Community High School District 99 Board will meet Feb. 14.
Here is the agenda provided by the board:
1. Call to Order and Roll Call
2. Pledge of Allegiance (6:30 p.m.)
3. Reception of Visitors - Public Comment (30 Minutes)
A. The “Reception of Visitors” is intended for audience members to address the Board about any agenda item on which the Board will vote. Comments will be limited to three (3) minutes to provide all visitors an equal opportunity to address the Board. Individuals needing more time should submit their thoughts in writing to the Board’s secretary. Visitors addressing the Board need to submit a comment slip to the Board Secretary and will be invited to the microphone. Prior to addressing the Board audience members should state their full name. The proceedings may be tape recorded for the purpose of producing accurate meeting minutes. The Board’s presiding officer reserves the right to modify these protocols if circumstances warrant. Audience observation of these protocols is appreciated.
4. Board Workshop
A. 2021-2022 Return to In-Person Instruction Plan
5. Recommendation for Action
A. Mitigation Measures related to the 2021-2022 Return to In-Person Instruction Plan
6. Adjournment