
North Egypt News

Sunday, February 23, 2025

City of Mason City Council met March 28

City of Mason City Council met March 28.

Here are the minutes provided by the council:

Call to order by Mayor Pro Tem Scott Francis

Council members physically present were Dan Mason, Gerald Mahin, Kevin Snyder, Jim Miller.

Superintendent Dixon, Interim Chief Donovan, and Mike Burris and Clerk Michele Whitehead were also present.

Alderperson Mize and Treasurer Mike Griffin were absent.

Chairman declared quorum present.

Citizen Kirk Beatty addressed the Council regarding code violations he has received from the City. The City has been citing Mr. Beatty since 2020 and there have been several court hearings. Mr. Beatty stands to be put in jail if he doesn’t get the property taken care of he has now decided to ask the city to help him. The Council agreed it is too late for the City’s help, it is in the courts, has been ruled on and it is now entirely up to Mr. Beatty. It was commented on, that Mr. Beatty had more than ample time to come to the Council to try and work out some sort of resolution, but he never chose to do so. Mr. Beatty continued to repeatedly argue the situation, Mayor Pro-Tem Scott Francis explained to him that there was nothing the City could do and that there was other City business at hand to be discussed, he then excused Mr. Beatty from the meeting.

Minutes were approved.

R22-26 Alderman Snyder moved, seconded by alderman Mason to approve the minutes.

Ayes: Mason, Mahin, Snyder, Miller

Nays: None

Absent: Mize

Chairman declared motion carried.

Josh Shugart from Kerber, Eck & Braekel, the city’s auditing firm, spoke briefly on the audit. There were no significant findings or problems.

R22-27 Alderman Snyder moved, seconded by alderman Mason to approve the audit for FYE 21

Ayes: Mason, Mahin, Snyder, Miller

Nays: None

Absent: Mize

Chairman declared motion carried

City Attorney Denise Barr updated the ordinance pertaining to bid procedures. The amount to bid out will be the same as the state statute in the future.

R22-28 Alderman Mason moved, seconded by alderman Mahin to approve the ordinance amendment to the bid procedure ordinance and correlating with state statute..

Ayes: Mason, Mahin, Snyder, Miller

Nays: None

Absent: Mize

Chairman declared motion carried

Superintendent Dixon spoke about storm sewer drains and two needing repair. The Council agreed to the repairs totaling about $5500.00 each.

R22-29 Alderman Snyder moved, seconded by alderman Mason to approve the storm drain repairs at a cost of approximately $5500.00 each.

Ayes: Mason, Mahin, Snyder, Miller

Nays: None

Absent: Mize

Chairman declared motion carried

Town-wide spring cleanup was discussed. It was decided to get prices on both curbside and drop off and make a decision at the next meeting. A date has not been set yet.

Generator upgrades for the police department new building were discussed and approved.

R22-29 Alderman Mason moved, seconded by alderman Miller to approve the generator and amp meter to combine two old meter services at a cost of approximately $15,550.00.

Ayes: Mason, Mahin, Snyder, Miller

Nays: None

Absent: Mize

Chairman declared motion carried

Interim Chief Donovan asked about attending a homicide class. The class is up near Moline and would require a 5 day hotel stay. The Council approved.

R22-30 Alderman Snyder moved, seconded by alderman Mason to approve Donovan attending homicide class and the expense of a 5 day hotel stay.

Ayes: Mason, Mahin, Snyder, Miller

Nays: None

Absent: Mize

Chairman declared motion carried

There being no further business the meeting adjourned into executive session at 6:58 p.m. to discus 5 ILCS (1) (6) Personnel & property.

The regular meeting resumed at 7:15

R22-23AldermanMiller moved, seconded by alderman Snyder to approve the remodeling expense of approximately $15,000 to the building the Police department will be moving into. Counter top expense was passed on at this time.

Ayes: Mason, Snyder, Miller

Nays: Mahin

Absent: Mize

Chairman declared motion carried

There being no further business the meeting adjourned at 7:20
