
North Egypt News

Sunday, February 23, 2025

City of Mason City Council met Oct. 25

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City of Mason City Council met Oct. 25.

Here are the minutes provided by the council:

Call to order by Mayor Bruce Lowe at approximately 7:02 P.M.

Council members physically present were Scott Francis, Gerald Mahin, Dan Mason, Jim Miller, Julie Mize, Kevin Snyder. Superintendent Wayne Dixon, Treasurer Mike Griffin, and Clerk Michele Whitehead also attended the meeting. Guests present were Julie Sherley and Gavin Maliska.

Julie Sherley addressed the Council regarding speeding and loud vehicles in her neighborhood. She suggested perhaps a 4 way stop to help slow traffic down. The Council will take a 4 way stop into consideration. The police department will be asked to watch the intersection near her residence and to listen for loud vehicles.

The minutes of the October 11th, 2021 regular Council meeting were approved.

R21-93 Alderman Snyder moved, seconded by Alderman Francis to approve the regular session minutes of the October 11th 2021 meeting

Ayes: Alderpersons Mize, Snyder, Miller, Francis, Mahin and Mason

Nays: None

Chairman declared motion carried.

Superintendent Dixon reported that the CSO is in the substantial completion phase. He also informed that advertisement for bids for the Well 8 project will be happening very soon.

Alderman Miller reported that there are approximately 50 trees that need to come down with the city limits. Randy’s Tree Service submitted a quote of $15,000 to take down 15 trees that are in emergent need of being taken down. The Council agreed to start with the 15 trees.

R21-94 Alderman Francis moved, seconded by Alderman Snyder to accept the quote from Randy’s Tree Service in the amount of $15,000 to remove 15 trees.

Ayes: Alderpersons Mize, Snyder, Miller, Francis, Mahin and Mason

Nays: None

Chairman declared motion carried.

Alderman Kevin Snyder reported that the Finance Committee had met and they discussed a raise for Michele Whitehead in her office manager capacity. Michele has been applying for grants and other sources of free funding for the city, often on her time off and has been able to obtain just at $385,000 in free funding for the city over the past 11 months. The committee suggested an hourly raise and a one- time merit bonus for Michele.

The Council agreed. Michele thanked the Council.

R21-95Alderman Snyder moved, seconded by Alderman Mize to approve an hourly raise and a one- time merit bonus for Michele.

Ayes: Alderpersons Mize, Snyder, Miller, Francis, Mahin and Mason

Nays: None

Chairman declared motion carried.

The Mayor asked the Council members if anyone had any objections to changing the time of the Council meeting to 6:00 p.m. The Council agreed, the change will be voted on at the next meeting.

Alderperson Mize informed the Council there is going to be a “Reimagine Christmas” event in Mason City December 9-11. The committee would like to do a light parade on Friday December 9, 2021 and are wanting to include golf carts in the parade. They also want to be able to come down Chestnut Street. There is concern about the golf carts since the ordinance does state they aren’t allowed out after dark, however they would be in a parade formation which an exception could possibly be made. The route of wanting to come down Chestnut was discussed. Chestnut is a state route and the City has no jurisdiction or authority to allow for a parade on it. The City doesn’t maintain Chestnut in any capacity. Crossing Chestnut at an intersection is allowable, but not actually marching down it where multiple streets would have to be blocked off. The Council asked if it would be possible to do the same route as the parade for the Fall Festival. The Council will discuss this again at the next meeting before making a decision.

There being no further business the meeting adjourned at 7:30 P.M.
