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Sunday, February 23, 2025

Benton Consolidated High School District 103 Board of Education met April 20

Benton Consolidated High School District 103 Board of Education met April 20.

Here are the minutes provided by the board:

The Board of Education of the Benton Consolidated High School District #103 met in Regular Session on Thursday, April 20, 2023 at 5:00 P.M. in the District Board Room. President, Robin LaBuwi called the meeting to order.

Mark Dyel opened in prayer and Kenny Irvin led the Pledge of Allegiance.

Board members present: Robin LaBuwi, President; Mitch Bennett, Secretary; Robby Cockrum, Shane Cockrum, Mark Dyel, and Kenny Irvin. Board member absent: Marci Glover.

Others present: Benjamin Johnson, Superintendent; Sean Docherty, Principal; Ron Giacone, Board Attorney; Ronda Suver, Board Recording Secretary; Heather Mitchell, Curriculum/Technology Director; Jay Copple, Board Member Elect; and Cole Buchanan, Student Council Representative.


4.1 Appointment/Compensation/Discipline/Performance of Personnel

4.2 Collective Bargaining

Mitch Bennett made the motion to enter into Executive Session to discuss the Appointment, Compensation, Discipline, and Performance of Personnel and Collective Bargaining Matters. Robby Cockrum seconded the motion. Upon a roll call vote, all members present voted yes. Motion carried.

The Board; Benjamin Johnson, Superintendent; Ron Giacone, Board Attorney; and Ronda Suver, Board Recording Secretary entered into an Executive Session in the Executive Board Room at 5:02 P.M.

Open Session - The Board reconvened in an Open Session at 5:17 P.M. Mitch Bennett, Secretary called the roll. Answering present: Robby Cockrum -yes, Shane Cockrum – yes, Mark Dyel – yes, Kenny Irvin – yes, Robin LaBuwi – yes and Mitch Bennett - yes. Board member absent: Marci Glover.

Others present: Benjamin Johnson, Superintendent; Sean Docherty, Principal; Ron Giacone, Board Attorney; Ronda Suver, Board Recording Secretary; Heather Mitchell, Curriculum/Technology Director; Jay Copple, Board Member Elect; and Cole Buchanan, Student Council Representative.


5.1 Approve Minutes: Regular Board Meeting Minutes, March 23, 2023

Executive Board Meeting Minutes, March 23, 2023

5.2 Approve Financial Report (March 2023)

5.3 Approve Payment of Bills (March 2023)

5.4 Review/Approve Summer Camps/Conditioning Insurance Policy

5.5 Review 1st Reading Board Policy Updates Press Plus Issue 111

5.6 Approve Art Club Field Trip to City Museum/Zoo in St. Louis, MO April 28, 2023

5.7 Approve Establishment of BCHS Athletic Hall of Fame Activity Account

Kenny Irvin made a motion to approve the Consent Agenda as presented. Mark Dyel seconded the motion. Upon a roll call vote, members voted as follows: Robby Cockrum -yes, Shane Cockrum – yes, Mark Dyel – yes, Kenny Irvin – yes, Robin LaBuwi – yes and Mitch Bennett - yes. Motion Carried.


Mr. Johnson gave the following updates:

• Project Update

• Financial Update

• Breakfast/Lunch Program Update

• Possible Wrestling Program Coop with Sesser-Valier Update

Written reports from Principal Docherty and Assistant Principal/AD Miller were given.



8.1 Approve Activity Account Expenditures Kenny Irvin made a motion to approve the expenditure from the Softball Activity Account as presented. Mitch Bennett seconded the motion. Upon a roll call vote, all members present voted yes. Motion carried.


9.1 Assignment of Personnel Shane Cockrum made a motion to accept the resignation from Aaron Webb as physical/fitness/weight room supervisor. Kenny Irvin seconded the motion. Upon a roll call vote, all members present voted yes. Motion carried.

Shane Cockrum made a motion to accept the resignation from William Woodside as boys’ assistant basketball coach. Kenny Irvin seconded the motion. Upon a roll call vote, all members present voted yes. Motion carried.

Kenny Irvin made a motion to reassign Chelsea Webb as a volunteer assistant volleyball coach. Robby Cockrum seconded the motion. Upon a roll call vote, all members present voted yes. Motion carried. Kenny Irvin made a motion to reassign Beth Buntin as a volunteer assistant volleyball coach. Shane Cockrum seconded the motion. Upon a roll call vote, all members present voted yes. Motion carried. Mitch Bennett made a motion to assign Teresa Stacey to the musical costume/props stipend position. Kenny Irvin seconded the motion. Upon a roll call vote, all members present voted yes. Motion carried. Kenny Irvin made a motion to assign Ralph Hamilton as a volunteer bass fishing coach. Shane Cockrum seconded the motion. Upon a roll call vote, all members present voted yes. Motion carried. 9.2 Employment of Personnel Mark Dyel made a motion to employ Brandi Kay as a teacher for the 2023-24 school year. Kenny Irvin seconded the motion. Upon a roll call vote, all members present voted yes. Motion carried.

9.3 Review/Approve Posting of Open Positions Kenny Irvin made a motion to authorize the administration to post the following positions as available for summer 2023: part-time summer secretary as needed, part-time custodian as needed, summer driver’s education teacher as needed, and summer student maintenance workers. Shane Cockrum seconded the motion. Upon a roll call vote, all members present voted yes. Motion carried.

Mitch Bennett made a motion to authorize the administration to post the position of district bookkeeper as available. Kenny Irvin seconded the motion. Upon a roll call vote, all members present voted yes. Motion carried.

9.4 Review/Approve Graduation Request Shane Cockrum made a motion to approve the graduation request as presented. Robby Cockrum seconded the motion. Upon a roll call vote, all members present voted yes. Motion carried.

9.5 Review/Approve MOU with Cafeteria Employees to Add a Food Service Director Annual Stipend Kenny Irvin made a motion to approve the MOU with the Cafeteria Employees to add a food service director annual stipend as presented. Shane Cockrum seconded the motion. Upon a roll call vote, all members present voted yes. Motion carried. A copy of this MOU has been attached to and made a part of these minutes.

10. RESCHEDULE ORGANIZATIONAL MEETING IF NEEDED Mitch Bennett made a motion to reschedule the board organizational meeting to April 25, 2023 at 5:00 P.M. Kenny Irvin seconded the motion. Upon a roll call vote, all members present voted yes. Motion carried.

11. BOARD OF EDUCATION REMARKS Kenny Irvin commented on positive feedback he has received concerning recent hires at BCHS.

12. ADJOURNMENT/CONTINUATION At 5:33 P.M., Robby Cockrum made a motion to continue the meeting to 5:00 P.M. on April 25, 2023. Kenny Irvin seconded the motion. Upon a roll call vote, all members present voted yes. Motion carried.
