Bluford Unit School District 318 Board of Education met March 17.
Here are the minutes provided by the board:
Board President Steve Tate called the regular meeting to order at 6:00 p.m. Upon roll call the following members were present: Angela Schrum, Crystal Marlow, Jessica Case, Jenny Sneed and Katelyn Lewis. Doug Shafer joined Zoom at 6:02 p.m. Superintendent Dr. Shane Gordon, Nicole Henson and Kim McCormick were present. Union representatives Ashley Snow :. and Amanda Strohschein and visitors Marina Baine, Travis Marlow, Ryan Marlow, Larry Marlow, Missy Anderson, Stacy Hulbert, Justin Pierce and Sierra Forristall were present.
Marina Baine informed the board that BUSD had come in 3rd place in the cap contest and would be getting $2000.00 The money will be dedicated towards outside pavilion. She also had a request from student Andon Hudler for a high school bowling team.
Stacy Hulbert wanted to thank the board for bringing the Scholar Bowi team back a few years ago and request that they keep in going. She would even like them to look into retaining Cindy Birkner as coach after she retires to keep it going.
Motion: Marlow-"to approve agenda."
Second: Case
Action: Voice Vote: All Yeas: MOITON CARRIED.
Motion: Schrum-"to approve consent agenda."
Second: Sneed
Action: Roll Call Vote: Yeas: Schrum, Marlow, Case, Sneed, Lewis, Shafer and Tate. MOTION CARRIED.
Motion: Sneed-"to go to executive at 6:27 p.m."
Second: Lewis
Action: Voice Vote: All Yeas: MOTION CARRIED.
Motion: Marlow-"to come out of executive at 7:40 p.m."
Second: Case
Action: Voice Vote: All Yeas MOTION CARRIED.
Motion: Sneed-"to approve March personnel report."
Second: Schrum
Action: Roll Call Vote: Yeas: Schrum, Marlow, Case, Sneed, Lewis, Shafer and Tate. MOTION CARRIED.
Motion: Case-"to approve district wellness report."
Second: Lewis
Action: Roll Call Vote: Yeas: Schrum, Marlow, Case, Sneed, Lewis, Shafer and Tate. MOTION CARRIED.
Motion: Schrum-"to waive Student Fees for FY23"
Second: Sneed
Action: Roll Call Vote: Yeas: Schrum, Marlow, Case, Sneed, Lewis, Shafer and Tate. MOTION CARRIED.
Motion: Shafer-"to accept the bid from Bevis Construction in the amount of $94700.00 for concrete for Greenhouse/Pavilion project"
Second: Marlow
Action; Roll Call Vote: Yeas: Schrum, Marlow, Case, Sneed, Lewis, Shafer and Tate. MOTION CARRIED,
Action taken on Policy 8:30 in regards to the parent, he will not attend any games for the rest of the season and will not be banned for the next school year. Parent agreed on this decision.
Sierra Forristall addressed the board on her recent evaluation on coaching.
Motion: Second: Action:
Marlow-"to adjourn at 7:54."
Second: Sneed
Voice Vote: All Yeas: MOTION CARRIED.