
North Egypt News

Sunday, February 23, 2025

City of Mt. Vernon City Council met May 1

City of Mt. Vernon City Council met May 1.

Here are the minutes provided by the council:


Roll call showed present: Council Member Ray Botch, Council Member Joe Gliosci, Council Member Mike Young and Mayor John Lewis. Absent: Council Member Donte Moore.


The Journals for the April 13, 2023 City Council Workshop and the April 17, 2023 Regular City Council Meeting were presented for approval.

Council Member Ray Botch motioned to approve the Journals as presented. Seconded by Council Member Joe Gliosci. Yeas: Botch, Gliosci, Young, and Lewis. Absent: Moore.




The Consolidated Vouchers for Accounts Payable were presented to the Council for approval.

Council Member Mike Young motioned to approve the Consolidated Vouchers for Accounts Payable in the amount of $671,588.63. Seconded by Council Member Joe Gliosci. Yeas: Botch, Gliosci, Young, and Lewis. Absent: Moore.

Regular City Council Meeting Monday, May 1, 2023


Mayor John Lewis introduced Deputy City Clerk Becky Barbour to conduct the swearing in of newly re-elected City Council Member Raymond P. Botch, Jr.


City Manager Mary Ellen Bechtel presented the Bid Results for Fireworks. There was only one bidder, J & M Displays. The City has used J & M Displays before. Staff recommendation is to award this to J & M Displays in the amount of $35,000 per year for three years.

Council Member Ray Botch motioned to grant permission to accept the Bid Results for Fireworks from J & M Displays in the amount of $35,000 per year for three years. Seconded by Council Member Joe Gliosci. Yeas: Botch, Gliosci, Young, and Lewis. Absent: Moore.


City Manager Mary Ellen Bechtel requested permission to Accept Proposals for Janitorial Services. It is time to accept proposals for janitorial services for City buildings including the new Police Station, which will begin in July. The contract has expired, the needs have changed, and the City needs to have a new contract in place before July 1.

Council Member Mike Young motioned to grant permission to Accept Proposals for Janitorial Services. Seconded by Council Member Ray Botch. Yeas: Botch, Gliosci, Young, and Lewis. Absent: Moore.

City Manager Mary Ellen Bechtel requested permission to Seek Bids for a New Bucket Truck. This is for a small bucket truck. The delivery will be in 2025, 24 months from the actual order, so the bidding process needs to get started.

Council Member Mike Young motioned to grant permission to Seek Bids for a New Bucket Truck. Seconded by Council Member Joe Gliosci. Yeas: Botch, Gliosci, Young, and Lewis. Absent: Moore.

City Manager Mary Ellen Bechtel requested permission to Waive Bidding and Purchase New Playground Equipment for Optimist Park. This is to replace the playground equipment that was removed from Optimist Park that was considered dangerous. The City would be utilizing the “Source Well” State of Illinois Purchasing Program through Hutchinson Recreation & Design. The proposal is $99,750. A copy of the design was included in the Council packet.

Council Member Joe Gliosci motioned to Waive Bidding and Purchase New Playground Equipment for Optimist Park in the amount of $99,750. Seconded by Council Member Mike Young. Yeas: Botch, Gliosci, Young, and Lewis. Absent: Moore.

City Manager Mary Ellen Bechtel requested permission to Seek Bids for the 2023-2024 Easement Clearing Project. This is a continuation of the easement clearing program for water or sewer lines that are located in hard to access areas. This makes it easier for the City to access, locate and fix any problems that may arise.

Council Member Ray Botch motioned to grant permission to Seek Bids for the 2023-2024 Easement Clearing Project. Seconded by Council Member Mike Young. Yeas: Botch, Gliosci, Young, and Lewis. Absent: Moore.

City Manager Mary Ellen Bechtel requested permission to Seek Bids for 2023-2024 Parking Lot Sealing Project. This is to seal various parking lots owned by the City which includes Brennan Klein Field, City Hall, and the Post Office.

Council Member Mike Young motioned to grant permission to Seek Bids for the 2023-2024 Parking Lot Sealing Project. Seconded by Council Member Joe Gliosci. Yeas: Botch, Gliosci, Young, and Lewis. Absent: Moore.

City Manager Mary Ellen Bechtel requested permission to Seek Bids for the 2023-2024 Asphalt Overlay Project. In addition to the list below, 7th Street from Route 15 to the CSX Evansville Railroad Crossing has been added to this list.

Council Member Joe Gliosci motioned to grant permission to Seek Bids for the 2023-2024 Asphalt Overlay Project. Seconded by Council Member Mike Young. Yeas: Botch, Gliosci, Young, and Lewis. Absent: Moore.

City Manager Mary Ellen Bechtel requested permission to Seek Bids for Street Materials for In House Street Projects. The list of projects is shown below.

Council Member Ray Botch motioned to grant permission to Seek Bids for Street Materials for In-House Street Projects. Seconded by Council Member Mike Young. Yeas: Botch, Gliosci, Young, and Lewis. Absent: Moore.

City Manager Mary Ellen Bechtel requested permission to Request Proposals for Real Estate Agent Representation for 200 Potomac Boulevard. This is to begin the process of selling the Municipal West Building. FGM inspected the Municipal West Building last year to identify any structural issues to maintain the building. There were exterior issues with the outside finish coat, caulk and sealant cracking throughout, roof issues, cracked and damaged walls due to water saturation, and mildew staining. There were also many interior issues including the lobby lighting, floor slab settling, mildew and mold growth present in several locations, and mechanical issues with the HVAC causing poor humidity and temperature control throughout the building. The estimated cost to repair this building was $1.8 million to $2.5 million dollars. It was also discussed with FGM how to optimize the underutilized parts of the building and to do that and the needed repairs, the estimate was $3.5 million dollars. Holland reviewed this estimate, and they agreed with the proposal from FGM. The City’s recommendation is to put the Muni-West Building up for sale. The City will request proposals that include experience, cost, plan for advertising, etc. Mayor Lewis added that the Muni-West Building does not work in today’s environment with the City’s needs.

Council Member Joe Gliosci motioned to grant permission to Request Proposals for Real Estate Agent Representation for 200 Potomac Boulevard. Seconded by Council Member Ray Botch. Yeas: Botch, Gliosci, Young, and Lewis. Absent: Moore.

City Manager Mary Ellen Bechtel requested permission for a Street Closure on 9th Street between Main and Harrison on June 9, 2023, from 5:00 p.m. to 9:30 p.m. for a CASA Fundraising Event. Staff recommendation is to approve the street closure. Requesting Party: CASA of Jefferson County.

Council Member Mike Young motioned to approve the Street Closure on 9th Street between Main and Harrison on June 9, 2023 from 5:00 p.m. to 9:30 p.m. for a CASA Fundraising Event. Requesting Party: CASA of Jefferson County. Seconded by Council Member Joe Gliosci. Yeas: Botch, Gliosci, Young, and Lewis. Absent: Moore.

City Manager Mary Ellen Bechtel requested permission to Accept Proposals for Services to Apply for EPA Brownfields Community-Wide Assessment Grant. She explained that the Brownfields Program has been funded to a high level for the next four years. This Grant would cover creating an inventory of properties that may have some environmental contamination that prevents the development or redevelopment of the property. It also funds the Phase 1 and Phase II environmental investigation of the properties. This includes municipal property and can include private property if the owner chooses to participate. This program is NOT designed to require any further action than the study of the property to identify contamination and is NOT used by EPA to take action. There is no match to these grant funds and the City would like to engage a company to do the grant writing, inventory and investigation of any property that can be included in this program within the incorporated limits of the City of Mt. Vernon. The application period is for 30 days in September. It is important if the City would want to participate to get this started as soon as possible. Council Member Joe Gliosci inquired as to the maximum amount of the grant. City Manager Bechtel stated the maximum is $50,000.

Council Member Joe Gliosci motioned to grant permission to Accept Proposals for Services to Apply for EPA Brownfields Community-Wide Assessment Grant. Seconded by Council Member Mike Young. Yeas: Botch, Gliosci, Young, and Lewis. Absent: Moore.


City Attorney David Leggans presented for First Reading of an Ordinance Fixing the Salaries and Benefits of Certain City Employees. City Manager Mary Ellen Bechtel explained that this is something the City is required to do annually. The salary ranges include non-union employees only.

Council Member Ray Botch made the motion to suspend the rules and take action on the Ordinance, an Ordinance Fixing the Salaries and Benefits of Certain City Employees. Seconded by Council Member Mike Young. Yeas: Botch, Gliosci, Young, and Lewis. Absent: Moore.

Council Member Mike Young motioned to approve Ordinance #2023-21, an Ordinance Fixing the Salaries and Benefits of Certain City Employees. Seconded by Council Member Ray Botch. Yeas: Botch, Gliosci, Young, and Lewis. Absent: Moore.

City Attorney David Leggans presented a Resolution Approving an Agreement Between the City and SSM Health Good Samaritan Hospital. City Manager introduced Monica Heinzman from SSM Health Good Samaritan Hospital to explain the Agreement. This Agreement supports a federal program called 340B. This Agreement is part of the eligibility process for access to the 340B drug discount program related to service for low income and indigent individuals. SSM Hospital serves a significant number of indigent individuals. In order to qualify for the program, the Hospital has to have an Agreement with a government entity that states that the Hospital will be providing indigent care to people that come to the facility. The past Agreement is old, signed by a previous Mayor, and the hospital’s legal counsel reviewed the Agreement and it needed to be updated and signed by the current Mayor. There is no cost or commitment to the City of Mt. Vernon. Staff recommendation is to approve the Agreement.

Council Member Ray Botch motioned to approve the Resolution Approving an Agreement Between the City and SSM Health Good Samaritan Hospital. Seconded by Council Member Joe Gliosci. Yeas: Botch, Gliosci, Young, and Lewis. Absent: Moore.

City Attorney David Leggans presented a Resolution Relating to Participation by Elected Officials in the Illinois Municipal Retirement Fund. City Manager Mary Ellen Bechtel explained that this allows any of the eligible elected officials that might want to participate in the Illinois Municipal Retirement Fund to have the opportunity to participate.

Council Member Joe Gliosci motioned to approve the Resolution Relating to Participation by Elected Officials in the Illinois Municipal Retirement Fund. Seconded by Council Member Ray Botch. Yeas: Botch, Gliosci, Young, and Lewis. Absent: Moore.

City Attorney David Leggans presented a Resolution to Use Motor Fuel Tax for In-house Road Improvements. City Manager Mary Ellen Bechtel stated that this is the form that goes to the Illinois Department of Transportation that allows the City to use Motor Fuel Tax funds for road improvement expenses.

Council Member Joe Gliosci motioned to approve the Resolution to Use Motor Fuel Tax for In house Road Improvements. Seconded by Council Member Mike Young. Yeas: Botch, Gliosci, Young, and Lewis. Absent: Moore.

City Attorney David Leggans presented a Resolution to Use Motor Fuel Tax for Contracted Road Improvements. City Manager Mary Ellen Bechtel stated that this will go to the Illinois Department of Transportation, and it allows the City to use Motor Fuel Tax funds for contracted road improvements.

Council Member Mike Young motioned to approve the Resolution to Use Motor Fuel Tax for Contracted Road Improvements. Seconded by Council Member Joe Gliosci. Yeas: Botch, Gliosci, Young, and Lewis. Absent: Moore.

City Attorney David Leggans presented a Resolution Accepting Lease Termination Agreement of a Lake Miller Lease between the City and Kelly Robinson and Angela Robinson. City Manager Bechtel stated that the lessees requested to terminate their lease for this property. This is unimproved property. Staff recommendation is to approve the lease termination.

Council Member Mike Young motioned to approve the Resolution Accepting the Lease Termination Agreement of a Lake Miller Lease between the City and Kelly Robinson and Angela Robinson. Seconded by Council Member Joe Gliosci. Yeas: Botch, Gliosci, Young, and Lewis. Absent: Moore.

City Attorney David Leggans presented a Resolution Approving a Change Order forthe New Police Department Furniture with Egyptian Workspace Partners. City Manager Mary Ellen Bechtel explained that it has been determined that the work to deliver and install the furniture at the new Police Department is subject to prevailing wage. This is a change order to cover that at a cost of $12,250.00.

Council Member Ray Botch motioned to approve the Resolution Approving a Change Order for the New Police Department Furniture with Egyptian Workspace Partners. Seconded by Council Member Joe Gliosci. Yeas: Botch, Gliosci, Young, and Lewis. Absent: Moore.

City Attorney David Leggans presented a Resolution Approving a Change Order with Holland Construction Services. City Manager Mary Ellen Bechtel stated that this change order is for expenses above the contract for the office trailer, heating the facility during construction, and for the increase in the dumpster expenses. Staff recommendation is to approve the change order in the amount of $35,934.06.

Council Member Ray Botch motioned to approve the Resolution Approving a Change Order with Holland Construction Services. Seconded by Council Member Joe Gliosci. Yeas: Botch, Gliosci, Young, and Lewis. Absent: Moore.


Mayor John Lewis presented for the advice and consent of the City Council the Appointment of Sierra Daniels to the Minority Affairs and Human Relations Board.

Council Member Ray Botch motioned to accept the Appointment of Sierra Daniels to the Minority Affairs and Human Relations Board. Seconded by Council Member Mike Young. Yeas: Botch, Gliosci, Young, and Lewis. Absent: Moore.

Mayor John Lewis presented for the advice and consent of the City Council, the Appointment of Manny Ortiz to the Mt. Vernon Housing Authority.

Council Member Mike Young motioned to accept the Appointment of Manny Ortiz to the Mt. Vernon Housing Authority. Seconded by Council Member Joe Gliosci. Yeas: Botch, Gliosci, Young, and Lewis. Absent: Moore.

Mayor Lewis asked for an update on the lead pipe survey. City Manager Mary Ellen Bechtel gave an update stating there have been 4,049 surveys returned. This is 57.29% of responses. There will be an additional final notice sent out to those who have not yet returned the survey. Mayor Lewis asked that anyone who has not sent in the survey to please send it in.








Council Member Joe Gliosci motioned to adjourn. Seconded by Council Member Mike Young. Yeas: Botch, Gliosci, Young, and Lewis. Absent: Moore.

The meeting was adjourned at 7:42 p.m.
