
North Egypt News

Sunday, February 23, 2025

City of Mt. Vernon City Council met April 7

City of Mt. Vernon City Council met April 7.

Here are the minutes provided by the council:

The Mt. Vernon City Council met for a Special City Council Meeting at 3:30 p.m. at City Hall, 1100 Main Street, Council Chamber Room, 2nd Floor, Mt. Vernon, Illinois.

Mayor John Lewis called the meeting to order.

Present: Council Member Joe Gliosci, Council Member Donte Moore, Council Member Mike Young, and Mayor John Lewis. Absent: Council Member Ray Botch.


No comments were heard.


City Manager Mary Ellen Bechtel stated the reason for the Special Meeting is to Request Permission to Waive Bidding and Purchase Three New Police Vehicles. The City tries to purchase three new police vehicles each year, rotating the old vehicles out. There is currently a challenge to purchase vehicles because of a shortage. Fleet Services Director Mike Shannon has been trying to locate vehicles. City Manager Bechtel turned the meeting over to Fleet Services Director Shannon to discuss the supply and demand of vehicles. He stated that through his research, he has found that the next round of vehicles will be 8 months out from July. He has been checking dealers in and outside of the area and has found two vehicles in Marion and one in Harrisburg. City Manager Bechtel presented information regarding purchase of the three vehicles. There are two 2021 Ford Police Interceptor Utility Vehicles at Watermark Ford Hyundai of Marion. The first one is a Hybrid and is at a cost of $41,074.24. The second one is not a Hybrid and is at a cost of $37,499.24. The third vehicle is a 2022 Ford Explorer Interceptor at Jim Hayes, Inc. of Harrisburg at a cost of $40,477.00 for a total of $119,050.48. These are not outfitted, will still have to put lights and decals on them at a cost of approximately $7,000.00 per vehicle. City Manager Bechtel is proposing that the City purchase these three vehicles now and there will be three budgeted for next year. This will put us on a better cycle for purchasing vehicles.

Council Member Joe Gliosci motioned to Waive Bidding and Purchase the Three Police Vehicles at a total cost of $119,050.48. Seconded by Council Member Mike Young. Yeas: Gliosci, Moore, Young, and Lewis. Absent: Botch




Council Member Joe Gliosci motioned to adjourn. Seconded by Council Member Donte Moore. Yeas: Gliosci, Moore, Young, and Lewis. Absent: Botch.

The meeting was adjourned at 3:45 p.m.
