
North Egypt News

Sunday, February 23, 2025

Bluford Unit School District 318 Board of Education met Nov. 15

Bluford Unit School District 318 Board of Education met Nov. 15.

Here are the minutes provided by the board:

Board President Steve Tate called the regular Board of Education meeting to order at 6:00 p.m. Upon roll call the following members were present: Crystal Marlow, Jessica Case, and Jenny Sneed. Angela Schrum arrived at 6:23. Doug Shafer on zoom, Katelyn Lewis on Zoom at 7:01. Superintendent Dr. Shane Gordon, Nicole Henson, Jamie Hodges and Kim McCormick were present. Visitors were Amanda Strohschein. 

Motion: Sneed- "to approve agenda." 

Second: Marlow 

Action: Voice Vote: All Yeas: 


Motion: Marlow- "to approve consent agenda." 

Second: Case 

Action: Roll Call Vote: Yeas: Marlow, Case, Sneed, Shafer and Tate. 


Reports were discussed from Jeff Dunaway on building, High school from Jamie Hodges, Grade School from Nicole Henson and superintendent report from Dr. Gordon. 

Motion: Shafer- "to go to executive at 6:23p.m." 

Second: Case 

Action: Voice Vote: All Yeas: MOTION CARRIED. 

Motion: Shafer- "to come out of executive at 7:01 p.m." 

Second: Case 

Action: Voice Vote: All Yeas: MOTION CARRIED. 

Motion: Sneed- "Approve November personnel report." 

Second: Case 

Action: Roll Call Vote: Yeas: Marlow, Case, Sneed, Shafer and Tate. 


Motion: Sneed- "Approve Option 3 2022 Tax Levy (GS. HS. Unit)." 

Second: Marlow 

Action: Roll Call Vote: Yeas: Marlow, Case, Sneed, Shafer and Tate. 


Motion: Shafer- "Approve Superintendent contract with Adam Cross." 

Second: Case 

Action: Roll Call Vote: Yeas: Marlow, Case, Sneed, Shafer and Tate. 


Motion: Sneed- "to adjourn at 7:06 p.m." 

Second: Schrum 

Action: Voice Vote: All Yeas: MOTION CARRIED.