Bluford Unit School District # 318 Board of Education met July 21.
Here are the minutes provided by the board:
Vice President Jenny Sneed called the regular Board of Education meeting to order at 6:00 p.m. Upon roll call the following members were present: Angela Schrum, Katelyn Lewis, Doug Shafer, Crystal Marlow, and Jessica Case. Superintendent Dr. Shane Gordon, Principals Nicole Henson and Jamey Hodges and Kim McCormick were in attendance, Visitors were Travis Marlow, Cindy Birkner, Ashley Snow, Emily Schumm, and Amanda Strohschein.
Travis Marlow addressed the board on the sports issue and sports in grades 4-8th. Emily Schrum gave an update on the Webber FFA.
Motion: Case- “to approve agenda
Second: ." Lewis"
Action: Voice Vote: All Yeas: MOTION CARRIED.
Motion: Schrum- "to approve consent agenda." Second: Schafer Action: Roll Call Vote: YEAS; Schrum, Lewis, Shafer, Marlow, Case, and Sneed. MOTION CARRIED.
Motion: Marlow-"to go to executive at 6:22. p.m."
Second: Lewis
Action: Voice Vote: All Yeas: MOTON CARRIED.
Motion: Schrum- "to come out of executive at 7:30."
Second: Lewis
Action: Voice Vote: All Yeas: MOITON CARRIED.
Motion: Case- "to approve July personnel report."
Second: Marlow
Action: Roll Call Vote: YEAS; Schrum, Lewis, Shafer, Marlow, Case, and Sneed. MOTION CARRIED.
Motion: Schrum- "to approve Annual IDOT Resolution."
Second: Lewis
Action: Voice Vote: All Yeas: MOTION CARRIED.
Motion: Case- "to accept Prairie Farms Milk bid."
Second: Marlow
Action: Roll Call Vote: YEAS; Schrum, Lewis, Shafer, Marlow, Case, and Sneed.
Motion: Shafer- "to accept fuel bid from Synergy."
Second: Schrum
Action: Roll Call Vote: YEAS; Schrum, Lewis, Shafer, Marlow, Case, and Sneed. MOTION CARRIED.
Motion: Schrum-"to approve concession building project."
Second: Case
Action: Roll Call Vote: YEAS; Schrum, Lewis, Shafer, Marlow, Case, and Sneed. MOTION CARRIED.
Motion: Case - "to approve PRESS Policy Updates 109"
Second: Lewis
Action: Voice Vote: All YEAS: MOTION CARRIED.
Motion: Schrum-“to approve concession building project.”
Second: Case
Action: Roll Call Vote: YEAS; Schrum, Lewis, Shafer, Marlow, Case, and Sneed. MOTION CARRIED.
Motion: Case "approve JH sports consisting of 4-8th grade."
Second: Marlow
Action: Roll Call Vote: Yeas: Case, Marlow. Abstain: Shafer, Nay: Lewis, Schrum and Sneed. MOTION NOT CARRIED.
Motion: Schrum-"to approve JR sports of 5-8 grade expanding to 4th grade if necessary for numbers"
Second; Lewis
Action: Roll Call Vote: Yeas: Lewis, Schrum, and Sneed. Abstain: Shafer. Nays: Marlow and Case. MOTION CARRIED.
Motion: Shafer- "to adjourn at 7:42. p.m."
Second: Case
Action: Voice Vote: All Yeas: MOTION CARRIED.