotely at 6:17 pm. BOARD OF TRUSTEES REPORTS

A. Chairman’s Report

No report.

B. Athletics Advisory Committee

Trustee Brent Clark reported that for the first time in John A. Logan College’s history, four out of the seven athletic programs advanced to the NJCAA National Tournament during the same academic year.

Men’s basketball finished 18-5, won the Region 24 Tournament, and advanced to the NJCAA National Championship in Hutchinson, KS. Coach Kyle Smithpeters was selected Region 24 Coach of the year.

Women’s softball is currently 44-11, with a remarkable home record of 22-1. The Lady Vols won the Region 24 Championship and advanced to the NJCAA National Tournament in Yuma, AZ. Softball coach Taylor Seifert was recently named Region 24 Coach of the Year.

The women’s golf team won the Regional 24 Tournament and advanced to the NJCAA National Tournament at Ormond Beach, FL. Molly Ellis from Cobden was the Regional 24 tournament medalist, and four of the top six golfers were John A. Logan players. The Lady Vols Golf Coach Lauren Bond-Clark was selected Region 24 Coach of the Year

The men’s golf team won the Regional 24 Championship, District Tournament and advanced to the NJCAA National Tournament in Lubbock, Texas. The team finished top 15 in the nation.

Logan Baseball finished an impressive 44-18 and competed in the Regional 24 Championship.

The volleyball record was 9-1 at home and 13-7 overall. They advanced out of the Region Tourney and competed in the NJCAA District Championship at Iowa Western Community College.

Trustee Clark also announced that the Harrison-Bruce Foundation made a significant donation to the College to upgrade to the JALC Baseball and Softball facilities.

C. Building, Grounds, and Safety Committee

Trustee Jake Rendleman provided an update on facility projects. Renovation work on the damaged C-Wing will likely wrap up within the next two weeks. Furniture is being placed back in completed locations, and some offices are operating in their original locations. New furniture for the Admissions Office will be installed in June.

The design of the West Lobby Expansion project continues to move forward. The Board will have an opportunity to review three initial schematic designs at a special meeting on July 19, 2021. This will be the first of three reviews for the Board throughout the design process, which will last approximately nine to twelve months.

The Capital Development Board has indicated the possibility of temporarily stopping the bidding process. If this bidding stoppage occurs, it will directly affect the construction start date of the Pedestrian Pathway project and the Elevator and Mezzanine project.

D. Board Policy Committee

No report.

E. Budget and Finance Committee

Trustee Aaron Smith reported that he had met with Stacy Buckingham to discuss the progress of the FY22 budget, which will be submitted to the Board for public display in June.

F. Integrated Technology Committee

No report.

G. Illinois Community College Trustees Association (ICCTA)

Trustee Aaron Smith reported that the ICCTA Annual Convention would be held in Normal, IL, on June 4, 2021.

H. John A. Logan College Foundation

Trustee Jake Rendleman reported that the Foundation awarded more than $30,000 in scholarships to students who have an outstanding balance on their accounts. An additional $97,000 is available to help students in need.

A $25,000 endowment to provide scholarships for students in the agriculture department has been established in memory of the Highlander Family.

The Annual Foundation Golf Classic is set for Friday, October 1, at the Crab Orchard Golf Course.

I. Student Trustee

Student Trustee Victor Frankel reported that Student Activities promoted finish strong activities for students for the end of the spring semester. GED class orientations were also held this month in several different locations across the community.


A. Faculty Association Report

Association President Robert McKenzie expressed appreciation to the College for providing an in person graduation ceremony.

B. Adjunct Faculty Association Report – No report.

C. Logan Operational Staff Association Report – No report.


A. Interim Vice-President for Administration Dr. Clay Brewer

Dr. Brewer thanked President Overstreet and Athletic Director Greg Starrick for the athletic achievements during the pandemic and their diligence in following COVID protocols and NJCAA guidelines.

The Teamsters will be bidding on two positions internally to provide five full-time grounds employees to take care of the College’s 200 acres.

A recognition ceremony for the 2020 and 2021 retirees will be held on Thursday, June 24. B. Interim Vice-President for Business Services Stacy Buckingham

Ms. Buckingham reported that the College is on track with state payments and has received $8.6 million through May. The College has received 106 percent of the budgeted property tax revenue and remains down 12.8 percent in tuition and student fee revenue compared to the same period as last year.

The College received a payment from the insurance company for structure and contents and the first payment on our equipment policy. ServPro is expected to be on campus for five to six weeks. The College Bookstore has been moving back to its original location in the lower C-Wing, and the front entrance to the College will be re-opening soon.

The tentative budget will be brought to the June meeting and put on public display for 30 days. Ms. Buckingham is hopeful that the College will recover over $2 million of lost revenue from COVID stimulus money.

C. Provost Dr. Melanie Pecord

Dr. Pecord reported that they are planning an event to boost fall enrollment. In addition, they are working with the U.S. Department of Labor to finalize apprenticeship programs for approximately 30 degrees.

D. Director of Public Relations Dr. Steve O’Keefe

Dr. O’Keefe reported that the College has been able to increase its advertising efforts utilizing COVID stimulus funds.

E. Director of Institutional Research Eric Pulley

Mr. Pulley reported that at the conclusion of day 41 of registration, the Fall 2021 enrollment headcount stands at 1,402, which is up 16.6% from the same time for Fall 2020. Credit hours are at 13,796, which is up 4.9 percent. The average hours taken are 9.8 vs. 10.9 in Fall 2020, and nearly two out of every three students enrolled (66%) are female. The numbers regarding Summer 2021 enrollment headcount stands at 1,293, which is down 3.2 percent, and credit hours are at 6,754.

F. President Dr. Kirk Overstreet

President Overstreet expressed appreciation to everyone involved in the prep work and execution of the Nurse Pinnings and Graduation ceremonies held at the DuQuoin Fair Grounds.

All staff returned to campus on May 17. In combination with the Governor's executive order, this return is part of the first steps in revitalizing our campus and charging into the future. The College will continue to follow CDC guidelines and make further announcements to the student body and staff regarding any new developments or protocols for summer and fall. The website will also be fully updated with information regarding the COVID protocols.

The Illinois Community College Board and President’s Council have responded to the IBHE Strategic Plan for higher education. The plan’s three overarching goals include closing the equity gaps, increasing talent that drives economic growth, and building a stronger future. These goals are well connected to ICCB goals and the goals of John A. Logan College.

President Overstreet welcomed the new Chief of Police, Allan Willmore, and noted that the College would be conducting a severe weather drill on Tuesday, June 1.

Trustee Jake Rendleman was awarded the ICCTA Lindel L. Warfel Education Award for attending over 100 trustee trainings.


A. One-Year Strategic Plan

President Overstreet presented a PowerPoint presentation on the One-Year Strategic Plan. A task force including representation from all employee groups identified seven strategic goals (pillars): Communication, Community Engagement, Culture and Morale, Diversity and Inclusion, Enrollment, Infrastructure, and Five-Year Strategic Plan. Sixty to seventy percent of the tactics will be completed within the first year, and some may roll into the five-year plan. Results will be reported to the Board quarterly. Planning for the five-year plan will be more extensive and include external stakeholders, board members, environmental scans, community forums, and data analysis.


A. Personnel Informational Items

The President approved the retirement request of Pamela Karnes, effective June 1, 2023, and received resignations from Eric Behle, Kari Ellet, and William Mocaby were informed.


A. Minutes of the April 27, 2021, Organizational and Regular Meetings

B. Content of Closed Session Minutes of April 27, 2021

C. Treasurer’s and Financial Report

D. Expenditure List

E. Student Laptop Loan Program Purchase

F. Award of Contract – Roof Replacement Project

G. One-Year Strategic Plan

H. Personnel Action Items

Mandy Little and Rebecca Borgsmiller moved and seconded that the Board of Trustees approve Consent Agenda Items A – H as presented.

Upon roll call, all members present voted yes. Motion carried.

(Resolution #16-4226)


A. Proposal to Reduce the Number of Board of Trustee Regular Meetings

Trustee Glenn Poshard requested that this item be pulled from the agenda.


Trustee Aaron Smith announced that after a formal review of his transcripts, he is now an official graduate of John A. Logan College. He also expressed appreciation on behalf of the Board to College employees for endearing one of the most challenging years.


Glenn Poshard and Brent Clark moved and seconded that the regular meeting of the Board of Trustees be adjourned.
