
North Egypt News

Sunday, February 23, 2025

Benton Community High School District #103 Board of Education met Oct. 21

Webp hall

Benton Community High School District #103 Board of Education met Oct. 21.

Here are the minutes provided by the board:

The Board of Education of the Benton Consolidated High School District #103 met in Regular Session at 5:00 P.M. in the District Board Room. President, Robin LaBuwi called the meeting to order.

Opening prayer was led by Mark Dyel. Kenny Irvin led the Pledge of Allegiance.

Board members present: Robin LaBuwi, President; Marci Glover, Vice-President; Shane Cockrum, Secretary Pro-Tempore; Robby Cockrum, Mark Dyel, and Kenny Irvin. Board member absent: Mitch Bennett.

Others present: Benjamin Johnson, Superintendent; Wade Thomas, Principal; Ron Giacone, Board Attorney; Ronda Suver, Board Recording Secretary; Jeff Roper, Faculty Member; Coach Reggie Norman and the Boys Golf Team; and Community Members.



5.1 Approve Minutes:

a) Public Budget Hearing Minutes, September 30, 2021

b) Regular Board Meeting Minutes, September 30, 2021

c) Executive Board Meeting Minutes, September 30, 2021

5.2 Approve Financial Report (September 2021)

5.3 Approve Payment of Bills (September 2021)

5.4 Review/Approve Resolution to Adopt TRS Supplemental Savings Plan (ENCL A)

5.5 Review/Approve SY21-22 Field Trip List for Overnight/Out of State Trips

5.6 Review/Approve Request for FFA Out of State Trip to Indianapolis (ENCL B)

5.7 Review/Approve Proposal to Seal & Stripe South Parking Lot (ENCL C)

Kenny Irvin made a motion to approve the Consent Agenda as presented. Shane Cockrum seconded the motion. Upon a roll call vote, members voted as follows: Robby Cockrum – yes, Shane Cockrum – yes, Mark Dyel – yes, Marci Glover - yes, Kenny Irvin – yes, and Robin LaBuwi – yes. Motion Carried. A copy of Enclosure A has been attached to and made a part of these minutes.


Mr. Johnson commented on the following information:

• Covid regulations and school lawsuits

• Annual Financial Report available at November 16th meeting

• Rich Herrin celebration of life October 23, 2021

• Project update

• Upcoming curriculum meetings


Duane Williams voiced a concern about the RF signals in the school due to the increase in wifi and devices.

Three parents were present to voice concerns regarding the volleyball program.



9.1 Assignment of Personnel Mark Dyel made a motion to assign Scott Gamber as a volunteer assistant boys basketball coach for the 2021-22 school year. Kenny Irvin seconded the motion. Upon a roll call vote, all members present voted yes. Motion carried.

9.2 Employment of Personnel Mark Dyel made a motion to approve the letter of intent to retire from Brent McLain as presented. Kenny Irvin seconded the motion. Upon a roll call vote, all members present voted yes. Motion carried.

Mark Dyel made a motion to approve the leave request from Robin McAfoos as presented. Kenny Irvin seconded the motion. Upon a roll call vote, all members present voted yes. Motion carried.

9.3 Authorization to Give Notice of Invitation to Let Bids for Vocational Wing Roof Replacement Kenny Irvin made a motion to authorize the administration to give notice of the invitation to let bids for the vocational wing roof replacement. Marci Glover seconded the motion. Upon a roll call vote, all members present voted yes. Motion carried.

9.4 Review/Approve Proposal to Prohibit Sunday Practices for All Athletic and Extra curricular Programs

9.5 Review/Approve 2021-22 Coaches Handbook A committee was established to review the handbook.

9.6 Review/Approve Substitute Pay Rates (ENCL E) Shane Cockrum made a motion to approve the substitute pay rates as presented. Robby Cockrum seconded the motion. Upon a roll call vote, all members present voted yes. Motion carried. A copy of ENCL E has been attached to and made a part of these minutes.

9.7 Review/Approve Surplus Property as Presented Kenny Irvin made a motion to declare the baby grand piano as surplus and donate it to Pyramid Players, a non-profit organization. Marci Glover seconded the motion. Upon a roll call vote, all members present voted yes. Motion carried.

10. BOARD OF EDUCATION REMARKS Marci Glover invited the board and administration to a football playoff pairing gathering.

11. ADJOURNMENT Kenny Irvin made a motion to adjourn the meeting at 5:46 P.M. Mark Dyel seconded the motion. Upon a roll call vote, all members present voted yes. Motion carried.
