
North Egypt News

Sunday, February 23, 2025

Village of Dix Village Board met April 26

Village of Dix Village Board met April 26.

Here are the minutes provided by the board:

The Dix Village Board met for a special board meeting at the Dix Village Hall. Village President, Kurt Karcher, called the meeting to order at 7:01 P.M

Roll Call:

Trustees Present: Judy Bronson, Paul Ayers, Whitney Lipps, Tiffany Gentles, Sean Wilkey

Trustees Absent:

Officers Present: Village President - Kurt Karcher, Village Treasurer - Sharon Bean, Village Clerk, Village Clerk - Brandy Mount

Officers Absent:

Business Items:

Item #1: Accept Resignation of Village Employee, Shirley Wilson (Effective April 30, 2022).

Motion made by Paul Ayers to accept the resignation of Shirley Wilson Village Employee. A second to the motion was made by Judy Bronson.

Motion Carried: 5-0

Item #2: Announce Planned Resignation of Street and Alley Chair (To be announced at May meeting, Effective TBD)

No Motion Required:

Item #3: Approve Bid for Flooring at Community Center

Whitney Lipps received two quotes, one from One Stop Flooring for $10,494.79. The second bid came from Hamilton County Flooring for $11,551.30.

Tiffany Gentles made a motion to approve the bid from One Stop Flooring for $10,494.79. A second to the motion was made by Paul Ayers.

Motion Carried: 4-1 4 approved, 1 abstained

Item #4: Approve bid for Landscaping at Community Center

Whitney Lipps received a bid from 7 Acres Nursery for Community Center landscaping. A second to the motion was made by Tiffany Gentles.

Motion Carried: 5-0

Item #5: Review of Remaining Fiscal Year Budget and Existing Approved projects

Meadow Lane drain basins, Culvert breach on Washington St & Marshall St, potholes on

W. North. All projects will come out of MFT fund, $8,177.00. Remaining $3,785.00 in MFT.

Asphalt overlay on West St to Madison behind Yellin Hellen's. Bid from Jax Asphalt for $9392.00. Will come out of Non MFT, Street and Alley Repairs or Improvements.

No Motion Required:

Item #6: Discuss and Prioritize Additional Projects in Need of Bid Solicitation

Reviewed document from Paul Ayers for completed improvements/projects FY2023 potential / planned projects.

Item #7: Discuss and Prioritize Additional Projects to Budget for Next 1-3ys

Reviewed document from Paul Ayers for completed improvements/projects FY2023 potential / planned projects.

No Motion Required:

Item #8: Approve Purchase of Replacement Culverts Needed to Widen Entrance and Exit of Yellin Helen's

Motion was made by Whitney Lipps to purchase two culverts for Yellin Helens. A second to the motion was made by Tiffany Gentles.

Motion Carried: 5-0

Item #9: Approve West Street Asphalt Overlay Project

Motion was made by Whitney Lipps to table the item until next month's meeting. A second to the motion was made by Tiffany Gentles.

Motion Tabled:

Item# 10: Approve Immediate Payment for Initial Portion of Flooring and Painting Projects

A motion was made by Tiffany Gentles to pay $3,597.40 to Hamilton County Flooring, and $1,696.80 to Men in White for initial portion of the project. A second to the motion was made by Paul Ayers.

Motion Carried: 5-0

• Item# 11: Discussion of Credit Card or Bank Account Debit Card

Paul Ayers made the motion to setup a debit card and associate bank account with a debit card limit of $1,000 limit to be used by village employees. A second to the motion was made by Tiffany Gentles.

Motion Carries: 5-0

Item# 12: Miscellaneous

Sharon Bean - We donated to Popcorn Pete and we received free tickets.

Sharon Bean - Spectrum has torn up some things in the village, and want to make sure the board is aware.

Community will be closed from 5/23-6/19/2022 due to remodeling.

May meeting will have an extensive ordinance violation report.

Item# 13: Adjournment

A motion was made by Whitney Lipps to adjourn. A second to the motion was made by Sean Wilkey.

Motion Carried: 5-0

Meeting adjourned at 8:53 PM
