
North Egypt News

Sunday, February 23, 2025

Minooka Community High School District 111 Board of Education met Feb. 15

Minooka Community High School District 111 Board of Education met Feb. 15.

Here are the minutes provided by the board:


The regular meeting was called to order at 6:00 p.m. by President Mike Brozovich. The meeting was held at Minooka  Community High School-Central Campus in the Library. A physical quorum was present with the following board members  answering roll call:  

                                         YES    NO 

• Mike Brozovich                 X 

• Dustin Heap                     X 

• Laura Hrechko                 X 

• Dee Crye                          X  

• Jim Grzetich                     X 

• Matt Shepard                            X 

• Terry Spivey                              X 

Additionally, present were: 

• Dr. Rob Schiffbauer        X 

• John Troy                        X 

• Dr. Phillip Pakowski        X 

• Kristi Boe                        X 

• Aubrey Knight                 X 

• Jamie Soliman                X 

• Michele Williamson         X 

The Pledge of Allegiance was recited. 


Aubrey Knight recognized the following students for their Eagle Scout Honor.  

Alyssa Norton, Trenton Marske, Nicholas Ulm, Benjamin Paugys, Nicholas Paugys, Adam Brooks 


Laura Schiavone, MCHS parent, expressed her concern regarding District #111 student discipline policies and referred to  the Public Act 99-0456. She requests the board to reverse her son’s discipline but also make adjustments to the current  student handbook, and discipline guidelines.  

Alex Ritchey, MCHS parent, request that the board review the discipline by a case-by-case basis considering the  individual circumstance of each incident. He feels the 10-day suspension was too extreme and would like the board to  consider lessening the suspension to avoid the social suspension.  


Strategic Plan Goal 3: 

The Strategic plan goal 3 was provided in the board packet for review. Kevin Murphy presented goal 3 which included  teacher/leadership retention rate, and staff satisfaction/certification. Andres Torres and Brad Dorick also spoke about the  development of the Mentor/Mentee program for all new staff. 

Connection Crew:  

MCHS Connection Crew presentation was provided in the board packet for review. Kristina Brown, Katie Cassidy along  with members of the Connection Crew gave an overview of how the leadership/mentoring program to freshman originated  as well as their volunteer involvement. Dr. Brown stated that the program is growing and explained the process for  recommendations, applications and training. Carter Wikoff, Quincy Harris, and Kennedi Thomas each spoke about the  program and the relationships the they have formed. She also provided positive feedback from students and teachers. 


Administrative reports were provided to the board members in the packets.  

Dr. Schiffbauer added that in the Governor’s State of the State address, he announced $350 million in evidence base  funding, it is a 5 % increase.  

He also informed that there is a new State Superintendent Tony Sanders formally from Elgin U-46 School District.  CONSENT AGENDA 

MOTION: by Hrechko, seconded by Heap, to approve the consent agenda as presented: 

A. Open Session Minutes 

1. January 11, 2023 – Committee Meeting  

2. January 18, 2023 – Regular Meeting 

B. Financial Reports 

1. Monthly Financial Reports 

2. Payment of Bills/Total 

3. Employee Payroll 

4. Imprest Fund Report/Total 

5. Activity Fund Report 

6. Treasurer’s Report (Cash/YTD – Exp/Rev) 

Voting Aye: Crye, Heap, Hrechko, Grzetich and Brozovich. Motion carried. Time: 6:51 p.m. 


Buildings and Grounds – Mr. Troy provided an update from the February 8th meeting.  

Finance – Mrs. Crye provided a Finance update from the February 8th meeting.  

Personnel – Mr, Brozovich stated a meeting was held on February 8th.  

GAVC – Mrs. Hrechko stated that monthly reports and Mr. Coppes Contract was discussed at the January 26, 2023  meeting.  

GCSEC - Dr. Schiffbauer reported that the GCSEC meeting was held on February 15, 2023. The transition house was  discussed and the current electric and gas meter issues. Dr. Schiffbauer is working with Mr. Sanburg to figure out why  there is an issue of the location of the meters. He added that is looks as though MCHS will host the Transition program for  the remainder of the school year.  


Educational Foundation Update:

The Educational Foundation update was included in the board packet for review. Dr. Schiffbauer stated the next meeting  will be March 21, 2023 

Purchase of Floor Scrubber: 

Additional quotes were provided in the board packet for review. Mr. Troy’s recommendation is to purchase a new floor  scrubbing machine through Kelsan in the amount of $17,276 with $14,734 being paid by the IPRF grant. There were no  objections and it is anticipated for approval.  


Approval of the Football Field LED Retro-Fit Project with Barton Electric in the amount of $237,400 as presented: MOTION: by Heap, seconded by Crye to approve the Football Field LED Retro-Fit Project as presented: Voting Aye: Heap, Hrechko, Grzetich, Crye and Brozovich. Motion carried. Time: 6:56 p.m.  

Approval of the Memorandum of Understanding with DLA as presented: 

MOTION: by Grzetich, seconded by Heap, to approve the Memorandum of Understanding with DLA as presented: Voting Aye: Grzetich, Crye, Heap, Hrechko, and Brozovich. Motion carried. Time: 6:57 p.m. 

Approval of the purchase and installation of Lenovo Desktop Computers in the amount of $28,652 with leasing from  American Capital in the amount of $7,933 per year over four years as presented: 

MOTION: by Grzetich, seconded by Crye, to approve the purchase and installation if Lenovo Desktop Computers in the  amount of $28,652 with leasing from American Capital in the amount of $7,933 per year over four years as presented: Voting Aye: Heap, Hrechko, Grzetich, Crye, and Brozovich. Motion carried. Time: 6:57 p.m. 

Approval of the purchase of 785 Chromebooks from Trafera in the amount of $226,865 and enter into a 4-year lease  agreement with American Capital in the amount of $61,558 per year as presented: 

MOTION: by Grzetich, seconded by Hrechko, to approve the purchase of 785 Chromebooks from Trafera in the amount  of $226,865 and enter into a 4-year lease agreement with American Capital in the amount of $61,558 per year  as presented: Voting Aye: Crye, Heap, Hrechko, Grzetich, and Brozovich. Motion carried. Time: 6:58 p.m. 

Approval of a 3-year contract with Quest Food Service, as presented subject to attorney review: 

MOTION: by Hrechko, seconded by Crye, to approve a 3-year contract with Quest Food Service, as presented subject to  attorney review: 

Voting Aye: Grzetich, Crye, Heap, Hrechko and Brozovich. Motion carried. Time: 6:58 p.m. 

Approval of the purchase of new floor scrubbing machine in the amount of $17,276 with $14,734 being paid by the IPRF  grant as presented: 

MOTION: by Hrechko, seconded by Crye to approve the purchase of new floor scrubbing machine in the amount of  $17,276 with $14,734 being paid by the IPRF grant as presented:

Voting Aye: Grzetich, Crye, Heap, Hrechko and Brozovich. Motion carried. Time: 6:59 p.m. 

Approval to renew a 6-year subscription for Spanish online instructional materials in the amount of $43,000 as presented: 

MOTION: by Crye, seconded Heap to approve the renewal of a 6-year subscription for Spanish online instructional  materials in the amount of $43,000 as presented: 

Voting Aye: Hrechko, Grzetich, Crye, Heap and Brozovich. Motion carried. Time: 6:59 


MOTION: by Crye, seconded by Heap to adjourn the meeting to executive session for the purpose of discussing matters  related to minutes, the appointment, compensation, discipline, dismissal, employment and performance of specific  employees of the district; individual student discipline; Kendall Power Assessment and collective bargaining.  

Voting Aye: Grzetich, Crye, Heap, Hrechko, and Brozovich. Motion carried. Time: 7:00 p.m. 


Time: 8:06 p.m. 


Closed Session Minutes 

MOTION: by Heap, seconded by Crye, to approve the closed session minutes as presented:  

• January 11, 2023 Committee Meeting 

• January 18, 2023 Regular Meeting 

Hearing no objections, the motion was approved. Time: 8:09 p.m.  



MOTION: by Grzetich, seconded by (inaudible), to accept the following resignation(s) as presented: 

Kelly Bielec – Cheerleading (Fall/Winter) – Head Coach – eff. 2/14/2023 

Johanna Fieldler – Cheerleading (Fall/Winter) – Assistant Coach – eff. 2/14/2023 

Peggy Clinton – Bus Aide – Transportation – eff. 2/10/2023 

Hearing no objections, the motion was approved. Time: 8:10 p.m. 


MOTION: by Grzetich, seconded by Heap, to approve the following leaves of absence as presented, pending receipt of  proper documentation.  

Shelly Kruse – Teacher – CTE – from approximately 1/24/2023 – 5/26/2023 Intermittent – under the Family Medical  Leave Act  

Hearing no objections, the motion was approved. Time: 8:10 p.m. 


MOTION: by Grzetich, seconded, by (inaudible) to approve a 1-year Contract for Emily Brown as the Athletic Director  for the 2023/2024 school year. Compensation and benefits are to be determined at a later date.  

Voting Aye: Crye, Hrechko, Grzetich, and Brozovich. Voting No: Heap. Motion carried. Time 8:10 p.m. 

MOTION: by Hrechko, seconded, by Heap to approve the employment of the following certified staff member(s) for the  2023/2024 school year as presented, pending proper paperwork and background check deemed favorable by the MCHS  #111 Administration:  

Alison Kelly – First Year Probationary Teacher – PE/Health/Drivers Ed. (BA/7 - $49,970.00) Bradley Kunz – First Year Probationary Teacher – PE/Health/Drivers Ed. (BA+15/12 - $60,392.00) 

Voting Aye: Heap, Hrechko, Grzetich, Crye and Brozovich. Motion carried. Time: 8:11 p.m. 

MOTION: by Hrechko, seconded by Grzetich to approve the employment of the following support staff member(s) as  presented, pending proper paperwork and background check deemed favorable by the MCHS #111 Administration:  

Kristy Rouskey – Campus Monitor - $17.36 per hr.  

Jennifer Gallardo – Bus Aide – Transportation - $58.92 per route 

Jen Omiecinski – Interventionist - $17.36 per hr.  

Voting Aye: Hrechko, Grzetich, Crye, Heap and Brozovich. Motion carried. Time 8:12 p.m. 

MOTION: by Hrechko, seconded by Heap, to approve the discipline for Donna Guinn as presented. 

Voting Aye: Grzetich, Crye, Heap, Hrechko, and Brozovich. Motion carried. Time: 8:12 p.m.

 Announcements and Communications 


MOTION: by Heap, seconded by Hrechko, to adjourn the meeting.  

Hearing no objections, the motion was approved. Time: 8:13 p.m. 
