
North Egypt News

Sunday, February 23, 2025

City of Mt. Vernon City Council met May 2

City of Mt. Vernon City Council met May 2.

Here are the minutes provided by the council:

The Mt. Vernon City Council held a Regular City Council Meeting at 7:00 p.m. in the City Council Chamber at City Hall, 1100 Main Street, Mt. Vernon, Illinois. Facebook Live: https://www.facebook.com/MtVernonIL.

Log-in for the meeting is https://global.gotomeeting.com/join/357016389 Call in Number: (872) 240-3212, Access Code: 357-016-389

Mayor John Lewis opened the meeting.

Pastor Harold “Bumper” Quick from West Salem Trinity United Methodist Church led the Invocation.

The Pledge of Allegiance was recited.


Roll call showed present: Council Member Ray Botch, Council Member Joe Gliosci, Council Member Donte Moore, Council Member Mike Young, and Mayor John Lewis.


The Journals for the April 13, 2022 City Council Workshop Meeting and the April 18, 2022 Regular City Council Meeting were presented for approval.

Council Member Donte Moore motioned to approve the Journals as presented. Seconded by Council Member Joe Gliosci. Yeas: Botch, Gliosci, Moore, Young, and Lewis.




The Consolidated Vouchers for Accounts Payable were presented to Council for approval.

Regular City Council Meeting Monday, May 2, 2022

Council Member Ray Botch motioned to approve the Consolidated Vouchers for Accounts Payable in the amount of $884,843.99. Seconded by Council Member Mike Young. Yeas: Botch, Gliosci, Moore, Young, and Lewis.




City Manager Mary Ellen Bechtel requested permission to Seek Bids for the Demolition of 10 Properties.





Prop ID #649





Prop ID #634



S. 24th Street


Judgment Order



S. 18th Street


Prop ID #657





Prop ID #659


2415 Casey


Prop ID #662


509 Grand Avenue


Prop ID #665





Judgment Order





Prop ID #640



N. 7th Street


Prop ID #664

Council Member Mike Young motioned to grant permission to Seek Bids for the Demolition of 10 Properties. Seconded by Council Member Ray Botch. Yeas: Botch, Gliosci, Moore, Young, and Lewis.

City Manager Mary Ellen Bechtel requested permission to Seek Bids for Easement Clearing. This is a continuation of clearing water and sewer line easements.

Council Member Ray Botch motioned to grant permission to Seek Bids for Easement Clearing. Seconded by Council Member Joe Gliosci. Yeas: Botch, Gliosci, Moore, Young, and Lewis.

City Manager Mary Ellen Bechtel requested permission to Seek Bids for Sealing Various City Parking Lots. These are located at Veterans Park, Aquatic Zoo, and the 2 Downtown Parking Lots.

Council Member Joe Gliosci motioned to grant permission to Seek Bids for Sealing Various City Parking Lots. Seconded by Council Member Donte Moore. Yeas: Botch, Gliosci, Moore, Young, and Lewis.

City Manager Mary Ellen Bechtel requested permission to Seek Bids for 2022-2023 Street Materials. This is for materials purchased through the Motor Fuel Tax Fund.

Council Member Mike Young motioned to grant permission to Seek Bids for 2022-2023 Street Materials. Seconded by Council Member Donte Moore. Yeas: Botch, Gliosci, Moore, Young, and Lewis.

City Manager Mary Ellen Bechtel requested permission to Seek Bids for Engineering of Storm Water Projects. This is for the Forest Avenue Storm Water Project (Estimated $250,000) and the 3rd and Main Storm Water Re-Route (Estimated $78,000). This is to reroute the storm water to get it away from the railroad.

Council Member Ray Botch motioned to grant permission to Seek Bids for Engineering of Storm Water Projects. Seconded by Council Member Mike Young. Yeas: Botch, Gliosci, Moore, Young, and Lewis.

City Manager Mary Ellen Bechtel requested permission for a Street Closure on Jordan Street between 11th and 12th Streets from 5:00 p.m. to 9:00 p.m. on the First Friday of Each Month from May 2022 through October 2022 for Monthly Cruise-in with the Elks. Requesting Party: Elks

Council Member Donte Moore motioned to grant permission for a Street Closure on Jordan Street between 11th and 12th Streets from 5:00 p.m. to 9:00 p.m. on the First Friday of Each Month from May 2022 through October 2022 for Monthly Cruise-in with the Elks. Requesting Party: Elks. Seconded by Council Member Joe Gliosci. Yeas: Botch, Gliosci, Moore, Young, and Lewis.

City Manager Mary Ellen Bechtel requested permission for a Street Closure on 10th Street between Newby to Bell, 7th to Forest/Dawson Park on Saturday, June 18, 2022 from 11:00 a.m. to 1:00 p.m. for the Juneteenth Parade.

Council Member Joe Gliosci motioned to grant permission for a Street Closure on 10th Street between Newby to Bell, 7th to Forest/Dawson Park on Saturday, June 18, 2022 from 11:00 a.m. to 1:00 p.m. for the Juneteenth Parade. Seconded by Council Member Donte Moore. Yeas: Botch, Gliosci, Moore, Young, and Lewis.


City Attorney David Leggans presented for Second Reading of an Ordinance to Raise Sewer Rates by Five (5) Percent. City Manager explained this is a result of the year end budget and moving into the next year’s budget. This does not get the sewer funds even, just helps with the fund. Staff recommendation is to approve the rate increase.

Reverend Ron Lash, audience member, asked if the rate increase was to help continue with the relining of the sewer lines and the work the City is currently doing or just to bring the existing work up to where the levels are. City Manager Bechtel explained that the rate increase is just for the operational budget. The increase is not for capital improvements. Capital improvements are from the Sales Tax Fund. Mayor Lewis advised that the water and sewer accounts were split three years ago, and it was found that there was a big deficit in the sewer account and the City was not collecting enough to cover the operational costs. The City decided to raise 5% last year, 5% this year and look at the account the third year to see where the account was. This was decided so that the citizens would not receive a 13% rate increase in one year.

Council Member Ray Botch motioned to approve Ordinance #2022-14, an Ordinance to Raise Sewer Rates by Five (5) Percent. Seconded by Council Member Mike Young. Yeas: Botch, Gliosci, Moore, Young, and Lewis.

City Attorney David Leggans presented a Resolution Approving Agreement between the City of Mt. Vernon and Local 738 International Association of Firefighters May 1, 2022 through April 30, 2026. City Manager Bechtel advised each Council Member had the new contract in their packet. It is a four (4) year contract, 4%, 3%, 3%, 3%, eliminates the perfect attendance days, adds one personal day, increases the stipend for holding EMS license from 4% to 4.5%, and pays out 75% of sick time at retirement (currently 50%).

Council Member Donte Moore motioned to approve a Resolution Approving Agreement between the City of Mt. Vernon and Local 738 International Association of Firefighters May 1, 2022 through April 30, 2026. Seconded by Council Member Ray Botch. Yeas: Botch, Gliosci, Moore, Young, and Lewis.

City Attorney David Leggans presented a Resolution to extend the Contract with Republic Services and the City an additional seventeen days, commencing May 1, 2022 and expiring May 17, 2022. City Manager Bechtel explained that we are still negotiating on language in the Contract. This extends service for two weeks.

Council Member Joe Gliosci motioned to approve a Resolution to extend the Contract with Republic Services and the City an additional seventeen days, commencing May 1, 2022, and expiring May 17, 2022. Seconded by Council Member Ray Botch. Yeas: Botch, Gliosci, Moore, Young, and Lewis.

City Attorney David Leggans presented for First Reading, an Ordinance to Increase the Garbage Service Rate. City Manager Bechtel explained thisincreases the sanitation fee for trash, recycling, yard waste and bulk pick up to $21.50 per month (from $19.00 per month). This charge has not been increased in 6 years. Due to fuel surcharges and increase in operations, it needs to be increased.

First Reading was held.

Reverend Ron Lash asked if Republic Services or the City is requesting the rate increase for the upcoming contract. City Manager Bechtel explained that Republic does have an increase in the contract, so the City is increasing the fees to cover the contract increase and the fuel surcharge. Reverend Lash asked if there are performance incentives in the contract. City Manager Bechtel explained that is what is being negotiated now.


Mayor John Lewis presented for the advice and consent of the City Council, the Reappointment of Kevin Sargent and Trent Page to the 911 Board.

Council Member Ray Botch motioned to accept the Reappointment of Kevin Sargent and Trent Page to the 911 Board. Seconded by Council Member Mike Young. Yeas: Botch, Gliosci, Moore, Young, and Lewis

Mayor John Lewis presented for the advice and consent of the City Council, the Reappointment of Mary Ellen Bechtel to the 911 Board.

Council Member Mike Young motioned to accept the Reappointment of Mary Ellen Bechtel to the 911 Board. Seconded by Council Member Joe Gliosci. Yeas: Botch, Gliosci, Moore, Young, and Lewis.

Mayor John Lewis presented for the advice and consent of the City Council, the Reappointment of Sheila Jolly-Scrivner and Mike Carbonaro to the Mt. Vernon Tourism Advisory Board.

Council Member Joe Gliosci motioned to accept the Reappointment of Sheila Jolly-Scrivner and Mike Carbonaro to the Mt. Vernon Tourism Advisory Board. Seconded by Council Member Mike Young. Yeas: Botch, Gliosci, Moore, Young, and Lewis.

Mayor John Lewis presented for the advice and consent of the City Council, the Reappointment of Mary Ellen Bechtel, Angela Moore, and Jamie Storey to the Minority Affairs and Human Relations Commission.

Council Member Joe Gliosci motioned to accept the Reappointment of Mary Ellen Bechtel, Angela Moore, and Jamie Storey to the Minority Affairs and Human Relations Commission. Seconded by Council Member Ray Botch. Yeas: Botch, Gliosci, Moore, Young, and Lewis.








Council Member Joe Gliosci motioned to adjourn. Seconded by Council Member Donte Moore. Yeas: Botch, Gliosci, Moore, Young, and Lewis.

The meeting was adjourned at 7:26 p.m.
