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Sunday, February 23, 2025

Sesser-Valier Community Unit School 196 Board of Education met June 13

Sesser-Valier Community Unit School 196 Board of Education met June 13.

Here are the minutes provided by the board:


A regular meeting of the Board of Education of Sesser-Valier Community Unit School District No. 196 was held in the High School Library at 6:00 PM. The meeting was called to order by President Megan Rounds.


Secretary Zimbro called the roll with the following result:

Members Present: Acosta, Barry, Menser, Rounds, Sample, Spence, Stacey

Members Absent: None

Staff Present: J. Henry, N. Page, L. Zimbro, K. Jones, R. Payne, B. Gunter

Visitors Present: Jackie Hoffard, Clark Lance, Mike Berry


Jackie Hoffard addressed the board with concerns that there are still unanswered questions after attending last month's meeting regarding dual credit/dual enrollment. Mrs. Hoffard gave board members and administrators handouts regarding licensure requirements for dual-credit course teachers.

Mike Barry addressed the board with his concerns that the district is not keeping up with other schools in regards to the dual credit/dual enrollment.


SEA: R. Payne reported on the recent activities and fundraisers including the upcoming Teen REACH field trips and Outdoorsmen Key West trip. The staff celebrated retirees Angela Bartoni and Mike Sample.

LABORERS' LOCAL 773: No report.

CUSTODIAL & MAINTENANCE SUPERVISOR: B. Gunter reported that his crew is very busy getting things ready for the upcoming school year.

K-8 PRINCIPAL: Mr. Jones, Elementary/JH Principal, presented the elementary/junior high information regarding the following to the board: Trust fund, upcoming events, recent activities, graduation and student registration.

H.S. PRINCIPAL: Mrs. Page, High School Principal, presented information regarding the following to the board: Trust fund, the high school graduation ceremony, special recognition for student achievements and upcoming activities and dates. Mrs. Page recognized members of the HS girls track team that went to state.

Mrs. Page gave the board updated information regarding students interested in retaking the SAT test following her recent, informal survey of high school students. Mrs. Page noted that students overall scores in Spring, 2022, were typical for SV scores.

Board Member Menser asked if any decision had been made regarding District reimbursement for Class of 2023 students who choose to re-take the SAT. Discussion among board members followed, and the majority consensus of the board was to not reimburse those costs..

Page informed the board that she had spoken with Rend Lake College officials on dual enrollment options, and they will be discussing that further once vacant teaching positions have been filled and teacher class schedules are tentatively set.

SUPERINTENDENT: Mr. Henry, Superintendent, presented the following information to the board:

1. The consent agenda for this month's meeting includes the following additional item(s):

• Approval of the FY23 regular board meeting schedule;

• Adoption of the FY23 district depository resolutions;

• Adoption of the FY23 prevailing wage resolution;

• Adoption of the FY22 amended district budget

2. As of this writing, the following teaching positions are open in the school district:

• JHS/HS English/Language Arts Team Teacher (HS Library)

• JHS/HS Boys Physical Education Teacher

• Elementary Classroom Teacher

The following extracurricular coaching/sponsorship positions are also currently open:

• HS Boys Basketball Coach

• JHS Boys Track Coach

• Outdoorsman Club Sponsor

3. A recent FOIA request (Bambrick, A.; Ballotpedia) and the District's response is attached for your information.

4. As of June 13, 2022, the following Fiscal Year 2022 payments are due & payable to the school district:

Total payments to date: $281,852.38 (98.54% of payments due-to-date for FY22)

Grand Total of Outstanding Fiscal Year 2022 State Payments (FY21 Claims; All 4 Quarters): $99,838.59


A motion was made by Stacey and seconded by Sample to approve the consent agenda, consisting of the minutes of the previous meetings: May 9, 2022 (Regular Meeting) and May 26, 2022 (Special Meeting); Treasurer's report; the bills in the amount of $323,975.23 and salaries in the amount of $388,138.57; adoption of Fiscal Year 2023 regular board meeting schedule; adoption of Fiscal Year 2023 district depository resolution(s); adoption of Fiscal Year 2023 prevailing wage resolution; adoption of Fiscal Year 2022 amended district budget, as presented.

Roll call voting was as follows:

Yeas: Acosta, Barry, Menser, Rounds, Sample, Spence, Stacey

Nays: None

There being seven (7) yeas and zero (0) nays, the president declared that the motion carried.




AUTHORIZATION FOR DISTRICT EMPLOYEE ASSISTANCE PROGRAM (COMPSYCH):A motion was made by Menser and seconded by Spence to approve the district employee assistance program (ComPsych), as presented.

Roll call voting was as follows:

Yeas: Barry, Menser, Rounds, Sample, Spence, Stacey, Acosta

Nays: None

There being seven (7) yeas and zero (0) nays, the president declared that the motion carried.

CLOSED SESSION: At 7:19 PM, a motion was made by Acosta and seconded by Barry to enter into closed session for the purpose of discussing the following exceptions to the Open Meetings Act:

a. The appointment, employment, compensation, discipline, performance or dismissal of specific employees of the public body (5 ILCS 120/20)(1), as amended by P.A. 93 57)

b. Collective negotiating matters between the public body and its employees or their representatives, or deliberations concerning the salary schedule for one or more classes of employees (5 ILCS 120/2(C)(2))

Roll call voting was as follows:

Yeas: Menser, Rounds, Sample, Spence, Stacey, Acosta, Barry

Nays: None

There being seven (7) yeas and zero (0) nays, the president declared that the motion carried.

RECONVENE FROM CLOSED SESSION: At 8:13 PM, a motion was made by Stacey and seconded by Acosta to reconvene from closed session.

Voting was as follows: All voted yea. There being seven (7) yeas and zero (0) nays, the president declared that the motion carried.


EMPLOYMENT OF JHS ENGLISH-LANGUAGE ARTS TEACHER (GRIDER, SIERRA): A motion was made by Stacey and seconded by Menser to employ Sierra Grider as JHS English Language Arts Teacher, subject to her successful completion of a required fingerprint-based criminal background check.

Roll call voting was as follows:

Yeas: Sample, Spence, Stacey, Acosta, Barry, Menser, Rounds

Nays: None

There being seven (7) yeas and zero (0) nays, the president declared that the motion carried.

EMPLOYMENT OF SPECIAL EDUCATION AIDE (BURGESS, DIANA): A motion was made by Stacey and seconded by Menser to employ Diana Burgess as special education aide (certified category), subject to her presentation of certification.

Roll call voting was as follows:

Yeas: Spence, Stacey, Acosta, Barry, Menser, Rounds, Sample

Nays: None

There being seven (7) yeas and zero (0) nays, the president declared that the motion carried.

ACKNOWLEDGEMENT OF EMPLOYEE RESIGNATION(S): A motion was made by Stacey and seconded by Menser to acknowledge the following employee resignation:

• Elementary Classroom Teacher: Alicia Van Zandt (effective at the conclusion of the 2021-2022 school year).

Voting was as follows: All voted yea. There being seven (7) yeas and zero (0) nays, the president declared the motion carried.

APPROVAL OF VOLUNTEER ASSISTANT COACH(ES) AND/OR SPONSOR(S) (PAGE, GULLEY, SIDES, NEACE, HOFFARD, LANCE, GUNTER, LANCE, KISELEWSKI, PAGE, LAUNIUS, WOOLSEY, MCMURRAY, WINGO, SEVERS, LANCE): A motion was made by Menser and seconded by Stacey to approve the following volunteer assistant coach(es) and/or sponsor(s).

• HS Girls Volleyball: Carlie Page, Audrey Gulley

• HS Boys Football: Rod Sides, Jonathan Neace, Clayton Hoffard, Jamie Lance, Eli Gunter, Jaden Lance

• JHS Girls Softball: John Kiselewski, Olivia Page

• JHS Boys Baseball: John Launius, Bryan Woolsey, Tim McMurray

• HS Girls Basketball: Mikala Wingo

• JHS Girls Basketball: Karson Severs

• JHS Boys Basketball: Jamie Lance

Voting was as follows: All voted yea. There being seven (7) yeas and zero (0) nays, the president declared the motion carried.

POSTING OF POSITIONS: A motion was made by Stacey and seconded by Spence to post the following position:

• District Language Arts/Media/Technology Team Teacher

Voting was as follows: All voted yea. There being seven (7) yeas and zero (0) nays, the president declared the motion carried.



Minutes of Regular Board of Education Meeting

ADJOURNMENT: A motion was made by Acosta and seconded by Menser to adjourn.

Voting was as follows: All voted yea. There being seven (7) yeas and zero (O) nays, the president declared that the motion carried.

The meeting adjourned at 8:16 PM.
