
North Egypt News

Sunday, February 23, 2025

City of Mason City Council met May 23

City of Mason City Council met May 23.

Here is the agenda provided by the council:

Call to Order

“Citizens” Opportunity to Address the Council of the City of Mason City

Karen Miller- fall festival

Approval of minutes

City Hall Concerns

Annual Appropriation coming up

Annual raises non-union employees


Annual public mtg on CSO and pollution prevention need to schedule

Emergent if needed

Water/Sewer department concerns

Change order #1 LeAnder Construction Well #8

Hiring- executive session

Emergent if needed

Street & Alley concern

Emergent if needed


Emergent if needed

Ordinance update, properties

If needed

Statements of General Concern from Council

Mayor’s remarks and concerns

Executive Session

5ILCS (C) (1) (2) Personnel

5ILCS (c) (1) (6) Personnel, property

