City of Sesser City Council met May 11.
Here are the minutes provided by the council:
The regular meeting of the Sesser City Council was held on Thursday, May 11, 2023. It was called to order by Mayor Ashmore at 6:30 PM. Prayer was led by David Bates. The pledge of allegiance was said and the mayor asked for Veterans to remain standing and thanked them for their service.
Clerk Stacey called the roll--Rose Bochantin--here, Dana Laur--here, Wayne Shannon--here, Travis Zettler--here, David Bates--here, Jeff Hamburger--here.
A motion was made by David Bates and 2nd by Dana Laur to approve the minutes for the regular meeting in April. All those in attendance were in favor of the motion. Motion carried.
The newly elected Aldermen were sworn in by Clerk Stacey. Those sworn in were: Jeff Hamburger—2 year term, David Bates—4 year term, Rose Bochantin—4 year term, Travis Zettler—4 year term.
Agenda Item #3
Matt Tosh explained the Sanitary Sewer System for Rend Lake/USACE notice of award. A motion was made by Wayne Shannon and 2nd by Travis Zettler to approve the notice of award for the Sanitary Sewer System for Rend Lake/ USACE contingent upon the USACE approval to the low bidder Wiggs Excavating in the amount of $1,397,640.00. All those in attendance were in favor of the motion. Motion carried.
Agenda Item #4
Matt Tosh explained the Water System Improvements Phase 2–Contractors pay estimate Bill #8. A motion was made by Travis Zettler and 2nd by David Bates to approve the Water System Improvements Phase 2– Contractors pay estimate #8 to Wiggs Excavating for the amount of $17,944.00 for work completed. All those in attendance were in favor of the motion. Motion carried.
Agenda Item #5
Matt Tosh explained the Water System Improvements Phase 2–construction engineering bill #8. A motion was made by David Bates and 2nd by Jeff Hamburger to approve the Water System Improvements Phase 2– construction engineering bill #8 to Brown and Roberts for $3,026.65. All those in attendance were in favor of the motion. Motion carried.
Agenda Item #1–TIFs
Mayor Ashmore explained the TIF agreement TJ Parrish for the old Sesser Monument property. A motion was made by David Bates and 2nd by Jeff Hamburger to approve the TIF project with TJ Parrish to renovate the home on the property for 10% of the total eligible costs, but not to exceed payment of $5,000.00. All those in attendance were in favor of the motion. Motion carried.
Agenda Item #2–no annexations.
Agenda Item #6
Mayor Ashmore presented the employee raises for this year. A motion was made by David Bates and 2nd by Rose Bochantin to approve the City of Sesser Employee raises as presented (see attached)—approximately 6% per employee. All those in attendance were in favor of the motion. Motion carried.
Agenda Item #7
Mayor Ashmore explained the library board appointments. A motion was made by Wayne Shannon and seconded by David Bates to appoint Tiffany Sulcer, Raymond Scott, Debbie Bradley, Joyce Hodge, Sheral Slack and Bethany Garner for 3 year terms and Patti Utley for a 1 year term. All those in attendance were in favor of the motion. Motion carried.
Agenda #8
Mayor Ashmore, Beccky Cherry and Suzann Johnson explained the new idea/vision of the library. They would like to hire Chasity Gossett as the assistant director, Nancy Hulfachor as a library assistant and Becky and Suzzanne would stay on as directors, but would work less hours once Chasity and Nancy are trained. A motion was made by Travis Zettler and 2nd by Dana Laur to approve the hiring of Chasity Gossett as full time assistant director of the library at $15.00 per hour/up to 40 hours per week and Nancy Hulfacre at $13.00 per hour as a fill in hourly library assistant. All those in attendance were in favor of the motion. Motion carried.
Agenda Item #9
Mayor Ashmore and Janette Dilliner explained Janette going to the IMTA conference. A motion was made by Wayne Shannon and seconded by Jeff Hamburger to approve to approve Janette to attend the IMTA conference at a cost of $717.56. All those in attendance were in favor of the motion. Motion carried.
Agenda Item #10
Mayor Ashmore explained the need to transfer funds from the APP account to the DCEO Opera House grant account—move approx.. $125,000.00. A motion was made by Dana Laur and seconded by Travis Zettler to approve the transfer of funds from the APP account to the DCEO Opera House Grant account in the amount of $125,000.00. All those in attendance were in favor of the motion. Motion carried.
Agenda Item #11
Mayor Ashmore explained the raise in water and sewer rates. A motion was made by Jeff Hamburger and 2nd by David Bates to approve the new water/sewer rates as presented (see attached)—Effective date will be June 1st. All those in attendance were in favor of the motion. Motion carried.
Agenda Item #12
Mayor Ashmore explained that the water/sewer department is in need of an employee. A motion was made by Travis Zettler and 2nd by David Bates to approve posting for a water/sewer department employee. All those in attendance were in favor of the motion. Motion carried.
Agenda Item #13
Mayor Ashmore explained the FOP memorandum of understanding. This would make the starting wage for a police officer $21.00 per hour. A motion was made by David Bates and 2nd by Jeff Hamburger to approve the FOP Memorandum of Understanding to correct the typo of $20.50 per hour to $21.00 per hour as the starting wage for officers and this would be retroactive to May 1, 2023. All those in attendance were in favor of the motion. Motion carried.
A motion was made by Rose Bochantin and 2nd by Jeff Hamburger to approve the bills as presented. All those in attendance were in favor of the motion. Motion carried.
A motion was made by Travis Zettler and 2nd by Dana Laur to approve the treasurer’s report. All those in attendance were in favor of the motion. Motion Carried.
A motion was made by Travis Zettler and 2nd by Jeff Hamburger to approve the police report as presented. All those in attendance were in favor of the motion. Motion carried.
A motion was made by David Bates and 2nd by Jeff Hamburger to approve the code inspector’s report. All those in attendance were in favor of the motion. Motion carried.
A motion was made by David Bates and 2nd by Jeff Hamburger to approve the tourism report. All those in attendance were in favor of the motion. Motion carried.
A motion was made by Travis Zettler and seconded by Wayne Shannon to approve the Library Director’s Report. All those in attendance were in favor of the motion. Motion carried.
Public comment/questions:
Attorney Bigler—not in attendance.
Travis noted that the Mouse Derby raised $4,000.00 for the Opera House.
Mayor and Travis thanked everyone who came out to the Mouse Derby and those who worked it as well.
Travis informed everyone that his daughter had initiated and scheduled an Earth Day town wide clean up on Saturday May 13, 2023, Modern Woodsman was providing payment for cookies for all those who helped.
A motion was made to adjourn the meeting at 7:32 PM by David Bates and 2nd by Jeff Hamburger. All those in attendance were in favor of the motion. Motion carried.
Adjourned at 7:32 PM.