
North Egypt News

Sunday, February 23, 2025

Community High School District 99 Parent-Teacher Advisory Committee met April 19

Community High School District 99 Parent-Teacher Advisory Committee met April 19.

Here are the minutes provided by the committee:

The Parent-Teacher Advisory Committee, Community High School District 99, met at 6:01 p.m. on Wednesday, April 19, 2023 at South High School in the Library.

The following were present: Board Members Mike Davenport and Jennie Hagstrom; Scott Wuggazer, Assistant Superintendent for Student Services; Gina Ziccardi, Associate Superintendent for Student Learning; Kelly Zuerner and Karen Taylor, Associate Principals; Michelle Bodi and Patrick Fleming, PATH Coordinators; and Juli Gniadek, Secretary.

There were 13 visitors. A copy of the Visitor Roster is attached.


Scott Wuggazer welcomed everyone and thanked them for coming. He invited attendees to ask questions at any time. Mr. Wuggazer acknowledged Board members Jennie Hagstrom and Mike Davenport, who he noted would be arriving later. Those in attendance introduced themselves.

Mr. Wuggazer shared he would be sending out a Google Form after the meeting if anyone had additional questions or comments. He emphasized the feedback received at these meetings is very valuable and changes in school programming have resulted from the feedback.


Michelle Bodi, South High Coordinator, and Patrick Fleming, North High Coordinator, shared the PATH (Pause, Ask, Think, Heal) Program is an intervention used in place of out of school suspension with an overall goal of reducing repeat offenses. They explained the Program does the following: keeps students in school; helps students repair relationships; provides students with other supports available in the building; and includes 4-6 week follow up checks with the students. Ms. Bodi and Mr. Fleming provided in school intervention data and PATH data from the past several years.

Mr. Wuggazer noted the increase in numbers entering the PATH Program was expected since the District moved away from out of school suspensions. Ms. Zuerner pointed out that students who, in the past, would have received a five or ten day out of school suspension are now assigned to the PATH Program for three days. She did state, when it is unsafe for a student to be in school, the student may receive an out of school suspension.

Scott Wuggazer expressed appreciation to the Board of Education for increasing the PATH Coordinator positions from part time to full time at both buildings next year.


Table groups reviewed proposed Student Handbook language around student cell phone use and reported out on their discussions. Comments offered included: out of sight is best; takes away from teacher time; communication needs to go to parents and students; it is the students' responsibility to use cell phones appropriately; earbuds are also an issue; 95% of students use their phones appropriately; and the feeder schools require cell phones to remain in book bags or lockers.


Scott Wuggazer reviewed data associated with IEP students Discipline Code violations, noting there has been an increase in B Code incidents.


Gina Ziccardi stated the Consolidated District Plan is required by ISBE to be submitted annually by districts that receive grant funding. She reported a local needs assessment is done, which involves looking at 9th grade on track data, graduation rates, SAT scores, chronic absenteeism and first semester grade data. A key takeaway from the data is that disproportionality exists among different groups, according to Gina Ziccardi. Ms. Ziccardi shared interventions that are in place and/or will be implemented next year include: an SAT prep class; Home to School Liaisons, Student Success Coordinators; increasing the PATH Coordinators to full time positions in both buildings; increased English Leaner support; and a full time Spanish speaking Home to School Liaison.


Mr. Wuggazer thanked everyone for attending and reiterated he would be sending out a Google Form for any additional comments or suggestions guests would like to offer.


The meeting concluded at 7:34 p.m.
