Bethel Grade School District #82 Board of Education met April 26.
Here is the agenda provided by the board:
1. Call to Order and Roll Call
2. Approve the agenda and signing of the minutes of the regular meeting on March 23, 2023. (A)
3. Approve Bills, Payroll and Treasurer’s Report. (A)
4. Acknowledgment of B.E.A. Representative
5. Acknowledgment and comments of visitors.
6. Approve Canvassed Election Results. (A)
7. Appoint Board Members to Fill Vacancy. (A)
8. Adjourn Sine Die. (A)
9. Oath of Office for New Board Members. (A)
10. New Board Selects President Pro-Tem. (A)
11. New Board Selects Secretary Pro-Tem. (A)
12. Call to Order and Roll Call
13. Election of Board Officers (A)
a. President
b. Vice President
c. Secretary
d. Appointment of Treasurer
e. Appointment of Franklin-Jefferson Special Education Coop Governing Board Representative
14. Closed Session if Needed. (A)
a. The selection of a person(s) to fill a public office, as public office is defined in the Open Meetings Act, or to fill a vacancy in a public office when the public body is given the power to appoint under law. (5 ILCS 120/2)
15. Possible Closed Session Action. (A)
16. Oath of Office for any Newly Appointed Board Members
17. Set Dates, Times, and Location for Regular Meetings. (A)
18. Old Business
a. Progress update on the HVAC and Fencing Projects.
19. New Business
a. Set budget amendment hearing date and time. (A)
b. Approve Consolidated District Plan. (A)
20. Closed session
a. Information Regarding Appointment, Employment, Compensation, Discipline, Performance or Dismissal of Specific Employees (5ILCS120/2 (c) (1).
21. Possible Closed Session Action
22. Personnel
a. Employ a Bookkeeper/Treasurer to begin the 23-24 school year. (A)
b. Employ a Boys Basketball Coach. (A)
c. Employ a Girls basketball Coach. (A)
d. Employ a Softball Coach. (A)
e. Employ a Cross Country Coach. (A)
23. Superintendent’s Report
24. Adjourn (A)